Home-Based Business

Home Biz Myths Debunked

home-biz-myth.jpgPowerHomeBiz: Be careful of myths and misconceptions about home business management presented as gospel truth! Many of these myths are as widely held as they are wrong.
Many entrepreneurs, when they start out, are so full of confidence and positive energy that no problems can stand in the way. However, in the course of starting, running and selling small businesses, it is somehow inevitable that mistakes will be made.
Minimize your mistakes by looking at the knowing myths and misconceptions with healthy skepticism about home business management presented as gospel truth.
Myth 1: A home-based business has no overhead costs.
Myth 2: I will not need childcare if l work from home.
Myth 3: If I have a home business, I will have time to clean house, continue to volunteer at church and school, cook delectable meals, taxi the kids to all their activities, and have a meaningful, personal relationship with a “significant other.”
Myth 4: I have a great idea that I know will make me lots of money, and I hope to start it next week.
Myth 5: If I work from home, I can be much more casual in both how I dress and how I treat my customers.
The Truths about Home-Based Businesses [PowerHomeBiz]