Sales & Marketing

How to Create Marketing Content When You’re Out of Ideas

It happens to the best of us. You find yourself staring at a blank page, unable to write anything that sticks. All the usual tricks don’t work, and you finally reach the conclusion you’ve been trying to avoid the whole time: you’re out of ideas. Now, this isn’t as bad as it sounds. Marketers who create content regularly will eventually exhaust typical strategic plays like blogs, social-media posts, and email threads. The fact that you’ve made a ton of marketing material over the years is actually great news, and it can help you fashion new ideas in a pinch. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting the job done under adverse conditions:

Think Outside of the Bubble 

Don’t roll your eyes just yet. Yes, thinking outside the box is a worn-out cliche that isn’t going to help you build content at all. It’s too abstract to provide any value. However, we as marketers often stick to the things we know and don’t often venture outside of our personal “bubble” (also known as the dreaded “echo chamber”). When you’re low on fresh blog ideas it’s time to move outside of that comfort zone and see what else is going on in the rest of the world. Look for current events that tie in to your product or service. Even a tangential connection is okay. Furthermore, seeing how rival companies handle their content creation can help inspire your own team.


The next time you feel stuck on a project, remember that you’re sitting on a potential gold mine of good ideas. Getting extra mileage out of compelling content pieces from years gone by is a tremendous way to bust out of writer’s block. Consider combining a series of successful blog posts into a pillar page. Or else, think about repurposing a dynamite social media post into an email thread. Keep in mind that this is YOUR content –– so don’t feel bad about using it again. It’s one of the keys to constructing a marketing campaign that will last the test of time.

Switch Media 

Does your team currently use video? If not, then it’s probably high time to start now. That’s because videos are not only engaging, but also provide the perfect way to transfer old content to a new, more exciting medium. After all, what’s more likely to grab your attention: a blog post about how a hiring a party bus company will improve your evening out, or a video of actual customers riding a party bus and having a blast. That’s just one example, but note all businesses and professionals of varying skill levels can use videos to create new content in a jam. You don’t have to be Steven Spielberg to make an effective video for your business.