Success Attitude

How to Get a Job in a Competitive Field

Landing a new job is a challenge no matter who you are, where you live, or what you’re trying to accomplish. Still, it must be said that some jobs are harder to attain than others. Indeed, certain fields are so competitive that even qualified, talented professionals with experience may struggle to find a position to match their abilities. And of course, trying to get a new job when the market as a whole is depressed is even more difficult. With all that in mind, today we’re going to explain how ambitious professionals can break into a crowded industry and secure their dream job. Check it out here:

Acquire the Hard Skills

First thing’s first: most lucrative positions require a certain level of knowledge and expertise. This means that applicants have to have a firm grasp of the hard skills necessary to do the job. For instance, a Spanish-to-English translator must be able to understand different dialects and accents; a scientist working in a lab must know how to handle sophisticated equipment like 2 ml cryovials –– and so on. The good news is that dedicated pros can always go back to school to bolster their education, should they need to develop new skills to land a better job. 

Sweat the Small Stuff

In many instances, small details separate the most successful individuals from the rest of the pack. The difference between getting an interview with an influential business leader and getting a rejection letter could boil down to a few key lines or phrases on your resume. As such, job-seekers in competitive fields should ensure that everything about their presentation –– from their resume, to their cover letter, to their personal website, and even their wardrobe selection –– is unimpeachable. 


It’s a cliche, but who you know in business does really matter almost as much as what you know. Building relationships takes time, and networking can sometimes feel unnatural or forced. Yet, cultivating a good rapport with others in your field will help you advance your career and climb the corporate ladder. Bottom line: don’t be afraid to play the long game here!


Everyone struggles from time to time. Even if you do everything right, you could have to wait five, ten, or even twenty-plus years to finally reach your most desired professional goals. The key is learning how to persevere during the difficult moments. Picking yourself up after a setback won’t be fun, but if you manage to keep your eyes on the prize and maintain a positive attitude, you’ll achieve great things soon enough.