Customer Service Operations People & Relationships

Why Monitoring Your Customers’ Habits Can Transform Your Business

It seems like a simple business axiom: the better you know your customers, the better your company will function. Yet, despite the inherent truth to that concept, thousands of companies miss the mark each day when they go to market themselves. Why? Part of it is down to how companies view their customers, and how they track their customers’ activities. Another element to it is due to companies failing to take their customers actions into account. Fortunately, you can learn to cater your business toward your clientele — and reap the benefits because of it.

Give Your Customers a Platform

One of the best ways to garner free customer feedback is to open up the floor to them. Social media outlets provide a fabulous means to engage with your customers — and for them to engage with you. You don’t have to launch a massive survey to get in touch with your customer base.

Examine the Competition

The greatest form of flattery is imitation. Taking a look at what your competitors do well and where they fall short can give you a blueprint for how to tailor your marketing efforts. Don’t limit your research to your own market; consider what similar companies do in different parts of the country as well.

Diversify Your Efforts

 Once you’ve identified the need to monitor your customers habits, you should consider multiple means of tracking that data. For qualitative measures, the advantages of in depth interviews are plentiful; understanding what makes your customers tick on a deep level will give you powerful insight into their wants and needs. However, it’s just as important to keep an eye on quantitative data as well. Finding posts or advertisements that resonate with a large portion of your audience is essential to developing a sound marketing campaign.

The Payoff

 Keeping constant tabs on the way your customers interact with your business — both online and offline — can prove a difficult task. But the reward is potentially massive. A company that makes that effort will likely see an increase not only in the amount of customers you’re able to reach,  but also in the retention of current clients. And that can prove exponentially more important. While many businesses can become sidetracked in the constant pursuit of acquiring new business, it’s vital to remember that the best businesses don’t lose important clients. In this instance, both quality and quantity are fundamental to your success. Just remember that as long as you put the leg work in, your business will experience a tremendous shift forward.

People & Relationships Planning & Management Teamwork & Leadership

How to Tell if Your Employees Aren’t Communicating Effectively

Modern technology is constantly improving the ways we can stay in touch with each other. Social media updates, smartphone apps, cloud phone systems –– they’re all tremendous tools to help people maintain steady communication with each other from remote locations. However, just because business professionals have access to top-of-the-line apps and features, it doesn’t mean they’re going to use them well. It’s hard to fathom, but even in 2018 companies still struggle with communication breakdowns. Fortunately, you can diagnose how well your staff utilizes their communication skills –– so that you can take steps to correct any bad habits before they develop.

Listen to Your Customers

A great way to determine how well your staff collaborates is to listen to the feedback from your customers. Well-informed consumers will notice if your team members aren’t on the same page, and you’ll likely see reviews to that effect online. If at all possible, you’ll want to make improvements before communication problems reach this stage. However, if you do notice customer feedback indicating an inability or unwillingness on the part of your staff to engage with them, take action to correct this immediately.

Examine Your Layout

People interact most and collaborate best when they’re given new challenges and face new environments. So if your office has the same layout from years before, it’s likely that your employees won’t feel as stimulated –– and effective as they otherwise might be. Consider shaking things up with an office redesign, or at the very least rearrangement if you’re looking to bolster collaboration.

Watch Out for Late Work

So many problems in your office can be solved simply by fostering effective communication. However, one tell-tale sign that employees aren’t connecting with each other in the ways that they should is overdue assignments. Not knowing when a task needs to be completed, or not understanding the magnitude of a given assignment is almost certainly down to a breakdown in communication.

The Bottom Line

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. In the same way, even if you supply your team members with all the tools they need to communicate effectively, it doesn’t mean they’ll do so. The good news is, your staff aren’t horses. You can help them develop better communication skills by focusing time and energy on team-building exercises. Make it your priority and soon enough your office will be buzzing with energy again. You invest your money to help your employees –– do so with your time as well.


People & Relationships

7 Ways To Celebrate Business Success In Your Small Business

Running a small business is a busy occupation that requires most of your time and effort. It can be hard to stop and appreciate your wins, big or small, but it’s important for you and your team to recognise the hard work that goes into a successful business. It’s also important to reward ourselves and acknowledge team efforts to create a company culture of motivation, comradery and satisfaction.

Sometimes, it can be hard to find the time to celebrate or to even know how to celebrate. Here are seven ways to celebrate success with your small business, be it with your team or yourself.

1. Acknowledge those who deserve it

Firstly, for celebrations to be effective, it’s important that achievements are rewarded fairly throughout your business. If some achievements are rewarded and others seemingly go unnoticed then it can be extremely frustrating for staff who may feel like they’re ignored.

Rewards and celebrations should be based on merit, not on office politics. When achievements are being celebrated fairly, your staff will be more motivated to reach their goals.

2. Dinner and drinks after work

When it comes to ways of celebrating company achievements, there’s nothing more simple and effective than dinner and drinks after work. This allows team members to interact and socialise in a relaxed environment and will help to build the team’s relationships. Of course, this occasion is better if the whole team is involved in the success.

3. Say thank you

The importance of clear and genuine appreciation for the hard work of your staff should not be underestimated. Not every goal has to be celebrated with a special event. Taking the time to pull staff members aside and thank them for their efforts can go a long way in keeping your team motivated.

If you want to congratulate your whole team, sometimes it can be better to congratulate them before a meeting. Your appreciation can be specific, or a general pat on the back to everyone. While a simple ‘thank you’ costs nothing, it’s always appreciated and can make a big difference to team morale.

4. Establish a tradition

Celebrations are important and enjoyed by everyone, so traditions that reward success are always successful. A tradition can be grand like an end-of-year party or as simple as Friday night drinks, but the aim should be to build trustworthy and family-like relationships within your business.

Traditions are something everyone can look forward to and participate in. Having traditions within your small business will help build loyalty and camaraderie. If you can create a tradition that celebrates wins, it will go a long way to ensuring continued success.

5. Create personalised perks

Perks and benefits are something businesses often offer from the outset, but their effectiveness can be hit and miss. Find out how your employees would like to celebrate success and take it into consideration. Tailoring perks to a team or an individual’s preferences is a great way to show your appreciation and keep employees motivated.

6. Plan an experience

If you and your employees are too busy to find the time or motivation to do something outside work hours, then planning an experience can be rewarding. Not only is it a way to celebrate but, again, it will help your team take some time off to relax and build relationships outside of work.

7. Time out

Sometimes the best way to celebrate success is to simply take some time off to chill out, recharge and look back at how far you have come. Reward yourself by taking the day off and enjoying some ‘me’ time. Even allowing your staff to head home a few hours early one day will be greatly appreciated. Just make sure they understand that this is because of all their recent hard work. Tell them to come back refreshed and ready to smash out the next project.

With our busy and hectic lifestyles, it can be difficult to stop and celebrate our successes and triumphs. Celebrating is important for recognition, motivation and appreciation. Whether it’s you who needs to celebrate, or your entire team, remember to say thank you, take some time out and do something enjoyable.

Author Bio:

Laura Martins is a content manager for RateCity, where you can make smarter financial decisions and compare thousands of financial options. In her time away from RateCity, Laura loves reading about tech and spending time with her dogs.

People & Relationships

What Does Trust Have To Do With It?

Does trust play are in business? In marketing and sales? How about operations or finance?

According to The Trust Edge by David Horsaager, you can gain faster results, develop deeper relationships and create a stronger bottom line, when people trust you.

According to Horsager, trust is defined as a confident belief in a person, product or organization.

Trust should be congruent. It asks that you do what is right, deliver what is promised, and to be the same each time.

We know trust is important. People want to work with companies and individuals they know like and trust.

If you are not trustworthy people will stop buying from you (89% according to Horsagger.)

So how do you develop trust? The simplest way is to have trust transferred from a someone to you. The reason referrals work so well is a transfer of trust. If you trust me, and I introduce you to a prospect with the expectations that you can help them, this introduction goes a long way to building trust.

Likewise, if a referral is handled poorly, that impacts trust relationship for all parties.

In what ways can you develop trust, other than a personal introduction?

Marketing messages that are consistent and meaningful to the prospect and not lying to the prospect of the sales and marketing process.

Doing what you say you are going to do when you say you will do it.

Being consistent in word and deeds is important.

Being responsive is essential.

Honesty plays a big role.

My belief is that trust is given at first but must continue to be earned.

How do you build trust with others and how would you like others to build trust with you?

People & Relationships

10 Signs You’re a Horrible Boss And How To Correct It

Article Contributed by Patrick Panuncillon

The problem is not them; it’s YOU!

You’re done working with the most monstrous bosses of all times. You probably swore to yourself that when that time comes where you’re the one managing people, you will do things differently. That day has now come – you’re already a boss.

You may have good intentions like an all-expense paid team building for the top performing department or a company outing in its founding anniversary. But how can you implement all of those when there is a stack of emails, meetings, phone calls and a whole bunch of demanding clients and tough decisions that were supposed to be due last week?

With all that’s happening, do you still have the time and energy to think if you’re a kind and compassionate boss? Imagining how hard it is to balance the success of your business and your employees’ jobs (including those lazy employees that are bringing you a headache and not to mention you would love to kick out of your company’s building).

If you have contemplated on this and you think what’s written above is right, then congratulations! You’re one horrible boss! And guess what? You turned out to be one of the persons you despise a lot and promised you would never become.

The perfect dream job does not only include your passion towards what you are doing and a compensation right for your hard work. It should also consist of respectful and polite co-workers and of course, an excellent boss.

Sadly, not every company has this complete package and not all boss will vibes with the applicant. Inevitably, whether we like it or not, it adversely affects the worker’s working experience and worse, the feeling alone of working with a terror boss makes someone want to quit the job.

In this article, we cited ten (10) signs of a horrible boss that you need to check out. Here are some of those:

  1. You scare everyone (even the pizza delivery boy).


You may have noticed that no one approaches you with a problem at hand for quite some time now, but you just shrugged the idea off. Or how about this, no one has ever thought of initiatives and some creative ideas for your marketing plan either, right? Have you noticed that whenever you enter the conference room, everyone stops talking?

Stop playing naive. You commonly see this in the movies. When everyone in the office laughs exaggeratedly in your “not-so-funny” joke and like everyone agrees with you even if you’re not yet done talking. If this is not surprising for you, then yes, you turned out to be that kind of boss!

Sometimes, people who are in authority forget that commanding with respect has a huge difference scaring employees. Making your employees feel frightened is never funny nor good. This practice creates tension and a barrier between you as an employer and your people as your employees.

  1. Your employees are busy whenever you’re around.

When you walk around one aisle, and you notice that everyone is busy doing the reports and panics over the smallest problem? Do you feel like your team makes huge decisions without you having any clue what the fuss is?

Maybe it’s not because they despise you. The employees apparently think you are INCOMPETENT.

Being a boss is not easy. No one said it is. You’ve got tons of responsibilities, and you have to play different roles: a boss, a friend, and a shock absorber. But instead of taking it as a challenge, you took it as an opportunity to command and scare everyone.

  1. You make threats as your employees’ motivation.

Motivation is one of the things that makes a person work harder than he is already doing. Motivation comes in different forms: a salary raise, an incentive, a free team building. But if you think that the best kind of motivation is through threats of firing him or her if he or she messes everything up is a sick idea.

You should never be a boss in the first place if you think of it that way. Creating a positive motivation like rewards and commendations clear away the tension within the workplace and helps in increasing your employees’ self-esteem and energy towards work.

  1. You want to control everything (including the company janitor’s job).

The normal process is you hire someone because you think he or she is capable of doing the tasks of this job description and he or she has the skills and abilities needed by the company. Therefore, you (as the boss), should not tell him or her what he or she should do.

You should not control his or her actions. By doing this, you are affecting your employee’s self-esteem and personal growth negatively.

One quick tip: It’s never too late to stop being a control freak. Let your employees explore the task and do their ways in completing a particular project. All you have to do is provide an accurate instruction. If they mess up the first time, let them track where they made mistakes on and revise the plan.

  1. You don’t like hearing and considering the suggestions of others.


Yes, you became a boss because you gathered enough experiences and had the necessary set of skills that your current position is asking. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that because you are the boss – which means you should always lead your employees and everyone should follow you – you’re always right.

You are the one managing the team. And good management means that you have to ask for opinions and suggestions from your team and contemplate on other options for the benefit of your project. After all, the success of your team is also your success.

  1. You don’t do your job properly (to the extent that a regular employee works harder than you do).

As a boss, you should set a good example for your team, be a role model, honoring your company’s mission and vision. You as the boss should also exert the same level of effort as what your employees are exercising. You should work as hard as they do. Do your part in the project. Don’t pass the responsibility to your teammates.

As what the old proverb says, “Always do for other people everything you want them to do for you.”

  1. You don’t provide guidance.

Employees in their first job and those who are new to the field need instruction from their co-workers and most especially, from you as their boss. A proper orientation of the responsibilities of the one in charge is necessary and should be conducted like ALWAYS.

You as the boss should check the work of the new employees from time to time and see if they are comfortable with the workload.

  1. The glass you are watching is always half empty.

Familiar with the quote “The glass is either half empty or half full?” Yes, things in the business world are unpredictable. Several clients are demanding; you have a phone call to make, and on top of that, your employees are taking sick days like unknown cancer had just spread out.

If they are in the office, they are usually late, they leave early, look miserable, and moving deadlines now and then. You caught your most trusted employee surfing for new job opportunities online, and when you create a working crew, someone offers them a new job with higher compensation.

And after that, all the skilled people that you trained will eventually be in the competitor’s empire. But let’s face it, life is never fair. You have to accept it. It’s just mind over matter. If you expect the worst out of something, you’ll end up getting it.

As the boss, you have to set a more optimistic and confident tone for your team, or else expect them to see going out your company’s door. Just like what all the bosses in are doing.

It is a company that does seo management and the demand of the workload is not a joke. But instead of letting stress take its toll on their bodies and reprimanding their employees for no reason, they chill out with their employees.

  1. Your mood swings are as horrible as your overall character.


Have you noticed your employees be most of the time confused, insecure, and jumpy? You’re puzzled because even if everyone is doing a great job and the door of your office is always open for them yet they seem to whisper behind your back and walk tiptoed whenever you are there.

Have you asked yourself if you are the one causing the confusion? Are you like the Sunny Monday, the Grumpy Tuesday, the Empathize Wednesday and so on? Or you can also be all of them at some time or day?

If your mood is something that puzzles everyone, you tend to make them feel like the office is dangerous. Remove the tension by controlling your mood swings. It helps.


As what is in the paragraph above, it is never easy to be a boss. You have to take care of everything – your business, your employees, their jobs, and even their families. All you have to do is watch out of these signs and always strive to balance the stress, pressure, and your relationship with your employees.

Author Bio

As an entrepreneur, Patrick Panuncillon has years of experience in Digital Marketing and founded LinkVista Digital. He also has excellent track records in entrepreneurship. Patrick has handled several campaigns for companies locally and internationally. He also loves to help and guide young people to become effective leaders in their field.