
Travel Blog

A travel blog is a great way to document your travels, share your experiences, and show the amazing destinations you’re visiting. Becoming a successful travel blogger is all about creating great content for users on a consistent basis. Once you establish a travel blog and a following, you can find ways to monetize it and grow your channel. Let’s go through how to start a travel blog and how to make money blogging.

What is a Travel Blog?

A travel blog is a way to document your travels and show your destinations. It can be done in the form of a travel vlog, with primarily video-based content. Other options include long-form written blogs that describe travel experiences and share travel tips, a photoblog of your travels, or a combination of the above.

Why You Should Start a Travel Blog in 2022

Becoming a travel blogger is one of the best ways to share your experiences, and it has many benefits, such as:

  1. Monetization: As you grow your following, you can monetize your blog through different avenues and earn money (which helps you travel more!) and create a profitable travel blog.
  2. Advice: You can share advice, helpful tips, and your experiences with others which can be beneficial for travel destination research.
  3. Memories: As you travel, you have a way to document your trips and preserve your adventures and memories online on your own blog.
  4. Connections: You can connect with other travelers online and offline by sharing your content on a serious travel blog, so you can get advice, meet new people, and have new experiences wherever you go through a travel blogging community.

Starting a Travel Blog in 13 Simple Steps

Starting your own travel blog isn’t as hard as it might seem. You can create a brand new blog in a few simple steps and optimize for Google search to increase your reach. We’ll go through some of the steps successful travel bloggers have taken to start their blogs and how you can create successful blogs.

1. Learn Everything You Can About Travel Blogging

Before starting with a blog and blogging platform, establish a solid foundation for your blog by taking courses. You can take a travel blogging course specifically and general freelance writing courses depending on the medium you choose for your travel blog.

2. Choose a Niche

A general blog can get lost in the competition. The best way to differentiate? Choose a niche when creating your personal brand. The niche will depend on the types of trips and your interests, but some examples include solo travel, budget travel, luxury travel, off the beaten path, and more for your travel blog theme.

3. Look at Your Competition

Once you’ve selected a niche, take a look at what other travel blogs are doing and how professional travel bloggers are building their following. Some things to note are how often they post, what kind of content seems to get them more engagement, and how they interact with followers on social media platforms.

4. Get the Necessary Tools

There are many digital marketing tools that can help you become a successful blogger. Make sure to undertake search engine optimization for your posts using tools such as Yoast SEO to gain visibility. You can also use tools like Google Analytics to understand traffic on your own site and optimize accordingly. Google Analytics features detailed analytics, including clicks, bounce rates, and user behavior, to help you identify how users are interacting with your content.

5. Choose a Web Hosting Provider

There are many different hosting companies with various deals available, so take the time to select a hosting company for your website. Most travel blogs are created on a self-hosted WordPress account, making them easy to set up. Look for a hosting provider that you can use with the WordPress platform to make it easy to set up and host basic pages of your blog.

6. Buy a Travel Blog Domain

Once you’ve chosen a hosting provider, go through their hosting plan in detail. You should purchase an exclusive domain name and domain privacy protection for your travel website. Some may have offers if you buy hosting, so look for exclusive deals to gain a free domain name for your travel blog.

7. Create Your Travel Blog

Once you have the domain and hosting set up, you’re ready to start. Install WordPress to make it easy to set up and maintain your first blog posts. A WordPress blog is easy to format and post. You can also find additional tools on the WordPress dashboard to enhance your blog by adding WordPress plugins. You can use free themes for your WordPress site or a premium theme that you purchase for website design. If you’re not comfortable setting up your WordPress theme, you can work with a cheap web developer to get the website up and running with a free theme.

8. Organize Your Site

Now that your site is designed, you should use the WordPress content management system to organize your content and make it easy for users to find content on your site. Look at other professional websites to see how other bloggers have set up their website sections.

9. Write Your First Blog Post

The next step is to start writing your first blog and posting it. You can talk about exclusive travel tips, your experiences in a country, or really anything that you’d like. Focus on making it valuable for users, and include information you wish you had known beforehand to give users an exclusive look at your travel.

10. Optimize Your Blog Post for SEO

Making sure search engines can find your posts helps you gain more followers as that can help with making money. Add in relevant keywords based on what people are searching for in travel blogs and the destinations you’re writing for. Posting regularly and optimizing for SEO as much as possible will help you grow your travel blog exponentially.

11. Publish Your Post

After you’ve written the post, it’s time to publish it. You’ll need to preview the formatting to ensure it shows up on the website correctly and hit publish. You can find helpful articles on publishing the blog on a free WordPress website if you’re unsure how to.

12. Share on Social Media

Now that the blog is up, it’s time to promote it! Word of mouth marketing helps increase social media coverage to drive more views and traffic to your business. You can promote the post within your own network on any social media platform to start with. Ask for feedback to gauge whether people can tell how much effort you put in and what users would like to see so you can improve moving forward.

13. Grow Your Travel Blog

After the first post is published and promoted, you’re on your way to becoming a seasoned travel blogger. A successful blog is all about ensuring that you’re posting consistently and that users find your content valuable (and tell you that!). Encourage users to leave comments, like posts, and ask questions to build your following. Once you start seeing engagement, you can seek opportunities for sponsored posts and affiliate marketing to become a successful owner of your blog.


Virtual Assistant Business

What is a Virtual Assistant Business?

The virtual assistant industry has seen a boom over the last few years as more people have taken up the profession. A virtual assistant business offers specialized skills and services to business owners, ranging from general administrative tasks like scheduling appointments to customer relationship management and other services to busy professionals.

Is a Virtual Assistant Business Profitable?

Virtual assistants can generate significant income for themselves, but it depends on several factors such as hourly rate, working hours, number of clients,, and more. In the US, the average salary for a virtual assistant is up to $20 an hour, but professionals can charge more or less depending on experience and availability.

Why You Should Start a Virtual Assistant Business in 2022

There are many reasons to start your own virtual assistant business. If you’re not sure how to start a virtual assistant business or why you should do it, here are just a few reasons why you should consider it:

  1. Set your own schedule: You can work part-time or full-time as needed based on what your clients
  2. Work on different projects: Increasing your client base allow you to offer specialized services and work with various clients, so there’s more variety in your work.
  3. Good source of income: A VA business can be a good source of revenue if you’re looking to make some money on the side or if you’d like to go full-time
  4. Easy to start: You can begin to (or stop) a virtual assistant business whenever you want, and you need very little to get started.
  5. Value: You can serve an important function for small business owners and busy professionals that need your services and offer value to potential clients in a variety of ways.

Starting a Virtual Assistant Business in 15 Simple Steps

Once you’re ready to be a virtual assistant, keep up the momentum and start setting up your business. We’ll walk you through how to create a successful virtual assistant business and how to become a virtual assistant for clients.

Choose a Niche

The first step to becoming a virtual assistant is to pick a niche for yourself. For example, some VA businesses only focus on administrative tasks, while others offer services like maintaining social media accounts, scheduling, and other ad-hoc tasks that a personal assistant might offer. Think about your skills and where you think you can offer the most value, and go from there.

Know Your Target Market

Once you’ve identified your niche, think about who your target market is. Are you going for a busy professional, such as a solopreneur or a real estate agent? Or would you instead offer VA services to a small business or company? Many virtual assistants work as a personal assistant or as a virtual receptionist for businesses, while others work with multiple clients.

Create Business Plan

Your business becomes more official once you make a business plan, which consists of several elements:

  • A business name, business license, and legal entity, if needed
  • Information about who you’re targeting as your market
  • How you plan on gaining new clients
  • Marketing materials for your business
  • Operating expenses
  • Income targets

Set Up a Business Bank Account and Credit Card

Once you’ve come up with a business plan and a brand for your VA business, your next step is organizing income. A business bank account and credit card help separate your work money from your personal money and make filing taxes easier.

Consider Taking Our Business Insurance

Business insurance is an essential step because it protects you from liabilities and gives your business more security. It’s a cost-effective way to keep your business operating. It makes you look credible to potential clients, and it can help with marketing efforts.

Invest in the Relevant Tech

VA businesses need the right tech to offer their services to busy clients, which can vary depending on the type of tasks being completed. Some important equipment to consider includes:

Sort Out Your Business Structure and Register

There are different business registration options and legal entities you can use to structure your business and pay for taxes.

  • You can work as a sole/independent contractor and report your earnings to the IRS. For this option, you should work with a tax professional to understand how much state and federal taxes you’ll need to withhold
  • You can register as an LLC and pay yourself a salary
  • Another option is to register your business as a corporation, but that may have different tax implications depending on the state you are in

Plan a Marketing Strategy

Now that your business is up and running, it’s time to think about marketing yourself to small business owners and online businesses.

Make sure to highlight how virtual savvy you are, how you can offer value to business owners, and be clear about the services you offer. Look at elements of your business plan to define your marketing strategy and what channels will be best suited for your services.

Price Your Services

When hiring virtual assistants, most businesses tend to worry about costs – especially small businesses. Being upfront and competitive with your pricing will set you apart from other VA businesses.

Before pricing yourself, look at what others in your area are charging, especially those with a similar experience level. Some VA businesses start with a low hourly rate such as $15-20 an hour to entice small businesses and then raise prices once they gain an established client base. You can also charge flat fees and retainers for different services, and create pricing packages to appeal to different clients.

Create a Business Website

As a new business, establishing yourself is key – a website helps make that happen, and it can make the difference in landing your first client. You can create a sleek and simple website that showcases your services, and it can serve as your business card.

Market Your Business and Find Clients

Market your business through a variety of channels such as social media, paid ads, and local newspapers to reach as many people as possible. You can find virtual assistant jobs and apply to them on job sites as well to broaden your search for clients. Dedicate at least some time in the month to market to your current network and find new clients to build your business.

Search for Virtual Assistants

You can find virtual assistants to grow your network and extend your service offerings through third-party websites and LinkedIn. This way, you’ll have a strong connection with virtual assistants in different locations and areas to increase your coverage for clients and expand.

Invest in a Time Tracking Tool

Most virtual assistants start with hourly contracts, which Is why time tracking tools are so useful. You’ll be able to bill clients with transparency, and also keep an eye on working hours, output, and how you can grow your business.

Some great time tracking tools include:

Ask for Reviews

Reviews are everything! Once you build up a solid base of customers and have regular work coming in, make sure to ask them for reviews! Glowing reviews can really make a difference in building your client base, so make sure to periodically ask. You can post reviews as testimonials on your website, on professional profiles for networking, and other channels as a marketing strategy.

Scale Your Business

As you build your services and grow your business, think about how you want to expand. Do you want to offer more personal assistants to businesses to increase coverage? Or do you want to grow your current client base and try to offer more services to entice them? Scaling your business is about balancing capabilities with resources, and looking at what your clients are asking for and how you can provide them more value.

How to Start a Virtual Assistant Business [Smallbiztrends]


New AI Features for Google Workplace

New AI Features Coming to Google Workspace

Google has been using machine learning in the cloud-based Workspace platform for a few years now, with the main aim of making the work day more productive and impactful. Now these latest AI innovations are designed to help employees bring focus to the things that matter and to collaborate securely, as well as improve human connections across the variety of places where work happens these days.

Google Reducing ‘Information Overload’

Google say they have been listening to their customers to discover the biggest cloud-based challenges facing businesses, as well as noticing many of the same issues in their own teams. For example, one of the biggest challenges cited by Google’s business-owning customers is staying on top of the vast amount of information flowing across desks and devices.

Google customers have reported that hybrid work has increased the sheer volume of emails, chats and meetings for their organizations, leading to information overload for many employees. Some of the new AI innovations are focused on solving this problem, though there are other useful additions too.

Video Quality Enhancements and Interactivity

Google explained that they are using machine learning to improve the meeting experience in Google Meet. A statement on the Google cloud website says: “To make it easier for people to connect and share rich content in Google Meet, we are delivering enhancements to image, sound, and content sharing capabilities later this year. Portrait restore uses Google’s AI to help improve your video quality by addressing issues caused by low light, low quality webcams, or poor network connectivity. This processing automatically happens in the cloud to enhance video quality without impacting device performance.”

Google also address the issue of poor lighting, adding a new AI feature called ‘Portrait light’ which simulates studio-quality lighting in a video feed, allowing users to adjust the light position and brightness of their on-screen appearance.

Another new feature is ‘Live sharing’ which aims to make hybrid meetings in Google Meet more interactive by synchronizing media and content across participants. Google says: “Users will be able to share controls and interact directly within the meeting, whether it is watching an icebreaker video from YouTube or sharing a playlist. Our partners and developers can use our live sharing APIs today to start integrating Meet into their apps.”

Extended Summaries and Zero-Trust Security

Google Docs has received new and improved automated summaries which allow workers to catch-up quickly and easily on conversations they missed. Google Workspace has also been built with a zero-trust approach to security, coming equipped with enterprise-grade access management, data protection, encryption and endpoint protections.


The Future of Business Travel

Business travel has always required a certain degree of planning and intentionality. But in today’s post-COVID-19 world, the need for strategic forethought is more important than ever before. How you prepare will dictate whether or not it’s a safe, healthy, and productive trip.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Travel Industry and Business Travel

Few industries have been hit as hard by the COVID-19 pandemic as the travel industry. This includes airlines, hotels, resorts, cruise lines, rental car companies, conference centers, and popular tourist attractions.

Just how hard has the travel industry been hit? Consider the latest data points and statistics from the U.S. Travel Association:

  • Total travel spending in the United States is projected to drop 45 percent by the end of the year. (Domestic travel spending will fall by 40 percent, while international inbound spending will shed 75 percent of spending.)
  • Whereas the U.S. economy is in a recession, the travel industry is officially in a depression. Overall unemployment is hovering around 51 percent – twice the unemployment rate of the worst year of the Great Depression!
  • Since the beginning of March, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than $250 billion in cumulative losses for the U.S. travel economy.
  • While road travel levels are nearly back to pre-pandemic levels, it was down 73 percent in the first week of April.
  • For much of April, daily TSA screens at U.S. airports were well below 100,000 – a decline of 96 percent from pre-pandemic levels.

These are just a few of the most striking data points. They show just how seriously the travel industry has been impacted and how much ground must be made up in order to get back to normal.

Certain types of travel will take a while to return to full strength. International leisure travel, for example, will be slow to bounce back. Business travel, on the other hand, is viewed as being much more important. So for companies and their employees, the question becomes: What does the future of business travel look like?

The New Normal for Business Travel

Whether it’s for business or pleasure, business travel will never look the same. The only thing we can equate this situation to is 9/11 when the entire air travel industry changed in a matter of days. Prior to the terrorist attacks, security was lax, kids could visit the cockpit during a flight, and there were no major concerns over air travel. But within hours, the entire TSA process changed, cockpits were locked down, and multiple systems were put into place to identify possible threats.

The travel industry is about to undergo significant changes again. Only this time around, the changes are intended to stop an invisible, deadly virus, rather than terrorists. A new normal is on the horizon and here are some developments and trends we can expect to see in the world of business travel:

1. Business Travel Will Become More Intentional

By some estimates, there will be a 5 to 10 percent permanent loss of business travel. (This means roughly 50 cents to $1 out of every $100 spent on business travel is gone forever – never to return.)

There will be a further dip related to failures. Numerous airlines, hotels, and travel companies won’t survive the economic effects of the pandemic and this will result in less inventory and opportunities for business travelers to utilize the resources they accessed prior to COVID-19.

Most importantly, each individual business will revisit its current approach to travel and make intentional decisions regarding what types of business travel are worth resuming.

“Sales and certain other kinds of business trips likely will remain essential and continue to be big revenue drivers for travel companies,” Dan Reed writes for Forbes. “But lots of businesses are learning right now that they really can get more done, and do so at much lower cost, via teleconferencing than they previously believed.”

In other words, all of those fluffy business trips where people travel just because “it’s the way it’s always been done” will need rethinking and retooling. Some businesses will choose to resume to normal, while others will leverage their newfound affinity for Zoom to cancel the bulk of their travel.

2. Domestic Travel Will Outpace International Travel

As current data already shows, domestic business travel is going to outpace international travel. We’ll see an uptick in ground travel first, followed by regional air travel, followed by cross-country air travel, and then by international travel.

Whether grounded in factual data or not, there’s a perception that it’s safer to travel within the United States than it is to travel abroad – even if COVID-19 numbers are higher in the U.S. Plus, there’s always the possibility that other nations shut down American flights into their borders.

3. Foreign Travel Restrictions May Linger

Presently, the CDC makes it clear that, with few exceptions, foreign nationals may not enter into the United States if they’ve visited China, Iran, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Brazil, or the European Schengen area within the past 14 days. And it’s likely that travel restrictions will continue to linger for a few more months (at the least).

As restrictions are lifted, expect an increased focus on documentation. ESTA for business purposes will become more important than ever, as will medical records. (Proof of antibody testing and/or vaccination – if one becomes available – are all possibilities.)

4. Companies Will Enact Strict Policies

In large businesses that have hundreds or thousands of employees traveling the globe, expect stricter company policies that dictate the precise expectations and processes for employees. Videos, handbooks, and training on things like hygiene, packing, and human-to-human interaction will all be revisited.

How Will Changes Impact Your Travel?

Every situation is unique. It’s futile to cast a wide blanket across the business world or travel industry and say, “This is how it’s going to be.” So much about this pandemic is fluid. Circumstances and predictions seem to change on a daily basis, which leaves many businesses in challenging situations where they have to blindly balance risk and reward.

As the virus (hopefully) continues retreating and we get closer to a vaccine or cure, the expectation is that we’ll slowly resume to some sense of normalcy. But as suggested by the latest trends, “normal” is likely to take on a new definition for business travelers and the surrounding industries.

What Will the Future of Business Travel Look Like? [SmallBizTrends]


Why You Can’t Rush Transformation Step 3

This is the third of a five-part series where I’m walking you through the five steps of transformation and why each step is essential when you’re ready to make a huge shift and uplevel your business and/or life.

Step 1 is to pause and step 2 is to make a decision.

What’s the third step? Take action.

But, not just any action. The opposite action you would normally take.

For instance, let’s say every time you sit down to work on a new program for your business, you find yourself suddenly distracted by Facebook or needing to do the laundry. Six months later, your business hasn’t changed because you haven’t completed creating your new program.

Or, maybe that happens every time you sit down to write a blog post or an email to your subscriber list. So, in six months time, you’ve only posted three times on your blog or sent a couple emails.

No wonder you haven’t gotten any traction in your business.

But, if you decide when you take action you instead take the exact opposite action you would normally take, which in this case would look like consistently working on your program or your marketing, in six months your business has the potential of looking very different.

Don’t be fooled by how simple this sounds. Yes, to take action IS simple. But it’s not easy.

I have some tips that can help.

First, you have to be aware of your patterns of behavior and what you normally do so you can actually DO the opposite. Start by observing your actions, wherever you’re stuck. Observe what you do. You don’t have to change anything right now. Just observe your actions.

Another way to pinpoint this is to look at a pattern you have. For instance, are you chronically late for some appointments but not others? Why is that? What is it about those appointments you show up late for that’s causing you to do that?

Once you know what your actions are, now do the opposite. If you’re chronically late, force yourself to show up on time. If every time you sit down to work on your program or write a blog post, you disappear into Facebook, turn Facebook off and force yourself to keep going.

This is what I did when I was working on my new blog. My pattern is to start to get frustrated when I don’t see results soon enough and either start second guessing myself and tinkering with the strategy or just abandon it altogether.

What I did instead is I kept going. I told myself I had put together a plan and I had committed myself to following that plan for at least a year, and that was what I was going to do. Follow my original plan.

I wasn’t going to tinker. I wasn’t going to stop.

I was going to keep going.