Home-Based Business

Four Ways to Save Time When Working From Home

saving-time.jpgDo you ever feel like twenty-four hours in a day isn’t enough? I frequently find myself wishing that I had an extra hour or two each day to get done all of the things on my task list. With small children still at home, I am constantly getting distracted from my home-based business to attend to their needs. It has become imperative to use the time that I have to work efficiently. I have found a few ways to use my work time more effectively and I’m willing to share a few of my secrets with you.

First, don’t answer the phone every time it rings.

If your phone rings constantly while you are trying to work, let your answering machine act as your personal assistant. Check you Caller ID and if you don’t recognize the number or know that you can return the call at a later time, let the caller leave a message.

Schedule a time each day or every other day that you will set aside to return phone calls. Try to keep each phone call short if possible, so that you are able to return all calls. Whenever possible, offer to email the person any requested information to save time rifling through paperwork or searching your office.

Second, use your email program wisely.

Set up a spam filter so that you won’t have to dredge through useless emails each day. Use the folders, labels and other tools provided to file your emails in a way that works for you. I set up a folder for each common type of email that comes through – payments, forms, correspondence, etc – and file each email that I receive. This keeps my inbox tidy and allows me to easily find emails when I am ready to handle it. Also, when I’m working on a project for my business I close my email program. This keeps me focused on the project at hand.

Another email shortcut that I use is to mark important emails with a flag or star depending on the email program. I use this only for emails that require a response. I read through my emails each morning and sort, flag and delete as necessary. When I go back through my email later in the day I go to the marked emails first and respond to as many as possible. I then move through the folders and take care of any emails that are awaiting.

Third, organize your office.

Keep the top of your desk neat and take the time every few weeks to go through your drawers and files and clean them out. Throw away the paperwork that you no longer need and find a new home for any useless items that have collected there. I keep a business card holder on my desk to use as a quick reference when I need someone’s contact information. I also use a letter hold to keep track of bills and a set of bookends to keep my reference books handy.

If you are a sticky-note fanatic like me take a moment at the end of each day and transfer your notes to your calendar or planner. The more sticky notes you can eliminate each evening, the more time you’ll have to accomplish important tasks the next morning.

Hire a VA

Finally, if your business has grown to a level where you can no longer handle all of the necessary tasks on your own, consider hiring a virtual assistant (VA). Most virtual assistants will allow you to hire them hourly per project, so that you are able to stay within your business’s budget. Virtual assistants can handle most any task – from updating your website to sending out press releases about your business. One of the best things that I have done for my business is to hire a VA. Her help gives me the freedom to work more efficiently and have time to spend on other things.

There are many ways to use your time for effectively when working from home. Use the tools that you have at your fingertips to help you get more work done in less time. Don’t get bogged down trying to do everything – know when you need assistance. By keeping yourself focused on the task at hand you’ll save more time than you can imagine.

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9 replies on “Four Ways to Save Time When Working From Home”

Hi Jill:
Great advice – I can really relate! This is my first year working from home and it’s a real challenge… Hiring a VA has been a lifesaver for me. I use BSetc. out of Canada. ( They’re great. I’d be curious to hear who other entrepreneurs are using, as well. In addition, I use a Virtual Bookkeeper, as well. It’s tough to make the investment when you’re just starting out, but it pays off in the long run – Because, then, I can focus on the big picture… Thanks again for your ideas!

Very good article. I work at home and my some days my phone drives me crazy. How funny that I never thought to just let it ring when I’m busy!
Thanks so much!
Ruth Lanham

Very sound advice indeed!! I endeavour to keep to my DMO as much as possible, which assists my time management skills.
My business is booming and my office is now very workable. I still love answering my business phone so am not very good at ‘letting it ring’!
I truly appreciate this article,
Bec Stewart

Great blog post! I can relate as well. I’m always looking for new ways to save time. Since my home based business has grown, I have cut traveling cost. I no longer have to travel far to meet up with my clients for weekly meetings. I’m currently using free conference calling and video conferencing from This has saved me both time and money.

Nice post. I couldn’t agree more about email. This is a monster that needs taming or it will eat up lots of your time and reduce your productivity. It’s a double edged sword, we all need it to operate today, online or off, but it can also be a great time eater. I use to lose hours reading junk mail. Now I’m more disciplined and delete mail I didn’t ask for.

I’ve worked from home for years with young children, and we’ve been really lucky with because our kids have been thoroughly involved in all parts of the business, including chosing products, designing artwork etc. It helps because it’s a kids party business so they find it very easy to relate to.

But my tip of advice is to make sure that your family understand and appreciate that you’re working and what you’re working on. Many family members think that as you’re at home, you’re “on-tap” for whatever needs and demands that they may have.

Set clear boundaries for family time. And ignore the PC/Phone during this time.

And my number 1 tip for working at home when you’ve got kids is to be realistic and plan the school holidays. They will never keep themselves quietly amused whilst you try and work, so avoid the rows and the frustration and split the day into times that you’ll be with them, and go out and do something for them that they enjoy, and times when you work. And if this means you go noturnal for a few weeks, then so be it, its a heck of a lot better for family relationships than muddling through.

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