Success Attitude

Do You Make It Look Easy?

Did you ever noticed how some people make even the most difficult task look easy?

You know what I mean?

The trapeze artist simply flies through the air with a gentle smile on her face.

The musician makes heavenly sounds that make us laugh and cry.

The teacher explains the most difficult concepts and we understand.

I used to wonder, is it just practice, practice, practice?

When I was seven years old, I started learning the piano.  I went to classes once a week and practiced every day.  Every year I was entered into a National competition and once a year I sat an exam.

I was never a great pianist.  I could play and I enjoyed it but I was never a great pianist and I never made it look easy.

Practice helps, but it takes more than that.

It takes a combination of talent and passion.

Neither one is enough by itself.

If you have talent but are not particularly interested…it won’t work.

If you have passion but no particular talent, you can be a great spectator, a great supporter.

But to make something brilliant look easy, you have to have talent, passion AND practice, practice, practice.

Here’s the thing though, we all have talents and passion.  Every single person can do something exceptionally well.  Have you found what yours is?

Just today my friend told me he left his well-paying career to become a school teacher; it was a calling, it means the world to him. I’m sure he makes it look easy!

Last week, I was given the gift of a story about a woman’s commitment to compassion and charity. She makes it looks easy.

In the background, I can hear one of my favorite musicians singing his beautiful heart out, as if we all could do it! He makes it look SO easy!

What is your special talent?  Where is your passion?

It doesn’t have to be something grand. It doesn’t have to be magnificent. It just has to be you. The essence of you. The story of you.

And when you find it, tell the world. That’s your gift, and ours too!

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