Home-Based Business

Get a Home-Based Job Without Getting Scammed

Working from home is a great way to supply the extra income a family needs so that one spouse can stay home and raise the children. But many people are scared away from doing so because of the scams that are prevalent today.

Although it can be hard to tell fact from fiction, it is possible. Many excellent work-at-home opportunities are available. And, it’s well worth the time to explore them so you can start your own business and enjoy the many benefits it provides. Following are several tips to avoid work-at-home scams.

When researching companies that hire home-based workers, the best place to start is the Better Business Bureau (BBB), which can provide information on disputes or other problems involving a potential employer.

You’ll want to look for a pattern of “unresolved” or “unanswered” disputes, which will be an indication that there is a problem with the company in question. By the way, complaints can be filed against a company whether it’s a member of the BBB or not.

Next, perform an Internet search on the company you’re checking out to see what others are saying. If you see a pattern of negative comments, often that’s an indication that you may need to explore the company in more detail.

There also are Web sites such as that will tell you some of the common scams around, including the “work-from-home typing” scam.

Operators of scams often lure job seekers with promotions such as the ability to earn $35,000 a year, or a promise to provide a list of companies that will hire them.

Diana Ennen, author of Virtual Assistant: The Series has been a home-based word processor more than 20 years. Ennen states, “Working at home as a typist is an excellent opportunity that often only requires excellent secretarial skills. However, be cautious of offers guaranteeing a list of companies that will hire you. The truth of the matter is that most of these companies aren’t even aware they are on this list. There’s so much information available online today that there is no need to fall for this scam.”

It’s also important to know the difference between paying for information about working from home and actually investing in a home-based business. Most home-based businesses, such as direct sales companies, are valid ways to make an income. However, because you need to make an initial investment many people are confused and believe these to be scams as well.

Think about home-based businesses in terms of your local fast-food chain. A fast-food restaurant will pay you if it hires you as an employee.

However, in order to start your own franchise of that same restaurant, you would need to make a monetary investment.

The same holds true when you begin a home-based business. You must make an investment, but in return you receive the means to begin your own business—generally the paperwork needed, marketing materials, and product for display.

Still, you must do your research when considering a home-based business. It’s important to know things like the history of the company, its reputation, how many representatives are in your area, and what quotas must be met.

Whether considering a telecommuting position or a home-based business, speak to others who have worked with the company you are contemplating. Ask for references of other employees/business owners in your area.

There are many legitimate ways to work from home, but when seeking a work-at-home opportunity, it’s important to take your time and do your research.

Unfortunately, there are people who make it their primary goal to take money from the unsuspecting. If you are thorough in your examination, you will not become one of their victims. Remember the ages-old saying that still holds true today: If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Home-Based Business

Home Business Basics

start-home-business.jpg There are many things to consider when you start a home business. How much time is involved? How do I promote this business? How much money will I have to invest? Lots of things to think about.
Many people believe you can work for thirty minutes per day and make a lot of money. In most cases, this is just not true. Having a truly successful home business requires at least 3-4 hours per day. It is a good idea to make a list of everything you would like to accomplish each day.
As you start your day, I think it is a good idea to ignore your e-mail until all of your work is done for your business that day. Reading e-mail can sometimes get you side tracked for hours at a time.
There are endless ways to promote your business. Online, you can participate in forums and advertise your service and products there. You can start your own blog and invite others to join and comment (also putting your ads there, of course), submit your ads to online newsletters and ezines, and of course, classified ads.
Essentials for Success – Your Home Business []

Home-Based Business

Home Biz Myths Debunked

home-biz-myth.jpgPowerHomeBiz: Be careful of myths and misconceptions about home business management presented as gospel truth! Many of these myths are as widely held as they are wrong.
Many entrepreneurs, when they start out, are so full of confidence and positive energy that no problems can stand in the way. However, in the course of starting, running and selling small businesses, it is somehow inevitable that mistakes will be made.
Minimize your mistakes by looking at the knowing myths and misconceptions with healthy skepticism about home business management presented as gospel truth.
Myth 1: A home-based business has no overhead costs.
Myth 2: I will not need childcare if l work from home.
Myth 3: If I have a home business, I will have time to clean house, continue to volunteer at church and school, cook delectable meals, taxi the kids to all their activities, and have a meaningful, personal relationship with a “significant other.”
Myth 4: I have a great idea that I know will make me lots of money, and I hope to start it next week.
Myth 5: If I work from home, I can be much more casual in both how I dress and how I treat my customers.
The Truths about Home-Based Businesses [PowerHomeBiz]