
Liberty Auto Protection Phone Number Offering Vehicle Protection Plans With Great Benefits

Whether you are buying a new car or already own an old one, auto protection plans are something you need to consider thoughtfully both to protect your vehicle and to ensure your own peace of mind.

As we know, all vehicle owners are legally required to have collision coverage. However, the fact is that less than 10 percent of collision insurance plans are ever used. On the other hand, auto protection plans provide coverage for various costly parts of your vehicle. So, when you have some or other type of auto protection plan for your car, you get to save many mighty dollars when those expensive repair needs arise.

The importance of having auto protection coverage is again apparent from the fact that more than 80 percent of auto or vehicle protection policyholders end up using their coverage.

Keep it in mind, however, that auto insurance companies provide different types of coverages. There are comprehensive coverages as well as selective coverages. The first type will normally cover all or most of your vehicle parts whereas, under selective policies, particular components of a vehicle are covered.

So, know your own requirements well before you decide on one or other of these policies. For example, if you’ve had too many flat tires within a relatively short period of time, a road-hazard tire warranty will be beneficial for you. Cars running in areas where roads are covered with too many debris normally face this hazard, so a tire warranty is a good option for car-owners living in such areas.

Again, for older cars, engine coverage is a useful one. The engine is the most important component of a vehicle and by having it insured, you can save yourself from paying many expensive repair bills in the future.

So, just as it is important to choose the right coverage for your car, it is just as important that you choose the right insurance provider—a reliable business with a clean and proven track record. In other words, a company with whom you can rest assured that your rightful claims will be reimbursed without any hassle whatsoever.

Liberty Auto Protection, a BBB accredited business, is one such top company in the auto insurance industry. The company provides a wide range of policies designed to meet the requirements of all kinds of motorists.

Currently, the company offers six different auto protection plans—Elite Exclusionary Plan, Royal Select Plan, Premier Plan, Classic Plain, Powertrain Plan, and the Basic Plan. The Elite Exclusionary Plan covers each and all components of your vehicle save wear and tear items such as upholstery, light bulbs, and paint. On the other end of the spectrum, you’ve got the Basic Plan, mostly suitable for older vehicles, that provides coverage for the engine only.

Depending on your needs, you can choose any of the aforementioned plans for your vehicle. In addition to their track record and great reliability as a business, the Liberty Auto Protection offers some other great benefits as well. These include transferable coverage, an unlimited number of claims during the whole length of the coverage, nationwide coverage at all licensed dealerships or repair facilities and more.

Also, once a repair is done, you don’t need to pay from your pocket and then wait for reimbursement from the company. All you need to do is give a call to the company and once it is authorized that the damaged part is covered, the repair mechanic will be directly paid by the company either by check or via a credit card over the phone.

So, if you feel you need a new auto insurance policy for your vehicle, there is no reason why you shouldn’t get in touch with one of the company representatives and request a free quote. The customer representatives can be reached at Liberty Auto Protection phone number 800-599-9557.