Work Life

How to Avoid Back and Neck Injuries in the Workplace

If you’re like most people across the globe, you hear about others hurting themselves at work because of falls, slips, car accidents, or other problems, and think “that won’t happen to me.” Unfortunately though, workplace injuries, particularly ones to the back and neck, are incredibly common, with more than a million people each year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, having to take time off from their job because of them.

While you might work in an office and feel like your risk of injury is very low, it’s important to keep in mind that you can be at risk of injury in any type of setting. If you want to keep your back and neck (and that of your team’s, if applicable), in good shape, read on for some tips you can follow today to increase safety in the workplace.

Use Ergonomic Equipment and the Right Posture

If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, one of the most important things you can do to keep your back and neck safe from harm is to use ergonomic equipment. In particular, find a desk that is the right height for you, so that you don’t have to stretch your arms or legs to work.

If possible, consider using a stand-up desk so that you don’t end up sitting for so many hours of the day; and find a good chair that is set up just for you. To be sitting in an ergonomic position, your feet should be flat on the floor. The height of the chair should ensure that your thighs can angle down slightly, with your weight on your “sitting bones,” rather than your lower back needing to be rounded and your shoulders and neck slumping forward.

When it comes to your keyboard, this also needs to be at just the right height. Position it so that when your elbows are bent at an approximately 90-degree angle, you don’t have to slump your shoulders to touch the keys. If the tray is too low, you’ll end up hunched over all the time. Your mouse should sit at the same level as the keyboard, as should a drafting pad if you use one.

To stop your chin from jutting forward, you probably need to put your monitor higher. The bottom of it should be at roughly the level of your chin (this can vary slightly depending on the size of the monitor you’re using) and ensure that you end up looking straight ahead at the screen, not down.

If your computer is a laptop, it is beneficial to have a separate monitor set up on your desk that you can use to look at, rather than the smaller, and lower, screen. Also, try to avoid spending lots of time answering emails or doing other work on cellphones and tablets. Always make sure the monitor you’re looking at is centered too, so that you’re not ending up with your head slightly off-center for hours at a time.

Don’t forget too, that you need to take regular breaks so that your neck and back can have a chance to rest. This doesn’t just refer to people sitting at a desk, but also those using vibrational equipment, working with their arms out or above their heads, bending over frequently, and the like. Take time out to stretch your body, blink, and move about.

Keep Workspaces Clean, Tidy, Dry, and Free of Hazards

It is also important to note that many people hurt their back or neck at work because they slip, fall, or because a heavy item falls on them. To stop this from happening, you must do everything you can to keep workspaces clean, tidy, dry, and free of hazards. If spills ever occur, or sticky substances land on the floor, make sure you mop them up straight away so that they don’t cause people to slip. Put up a sign warning people of wet floor surfaces, too.

You should take a look around at your workspace to see what hazards are on the floor that could cause people to trip or fall. Keep an eye out for things like boxes, pets, stacks of books, and the like. As well, ensure that all items which are stored above people’s heads are secure, so that they don’t fall down and hit people.

If large, heavy, or bulky items need to be moved, don’t try to do so by yourself. This is a very common reason why people end up with strained or sore muscles and tendons in their back and neck. Instead, engage the assistance of a co-worker, or utilize aids such as forklifts and wheelbarrows. As well, be wary of lifting or carrying items in cramped spaces or anywhere where you find you have to twist or contort yourself, as this can cause damage.

What to Do If You Get a Workplace Injury

If you hurt your back or neck on the job, make sure you record the circumstances of your injury. Note down when and where it happened, any witnesses to the event, and what harm came to you. Also keep a record of visits to doctors and test results.

You may want to consider seeking legal representation so that you can put in a compensation claim to your employer. If so, choose apersonal injury experts, such as these Houston injury attorneys, so that you receive the best advice possible.

Work Life

4 Ways to Squeeze in Fitness Activities for Entrepreneurs

In between running your business and taking care of your family, you might not have any time left for yourself. This is the most common problem faced by entrepreneurs. They tend to be very serious about running their business that they start forgetting about their physical fitness. As a result, they gain a lot of weight. Before they know it, they already face serious health issues.

This is something that you have to avoid. There is no point in being a successful business owner if you can’t enjoy what you have worked hard for. You don’t just work for money. You work because you want to enjoy everything that life has to offer. Therefore, no matter how busy you are, you need to find a way to squeeze in physical activities. Here are some important tips to ensure that you stay physically active amid your busy schedule.

1.      Always find a way to hit the gym

The most common excuse of entrepreneurs is that they are too busy at work that they can no longer squeeze an hour to hit the gym. This is not an acceptable excuse though. There are a lot of successful business owners out there who can still spend time hitting the gym. It is just a matter of motivation. If you think of gym time as an investment for your health, you will be inspired to keep going. Besides, there are different activities that you can do inside the gym. If you don’t like weight lifting, you can always take Zumba classes. There are tons of fun activities to motivate you to workout. Another workaround can be found via on-demand fitness classes, which allow you to workout at your leisure with next to no equipment, with remote coaching. You can partake from the comfort of your home or hotel room.

To sum this up – “when there’s a will, there’s a way”.

2.      Don’t let business travel stop you

Another problem with entrepreneurs is that they have business trips all the time. They need to visit different countries to meet with clients. If this is something you have to face, they key is discipline. Make sure that even if you are traveling, you eat on time. You also have to sleep on time. If you are staying in a hotel without a gym, take some time running around the corner. You can do this in the morning before meeting your clients. You can also do simple exercises like pushups and sit ups. They don’t require a lot of space, but they can help burn fats.

3.      Create a schedule

When you are always on the go, you might start forgetting what you need to do. In your mind, you have a task to accomplish related to your job and you have to finish it. The key is to start creating a schedule. You need to stick to it no matter what happens. You even have to stop doing your job if your schedule says it is time for you to exercise. If you are caught in the middle of a meeting, you have to set your exercise for another time, but as a penalty, you have to double the time.

4.      Track your level of progress

As an entrepreneur, you definitely love numbers. You can put it into good use by tracking the progress you have made related to health and fitness. You can wear fitness trackers so you will know how much calories you have burnt or how many steps you have taken. This will motivate you to do more. It also makes you feel good because you know that even if you spend most of your time at work, you are still burning fats. Don’t forget to focus on physical activities though as they help you achieve your fitness goals better.

In short, you no longer have an excuse for not being fit. There are a lot of business owners out there who also have a lot on their plate. Despite that, they remained committed in staying healthy. You should also do the same. It also helps if you get more ideas from Les Mills, a trusted name in health and fitness.

Work Life

How to Mess Up Your Househunting Mission in Four Easy Steps


There’s no doubt that househunting is one of the hardest, as well as the most exciting, things you’ll ever do. It can be stressful, frustrating and at times just plain terrifying, but if you’re searching for a new home, you can make your life easier by avoiding these four common mistakes. You can easily fall prey to one or more of them, so learn to spot these tendencies before you even visit those Canary Wharf estate agents!

You get emotionally attached to the wrong place

This tends to happen to the more inexperienced buyers, although it can strike seasoned ones, too. Once an emotional attachment is made to a property, it can prove very hard to leave it behind. Sometimes, missing out on that special house can haunt you forever and spoil the enjoyment of the house that you do eventually go on to buy and live in.

A good way to avoid this trap is by sticking strictly to your price range. If you stray over it, then you will probably have to let the place go to someone with more money (ouch). You could of course tell yourself that you can afford that extra £15,000, but remember, it’s an extra £15,000 and all the interest it’ll generate over the years.

Being indecisive or taking too long to ponder things

The property market moves pretty fast, so don’t prevaricate over making an offer. If you like a place and you have your finances good to go, make an offer. If you need to, you can always withdraw it, although don’t do this too often. If you tarry, you could lose your ideal house, as well as your buyers, and end up back where you started.

Having too many requirements and being inflexible

Having a huge must-have list, as well as a huge must not-have list makes for very difficult househunting. This inflexibility can prevent you from exploring options that are only slightly out of your optimum range. Look at places that don’t 100% fit the bill and think about how you could close the gap. Maybe it’s a brilliant house but it’s a couple of minutes outside of your ideal area; really, so what? Have a look around the neighbourhood and see if you can get a feel for it and its advantages. You might find somewhere in your ideal area but it lacks a downstairs bathroom – could you convert the big under-stairs cupboard into a wet room?

Being way too over-optimistic

Of course having a can-do, go-getting attitude is a real asset, but when it comes to property, it’s only really useful if you actually can do whatever it is. If you fall in love with a house that’s in an advanced state of disrepair, or needs major building work to make it fit in with your needs, then it might not be possible. Can you spare the time? Do you have the money? Are you likely to get planning permission for the extension?

As hard as it can be, sometimes you simply have to let a place go – there’ll always be somewhere else.


Work Life

Monday Morning Musing — The Illusion

Monday Morning Musing — The Illusion

I’m cooking up something pretty big over here (details to come later this summer — I’m aiming for July) but in the meantime….whoa mama!Musings_02

It’s fascinating to me how quickly you forget about the power of Resistance and the Illusion…and how surprising it feels when Resistance and the Illusion smacks you in the face when you’re getting ready to uplevel your business and your life. It’s not like I haven’t been at this rodeo before, but yet every time somehow feels like the first time. (And not in a good way.)

Right now, what seems to be having it’s way with me is the Illusion.

I first heard about the Illusion through Lisa Sasevich (and, in fact, I pulled a Backstage Pass clip from her recent Speak-to-Sell LIVE where she beautifully shares her experiences with the Illusion from the stage — yes, even someone has successful as Lisa Sasevich runs into the Illusion from time to time).

The Illusion is what happens when you’re getting ready to make a leap in your business (or your relationships, health, life) and “crap” starts popping up all over the place. This “crap” can range from frustrating annoyances, like you rush over to the dry cleaner to pick up the clothes you want to pack for an event, only to find out the dry cleaner is running late and won’t have your clothes done until after your flight is in the air — or it could be something bigger like a major illness.

Typically what makes the Illusion the Illusion is all the crap seems to be lining up to prevent you from taking that next step you know in your gut you need to take. So, going back to the business trip, the dry cleaner doesn’t have your clothes ready, you get to the airport and your flight is cancelled, and as you’re scrambling around looking for a new flight, your husband calls you at his wits’ end with the kids fighting, a burned dinner and now the dog just threw up in the middle of the living room.

It’s a very human response if, at this point, you’re ready to throw in the towel and go home.

Maybe you even think “this is a sign from the Universe that I really shouldn’t go.”

And this is precisely when you need to stop, take a deep breath, and realize what’s probably going on is the Illusion is having its way with you.

Now, that’s not to say you aren’t dealing with very real issues. It is quite real that your flight is cancelled and your husband is overwhelmed and unhappy and would probably prefer you to come home. But, the story behind what’s going on is an Illusion.

Although to us it feels like a preponderance of evidence that we shouldn’t be doing what we’re doing, chances are it’s not. You’re not thinking about how you immediately figured out a backup option to the dry cleaning issue, and the backup may be better then what you originally planned, or how you were able to effortlessly clear your schedule so you’ll be able to focus 100% of your attention on the event, or how you had no problems driving to the airport and finding the perfect parking place. All of those things could be signs that you are absolutely on the right path.

But all we’re seeing is the negatives. And that’s probably because we’re terrified about the step we’re taking and we’re looking for reasons to not take that step.

I’ll talk more about what to do when you are in the grip of the Illusion (including more about my own Illusion) in future blog posts, but for now, I just want you to know if you recognize yourself here, just know you’re not alone.

And be gentle with yourself. The Illusion can be a bitch. But if you keep telling yourself it IS just an Illusion, it’s amazing how quickly you can start to see through it.

Work Life

5 Tips For Keeping Your Employees Safe And Healthy


Think of your employees as your children, even though some might be older than you. It’s quite nerve-wracking to think about them being struck with illness or getting into a workplace injury. Not only does this curtail your company’s growth by zapping productivity levels but can also lead to substantial costs to cover medical bills. So, how do you keep your employees-slash-children safe and healthy while at work?

Create a Safe Environment

Safe environments are organized and free of clutter. Too little space to move around in and too much unnecessary stuff lying around can restrict employees from making steady and safe range of motions. It puts them closer to injury, regardless of how safe they attempt to move. Create a safe environment by doing regular rounds yourself to identify places that are safety hazards and resolve them quickly.

Respect Human Limitations

Humans are not equipped to work 60 to 80 hours per week. Not only is this irresponsible on your part as the manager or business owner, but it may also be illegal in some places. Establish the standard 40 hour work weeks that many other companies do, and leave overtime hours as optional for people who want to earn extra. Acknowledge and respect the fact that people tire out physically and mentally at a certain point, so try not to reach that point.

Light Up the Place

Be environmental-friendly, but avoid obstructing vision of your employees by having too little lighting in the workplace. Light up all rooms and be sure to immediately replace bulbs that no longer work. Lack of light can cause your employees to fall and injure themselves. It is also a good idea to provide a work environment for everyone that has access to natural light.

Have Legal Help on Stand By

Continue to work on providing a safer and healthier work environment, but prepare for the worst outcome as well. Consult with LA Slip & Fall accident lawyers as soon as possible to work on legal plans for tackling such incidents in the workplace. They may also give good actionable tips and approaches to maintaining a safe work area.

Reduce Stress Levels

Noise pollution, excessive foot traffic, workplace politics and drama – all these culminate in greater stress levels experienced by the workforce. Reduce it as much as possible by soundproofing the place, organizing ideal routes for foot traffic, and minimizing employee confrontations through open forums.

Keeping your employees safe and happy will also make you happy as they generate greater output. Always make your employees a priority rather than an option. It is absolutely essential for you to do everything you can on a regular basis to ensure that everyone in your workplace is happy and healthy.