Work Life

Beating Startup Stress

stress.jpgEntrepreneur: If you burn out in a new business venture, it’s the result of intense and arguably greater pressure built up over a shorter interval, and it’s infinitely harder to walk away. It means abandoning your dream, leaving your employees jobless, and facing sometimes dire financial and psychological consequences. I personally know of one suicide and one near-suicide caused by the startup stress trap.
That’s why it’s important to take preventive measures to avoid letting your startup drive you to the brink. Here are a few simple ways to nip burnout in the bud:
1. Build a knowledge base.
2. Adapt your business plan.
3. Make daily lists of the next day’s tasks.
4. Hire a good team.
5. Leave your work at work.
6. Get a coach.
New Business Burnout: Don’t Be a Victim [Entrepreneur]