Sales & Marketing

Selling Is All About The Whys

Buiness Know-How by Tessa Stowe: Selling is all about the whys. There are some very important whys that you want answered and there are some very important whys your prospect wants answered. If you focus on these whys, selling will become a lot easier for you plus it will be easier for your prospects to buy from you.
So what are these whys and why are they so important?
When you are talking to a prospect the whys that you want answered are:
1. The real ‘reason why’ they want this problem solved or they want to obtain this outcome.
You want to find the ‘reason why’ because you need to discover the ultimate outcome they want. If you know the ultimate outcome they want, you will not only increase your chances of gaining a client but you will also probably make an even larger sale. Also, if you think about it, you need to know the ultimate outcome your prospect is looking for before you can propose the solution that is going to give them this ultimate outcome.
2. Why they want this ultimate outcome NOW.
You want to find out why they want this ultimate outcome now as you need to know if there is a compelling reason to take action now. If there is no compelling reason to take action now, chances are high that they will not make a decision now. If there is no compelling reason you will probably be wasting your time, money and resources in pursuing a sale that is not going to happen now.
So just as you have whys you want answered so too does your prospect. The whys your prospect wants answered are:
1. Why should I buy this product or service?
Your prospect wants to know what’s in it for me (WIIFM) if I buy your product or service? What problem does your product or service solve and what outcome is it going to deliver? What difference is your product or services going to make for me? Is there a justification for buying your product or service? Why is it important for me to buy your product or service now instead of later?
2. Why should I buy this product or service from you?
Once your prospect has made the decision that they want to buy a product or service like yours to solve a problem or achieve an outcome, they will probably also think they can buy this product or service from other companies as well. It is at this point they start asking themselves all sorts of questions about you. Are you capable of solving this problem and delivering the outcome? Will you do what you say you will do? Can I trust you? What risk am I exposing myself to if I buy from you? Will I get the outcome I want if I buy from you? Why should I buy from you instead of your competitors?
If you look at your sales conversations and all your steps in the sales process, they really are about finding out and answering these whys. In essence you want to find out why they want a problem solved now so you can know if they are really a prospect. In essence your prospect wants to know why they should even be interested in your products and services and if they are, why they should buy from you. Selling really is all about the whys.
Tessa Stowe teaches small business owners and recovering salespeople simple steps to turn conversations into clients without being sales-y or pushy. Her free monthly Sales Conversation newsletter is full of tips on how to sell your services by just being yourself. Sign up at
Selling Is All About The Whys [Buiness Know-How]

Online Business Sales & Marketing

5 Capable Methods Of Social Media Marketing

Blogtrepreneur: Social Media Optimization is one of the most common methods for getting significant exposure for bloggers. Sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, and Delicious are constantly sending large volumes of traffic to submissions that are the most popular with users.
An effective Social Media Marketing plan can help to take a blog from nowhere to being well-known in a short amount of time. However, social media isn’t a good fit for every blog, and not all bloggers choose to participate. For those who would rather draw traffic in other ways, there are some traffic sources that are capable of giving you the same type of exposure as a front page appearance on a major social media site.
In this post we’ll look at five ways that bloggers can quickly gain tremendous exposure without social media, and without paying for any advertising. Just like social media, these methods won’t be for everyone either, but you may find something that fits very well for your niche and for your audience.
1 – Get Mentioned by Google News
2 – Submit a Press Release
3 – Get a Link from a Major Website
4 – Write a Guest Post for a Major Blog
5 – Get Listed in Web Design Galleries
5 Alternatives to Social Media Marketing [Blogtrepreneur]

Communication Skills People & Relationships Sales & Marketing

Art Of Persuasion: How Do You Get People To Say Yes To You

While research shows that most people believe they can’t be sold, the fact is those same people can indeed be persuaded if they don’t recognize that a sales technique is being used.
The trick lies in the different persuasive strategies used then and now. Lets use a car salesman this time since they top the list as the people you absolutely cannot trust in a poll.
Then: They go on downloading information in you, telling you EVERYTHING you need to know AND don’t need to know. Basically, its like taking a shotgun with pellets in it, hoping that one of them will hit the target. This doesn’t work anymore!
The following are strategies for you to adopt as you attempt to persuade your audience, be it one or many.
1. Aiming at the Target
Have you been in a situation where a salesman or saleswoman was trying to sell you something by giving you the 4-1-1 of what he or she is selling while you absolutely couldn’t wait to get away from the guy? That he or she was boring you nuts with all the information?
You felt like running away as soon as he turns his head because he never found out what was IMPORTANT to YOU.
Ask a simple question : “What’s most important to you when you buy a car? ”
“What’s most important to you when you enroll your kids to a programme? ”
“What most important to you when you look for a life partner…( ok you get it by now don’t you? ) ”
This simple question is what gets you the most answers. So for example, if I’m going to go buy a car, what’s important to me is the price.
So if you’re going to sell me a car, you should immediately address my pricing concerns and not go rambling on how energy-efficient and how many awards the car has won. This saves your breath and of course, time spent.
2. Never start your questions with ” WHY? “
Not only is it annoying but you get only excuses.
Lets use an example: If your kid comes back from school with his report card dominated with D’s and E’s and (God Forbid, F’s ), You’ll probably be in a rage and ask ..”WHY did you get D’s and E’s ?? ”
And the answer (or rather, excuse) that you’re going to get is:
“My teacher ate my test paper.”
“My teacher doesn’t really like me.”
“The kids bully me if I get A’s.”

So how can you ask the same question but get solutions instead?
Start your questions with “What” or “How”. These 2 words empowers action in people. You’re still asking the same question, but you shift its mode and then you start to get changes!
3. Use STORIES to convey your message.
Its important to highlight before I continue with how we can use stories that people tend to be too obvious when they use their stories. As a result, they shift back into a sales mode.
Most people cannot come up with a story on the fly. Even Paul suggested practice and fine-tuning our stories to ensure an impactful message and one that really sinks into the human psyche. Remember? Stories, like humour is a process. Your stories are not going to come out fantastic the first time you tell them. Hence, you must be willing to let your stories develop over time.

EricFengPhoto.jpgEric Feng is the go-to guy if you want to learn how to impress your investors and customers through public speaking. For more tips and tactics that you can use immediately in your next presentation, visit The Public Speaking Blog.

Sales & Marketing

Want To Be Rich & Successful? Learn How To Sell!


I always tell people that the number one life skill you must have if you want to be rich and successful is that you must learn to sell.
The trouble with a lot of people is, especially those who are highly educated, with a degree or honours degree say, “I don’t sell.”

Being a degree holder myself, I think that it is the most stupid thing in the world. If I were to ask you, “Do you know who the world’s greatest salesperson is?”

I’ll tell you who it is. I would say it’s the President of United States or any president or prime minister. You know why? He’s got to go out there and he’s got to sell himself, in order for you to vote for him.

Do you think it’s easy? Look at George Bush for an example, he won his election just narrowly by 51 % of the votes. This means 49% of people, said no to him, they hated him probably.

But do you think he cares? He doesn’t care

So if the president of the United States, who is the most powerful man on Earth can sell and take rejection, why can’t you?

I believe that the main reason why a lot of people are afraid of selling, is because of ego.

This is especially so for those who have an MBA or Degree. And that’s what holds most people back. And that’s why, I hate to say this. Most people with a Degree or PHD won’t succeed as much in business as to someone who doesn’t.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. I told myself that although I have a degree I will not let my ego get in the way. You just got to learn how to sell. And if you think about the irony of it, a lot of times we are already selling , we are just not aware of it.

For example, most of us would have probably been on a date, before. If you are on a date, what were you selling? You’re selling yourself.
This also applies even if you are a doctor. A lot of doctors in the medical profession, especially those in the GP arena, a lot of them are suffering.

Why? That’s because they are good at the technical aspects, but they can’t sell themselves, they can’t smile at you when you come into their office, they don’t know how to market.

So it’s the person who knows how to sell that makes the best doctor, the best lawyer, in whatever profession that may be. But again the substance must be there. That presupposed substance must be there and selling is like that huge cherry on top that makes people want to eat your cake.

Sales & Marketing

Market Your Business Smart And Cheaply

BusinessKnowHow: Most, if not all, small businesses are built on a budget. Available funds must be used to buy technology, additional phone lines and marketing materials such as business cards. In this article you will find ten low cost or no cost tips that will help you get your first customer and build your business.
1) Obtain free or low cost business cards at a company such as
2) Have a new or rebuilt shopping center opening in your town? Attend the grand opening and chat with the business owners and staff and hand out your free or low cost business cards.
3) Create flyers with your phone number on tear off tabs and place them at the library, grocery store, coffee shops, etc.
4) Hold a contest. People love freebies.
5) Write an article that would appeal to your target audience such as small business owners, add a four to five line biography with your e-mail address and web site address.
6) Create an informative presentation around your topic area and contact your local Chamber of Commerce and offer to speak at a monthly meeting.
7) Create coupons offering a free or discounted product or a free hour of service for every two or three hours of paid service.
8) Use the time you spend sitting in traffic to gain new clients. For less than thirty dollars you can purchase a sign for your car from or
9) Create a press release announcing the opening of your business or some other milestone event. Send the press release to editors at your local newspaper and to other free area publications.
10) Ask for referrals. Give your business card to your family members, neighbors, hair salon, etc. and ask that they pass them on.
Top Ten Frugal Ways to Market Your Small Business [BusinessKnowHow]