
Why a Plan B Could Be Keeping You Small

Years ago, I heard Catherine Ryan Hyde speak at a writer’s event. Catherine is the author of the book Pay It Forward, which was made into a movie starring Kevin Spacey.

There was one thing she said that always stuck with me, although it was only recently that I finally fully understood it.

When she decided she was going to pursue a career as a fiction writer, her mother told her NOT to have a Plan B.

What? Don’t have a Plan B? But, isn’t that the responsible, grown up thing to do?

What if you don’t make it? And you don’t have a Plan B? Then what?

So, first off, I’m not advocating you run off and risk everything to follow your dreams. If you have a family depending on you, it may not make sense to simply quit your job and start trying to make it as a painter. It can be very smart to work on your dream on the side while you continue to provide for your family. I’m a big believer in building bridges to your next opportunity rather than burning down everything you spent years building.

Instead, I want to encourage you to look at how you’re showing up for your dream.

The problem with Plan Bs, is they can give you an excuse to not go for it. Oh, everything is pretty comfortable right now. I’m making good money and I don’t hate what I’m doing. Do I really have the time to work on my dreams?

As I’ve been talking about a lot on my past Flip Its, if you’re committed to your success, you’re going to have to walk through the fire of your emotions and face your shadows. There’s no short cut. And, it’s not pretty. Or fun. Or comfortable.

And you know what’s the best part of a Plan B?

You don’t have to do any of that.

Your Plan B is safe. Comfortable. No stretching outside your comfort zone or doing things you don’t want.

And when you’re in the middle of it, when it feels awful, your Plan B can look awfully tempting.

That’s why a Plan B may be keeping you small. Because it’s offering you the easy choice.

No sitting in your uncomfortable emotions. No looking at your shadow.

In fact, your Plan B doesn’t require you to do anything you don’t want to do.

Except …

Give up your dream.

If you’re willing to do that, then maybe your Plan B is exactly right for you.

But, if giving up your dream feels like you’re giving up your soul, then maybe ditching your Plan B is the best thing you can do.

It may feel awful when you initially do it. But, it may also be the biggest gift you give yourself.

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