Work Life

Maintaining A Prosperity Consciousness No Matter What


Are you one of those people who have difficulty with uncertainty? Perhaps you have a fear of the unknown or become influenced by all the fear-based messages that seem to bombard us at every turn.

Imagining worse case scenarios only heighten anxiety and stress when we lack information. Worrying doesn’t bring answers to allay concerns. We only make ourselves more miserable. Putting too much attention on expecting the worst only amplifies the potential to attract more of what you don’t want into your life.

The best response to worry and fear is having trust and faith that you are where you are supposed to regardless of the situation you face. No matter what is happening in your life, the one power you always retain is your attitude.

Fears, worry, negative thinking, beliefs about lack….create constriction rather than expansion. We begin thinking,“Ok, what do I need to do to create more…money, clients, time….?” If we feel a sense of urgency, we can literally feel the stress and tension building up in our bodies and begin problem-solving to manage the situation. Making important decisions from fear rather than calm clarity rarely goes well.

Yes, I know that all sounds great and we are human after all. Slapping a big grin on your face and always being upbeat and happy 24/7 is unrealistic. To me being fully alive is feeling the full scope of emotions.

One of the best ways to navigate through uncertainty and remain in the flow is to focus your attention on the abundance in your life rather than the potential loss of things. Fear and negative thinking creates more constriction and struggle. It’s a decision to remain in faith, trust, and gratitude or tumble into the darkness of fear down to despair. Are you up to standing strong in your faith?

During troubling times we find out the stuff we are made of – courage, resilience, creativities, tenacity…. I remember a period in the early 1980’s when my life seemed to fall apart and I plunged into a depression. I was always the go-to person who held it all together and I was falling apart. While this was one of the most painful times in my life, it represented a life-defining moment. It was the first time in my life I ever really prayed and it was the beginning of a deeper conscious awakening to find out who I really am.

Stop listening to all the doom and gloom messages that suck the hope out of life. Choose to see each experience as a learning and healing opportunity, one that can lead to possibilities beyond your wildest imagination. Things are not always what they appear……Our faith and trust in ourselves, others, and the Universe is POWER.

Focus on all that is rich in your life – friends, colleagues, loved ones, pets, accomplishments, things you have created, nature……. Invite all that is truly meaningful and joyful to take center stage in your heart and mind. Life is full of unpredictability and you can flow with each experience, succumb to the negativity, or fight against it which can create more resistance.

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