Teamwork & Leadership

Servant Leadership: 9 Ways to Be a Better Servant Leader

After a long week at work and a late night serving curry and clearing tables at a BBQ we had hosted for our students, it was 9:30am on a Saturday morning.  I was at the airport collecting some colleagues (that I’d never met before) who had flown into town from another campus for an event that they needed a lift to, 214 km away, off-road.


“Your taxi is here!” I happily chirped as I loaded their suitcases into the back of the car.   They thanked me graciously and we talked for the next 3+ hours as we bumped and jiggled along one of the most beautiful typically-deep-red Australian outback tracks to a remote Aboriginal community.  


As we rocked up to their destination, one asked “so what did you do to deserve having to be the driver for trip like this? What’s your role?”.  


Oh I didn’t have to” I answered; “I’m the Head”.


After overcoming the initial mortification at having not recognized me in my casual ‘Saturday rig’, my guests became incredulous.  “But you’re the most senior role here; why didn’t you send a driver?”


“Well because I can drive, and it’s an honor to be able to serve you”.  


Great leadership is about service.


Now of course, you don’t have to give your colleagues a 428km round offroad trip to be a great servant leader, nor does giving somebody a lift constitute as great leadership service.  There are many ways to serve others as a leader, and that paradoxically elevate us further as a leader in doing it.


In this article I will share with you some ideas of what servant leadership is, some servant leadership theory and servant leadership examples.


Traditionally, the stereotypical concept of a leader has been of an authoritarian figure.  One who stands ‘up front’ and ‘on top’ (autocratic leadership), calling the shots, giving the orders and telling people where to go, what to do and how to do it.  


In this traditional leadership style, ‘The Boss’ is someone who gives the whole team one thing in common – being that somebody that they can all hate.  


The autocratic method of leadership ensures that leaders get hated for the decisions they make, the tasks they delegate and hated just simply because they are the boss.


But it doesn’t have to be like this.  


It is actually very hard to hate a person.  It is their behavior, how they make us feel or what they represent that we actually hate.


But as a leader, that puts us in a constantly conflicting position – because we have to provide direction, we have to assure organizational outcomes, monitor performance, keep accountability and deliver information that people may not want to hear – all of which involve the potential pitfall of making people feel like they are being told what to do, managed, controlled and monitored.  Not exactly the ingredients for getting onto people’s Christmas card lists.


As a result, many leaders find themselves facing a crisis, in a position of either doing our job (and making our people hate us) OR, keeping everyone happy and failing our organization by avoiding being seen as ‘bossy’.  It this what leadership comes down to?!




There is another way.


A way that allows us to actualize the mission of our organizations, to meet and even exceed our objectives.  A way that allows us to do this in a way that empowers our people AND that engenders the greatest level of mutual understanding and collegiality between us and our team.


It’s called ‘Servant Leadership’.


servant leaders have a particular view of themselves as stewards who are entrusted to develop and empower followers to reach their fullest potential” (Sendjaya)


What is Servant Leadership?


Servant leadership, coined by Robert Greenleaf in the 1970’s, is a philosophy that centralizes the staff and community that the organization serves as the leader’s primary priority. It’s about enhancing the intrinsic motivation of our people, leading ethically, with wider social responsibility in mind.  It is a people-centered, moralistic, equitable form of leadership.


It is all about sharing the ‘power’ that your role has within the organization and focuses on the leader’s role as being one to serve the people, instead of the people’s role to serve the leader.


“It is the leader’s role to serve the people, instead of the people’s role to serve the leader”


But before Greenleaf’s writing on the topic, concepts of servant leadership have come up throughout history, especially in religious texts.  In the Bible, Jesus Christ himself washed the feet of his disciples (his ‘followers’) to show them that he considered himself as equal to those that he led, that he cared for them and put their needs before his own.


1. Giving is receiving


This has always been a guiding principle for me and was one of the keys to my rapid business success prior to taking on an Executive role at a university.  


I taught business owners that in order to lead in their industries, it was critical that they generously gave away their best-kept secrets without measure – that the more they gave freely, the more they would get back.  


The more they served their industry and their market, the more business they would get.  


The more they gave people something to thank them for, the more successful they would become.  


I encouraged aspiring professional speakers to speak for free if they wanted to get paid for it one day, and to keep doing it for free even when they were getting paid for it.  


I encouraged educators to provide free workshops and give away free mini-courses.  


I encouraged authors to write for free and give away their books – as all encapsulated a service to their industry and its people, rather than a marketer who wanted to take from it.


It works.


Just like a bank account – the more you deposit, the more you accumulate. People who could never afford you will get to experience you for themselves, they will recommend you and save up for your next offering because the first taste was so good.


Many found this a hard concept to grasp. They would ask me things like ‘but Sarah, if I give all of my information, knowledge, IP and secrets away, surely I’ll lose my business?’.  


I would reply ‘But if they don’t know that you have it then you won’t get their business anyway.  If people get to see for themselves that you acquire the information, skills and knowledge that they need, then they won’t need you to convince them to trust that you have it – there the battle is over’.


For me, I could (and still do) always see two types of people when it comes to service and leadership:




1.       I will serve the people when I am their leader (I serve because I lead)


2.       I will become a true leader as a result of my service to my field (I lead because I serve)


The first type of person is considered as having a goal-oriented motivator of service – there is a motivation behind their wanting to serve.


They come from what I would call a ‘leadership ambition’ standpoint – that they desire to lead and service is a by-product of leading or a means to get there.  And thereforethe only reason they serve is to gain the result of leadership.


These people often too believe that they will only have anything of real value to give ‘if’ they become the official ‘leader’.  As long as they do go on to serve, this is not an inherently ‘wrong’ mindset, but it will be harder and slower to get there and they will run out of motivation to continue serving once they get ‘there’.  


It also misses the point entirely that you don’t have to be a leader to serve others; AND that serving others is in fact what makes you into a leader – and keeps you as one.


The second type mentioned above is the person who I always see succeed – what I would call ‘the leader by nature’.  They are not driven to serve by a desire to lead, but instead, naturally, are followed by others due to the service they provide so selflessly.


Inside the workplace, the same concepts apply – leaders are afraid that sharing with their team powerful information like budgets, income, annual objectives, implementation plans, strategic plans, staffing models, operational plans etc – that they will have no power, control or authority left.


But the absolute opposite happens.


The more that people feel like they know ‘what’s going on’ and that you care, the more they feel part of the organization and therefore affiliated to the mission you are serving.


Share your power, knowledge and information as much as possible – not for the purposes of showing people how clever you are, or how much power you have – but instead to genuinely empower them with it.


Sometimes the true leaders in an organization – that is the one who the majority trust unquestionably, feel like they have their back, listen to, seek advice from, consider to be the influencer and admire; are not always the ones with a formal leadership job title.  They are the ones who intentionally, or naturally, serve others most.





2. Raise better people


But servant leadership goes deeper than that.  


It’s not just about serving our people so that they can better serve our customers.  


It’s about serving them so that they can become better people – and better servants in the world itself.


Our role as a servant leader is to serve a future of opportunity to our staff – not just within the organizationbut for their lives.  


Do we provide them with opportunities to do their life’s best work?  


Do we give them opportunities to grow as people, to learn and develop?  


The freedom to make mistakes without fear but with enthusiasm and support?  


Do they flourish in our workplace in that as the time they serve passes, they become more skilled, wiser, autonomous and better servers themselves?


Joe Iarocci, author of ‘Servant Leadership in the Workplace’ suggests that servant leaders have 3 key priorities, where people development comes first:


The personal and professional development of your people

The development of a workplace culture of trust

An organization that measures and achieves its results

Here are 7 other examples of servant leadership in action:


3. Commit to good stewardship


Good stewardship in its simplest definition, is taking care of, or looking after something.  However it also has a more theological definition that denotes that we are responsible for the world and must take care of it for our future survival.


Being a good steward means ensuring the future vitality and wellbeing of our people, our organization, our wider community and the planet.  


It also means strategizing the assurance of the sustainability and operations of our organization, financially and in regards to all of our other resources.  


Our leadership roles are only temporary, but we must see our service as part of a life-long legacy.


We live in an ever-changing world and it is our duty as servant leaders to be good stewards by constantly adapting and changing for the good of the future vitality of the organization we work for and the community in which it operates.


4. Our success is others


Servant leaders measure their success not by their own achievements and accomplishments, but instead by those they are serving.  


In the education sector, this is an easy concept to understand as the translation is fairly literal – if our students are passing their exams, we are doing a great job.  


However, this can be harder to conceptualize in other industry workplaces.


Use your organization’s’ overarching strategic plan to create a detailed implementation plan that guides your team towards clear, specific and easily achievable tasks that they can move towards weekly – giving them frequent opportunity for a sense of accomplishment.


Find ways to show them how achieving these micro wins is leading them to achieving results that goes far beyond the duties on their job description – that they fulfil a much bigger mission, and have positive impacts far beyond the goals of the organization.


Scour the internet for awards that you can nominate your team for – and give yourself a goal to recognize all of your top achievers with some kind of internal award or external award nomination.


I also encourage my staff to anonymously send me feedback (via an online form) to praise their colleagues, so that I can celebrate them on behalf of the organization.  


As servant leaders, there is no success that isn’t that of our teams.  


5. Awareness and foresight


It is critical as a servant leader that we have strong self-awareness to ensure that we recognize how our own behaviors, words and ‘energy’ affect those around us, and the humility to correct ourselves as we go along.


Servant leadership demands that we have the emotional intelligence to notice how our people are really feeling behind both good and bad physical behaviors, so that we can help them.


We must show awareness and remain attuned to the subtle underlying cultural heartbeat, sensing people’s feelings, moods, body language and verbal language used, to pick up on emerging trends and adjust the course as necessary to keep everything and everyone on track.  


We can often critique the ‘jungle drums’ in an organization(you know, that invisible vine of gossip that spreads ‘Chinese whispers’ through every department and that you are constantly trying to correct?!)  


But it can also be a fantastic source of information – not literally (as the facts are usually wrong), but what people are whispering about can give us insightful clues to ways in which we can help and serve our people and the organization.


It is also critical that we use all of this information as well as anecdotal, intuitive and measurable from our locality, our industry and the wider global trends, to have the foresight to serve further – to ensure that we can take action for the sustainability of the organization, to ensure the continued growth and skills acquisition of our workforce to maintaining currency and demand in their roles and to know where and how we could be serving further for the good of all for the future.


6. Be relatable and show empathy


Greenleaf believes that one of the first steps to becoming a servant leader requires us to be somebody that our staff can relate to.  


However this is challenging when or if our staff see us as above them, more powerful than them or simply unapproachable.


Having empathy means understanding and sharing the feelings of another.


We should not condemn people in pain, anger, frustration or who act hastily or make mistakes.  Instead, it is our role to understand the humanness of these responses, help our staff to overcome them, provide and implement the solutions to stop it from happening again and then provide them opportunity to heal.


It is also our duty as leaders to foster relatability through empathy.  This is, to help them understand that not only do they have feelings, emotional reactions and humanness that must be acknowledged, respected and cared for, but so do we too.  


It is incredibly easy for our staff to see us as some kind of inanimate machine that operates solely on coffee-fuel and policies.  


We are all human beings who need love, compassion and understanding.


7. Don’t be a martyr

Many leaders sacrifice their own wants and needs for the good of others daily – those who have children are also a classic example.  


Leaders often do it behind the scenes, taking the bullet from their own senior management on behalf of their team, or taking the bullets from their team on behalf of their senior management; working many unpaid hours attending events, pulling overtime and working through lunch breaks to ensure wages get paid and contracts get awarded to keep staff employed.  A little self-sacrifice is required to get anything in life – it’s all part of the balance and is part of being a servant leader.


However, there is a big difference between self sacrificeand martyrdom.  Serve because you enjoy it, because it’s your calling and because it is the right thing to do.  Don’t serve out of the neediness for attention and sympathetic acknowledgements of ‘how hard you work’ – that’s not servant leadership, it’s being a martyr.    


8. Inspiration, spiritual and transformational beings


Being a servant leader is easier for those who can relate to spiritual and creative conceptualization.  


It requires a futuristic, optimistic, inspirational outlook that believes in the good of the giving of service and gets joy purely from that alone – but also believes that it ultimately leads to transformational outcomes – for the future of those that they serve and the ripple effect of ‘service that will come from those people later on too.  


Servant leaders are innately philanthropic, have a ‘global’ cognitive processing system (that is, they see the much bigger picture) and do not require the acquisition of immediate results in order to ‘know’ that what they are doing is of value.


Servant leadership is about seeing what doesn’t yet exist and contributing all that we have, are and can do in order to support it’s actualization.  It’s about conceptualizing a greater future, translating it into practice and inspiring and persuading others to join us in the service of that mission.


9. Build a community


The servant leader believes in the greatness of each individual as much as the greater power and impact of their collective greatness – and that means building communities.


As Maslow tells us, a sense of ‘belonging’ is a critical component of our basic human needs.  Therefore, as a servant leader creating a sense of community, regular ‘communion’, coming together, collegial trust, familiarityand communal safety, is another major responsibility of ours.


People can attain a sense of community by first being given the opportunity to build rapport and know each other outside of their immediate duty-related requirements – such as staff get togethers and activities.  


But this sense of community, belonging and grows when there is a shared meaning, purpose or mission behind getting together.  It can be a s small as raising money for a charity they all agree with supporting, to contributing social change in your community or the goals that your organization is working towards at a mission level.  


Find ways that you can help your team come together to be a part of something bigger than themselves, to find the commonalities between their most seemingly opposite colleagues and to find shared passions and values that they each stand for.  


The power of one is multiplied when there is togetherness – as a servant leadership, we are the thread to bring and hold them together.  


Never stop serving, and you’ll never stop leading.


Author: Sarah Cordiner


5 Innovative Ways to Improve Your Branding

Every entrepreneur wakes up wondering how the world views their business. For many new businesses, the main issue might be that few people even know about them. Even for veteran entrepreneurs, finding the right audience can take years and years of hard work and practice. In any case, there are ways to improve the quality of your brand and ensure that your marketing efforts actually reach the right people. So, in today’s post, we are going to take a closer look at 5 innovative ways to improve your branding!

Get Involved In High-Profile Events & Projects

As previously mentioned, getting seen and noticed is a difficult hurdle to overcome for many entrepreneurs. For this reason, getting your foot in the door of a high-profile event or project can do wonders for your visibility. Whether it’s a red carpet event or even a local community project that has attracted media attention, getting your brand associated with it can help expose hundreds or even thousands of potential customers to your business.

Reduce Human Errors With Automation

Looking at the internal operations of your business, you should always be focused on providing a positive experience for customers, clients, vendors, and partners. Unfortunately, humans are not infallible. They make mistakes. While there’s nothing wrong with making mistakes from time to time, you should do your best to reduce human errors by automating some of your business processes. For example, if your business operates within the healthcare industry, you can work with Amitech Solutions to implement robotic process automation (RPA).

Find the Niche Within Your Niche

Oftentimes, entrepreneurs take a blanket approach to marketing and branding. While this may cast a wide net when generating leads and looking for customers, it can also be a major waste of resources. Instead, find your niche, and then find the niche within your niche. This way, you can target marketing and branding efforts to specifically appeal to your ideal audience.

Consistently Speak to Your Audience

If and when you establish your brand as an authority in your niche, you may think that you can just sit back and let the branding take care of itself. In reality, branding is something that you must constantly work to maintain and improve. For example, if your brand has one or more social media pages, you should engage with your followers consistently. This means answering messages, responding to comments, and generally letting people know that there’s a real person behind the steering wheel of your business.

Work With Other Value-Centered Brands

Like people, your business is often a reflection of the company it keeps. If you work with vendors or other businesses with bad reputations, it will greatly tarnish your brand. Instead, look for value-centered and value-driven businesses that have a proven track record of positive engagement with the public. This way, you can make your brand look good by association!

Did you enjoy our guide on 5 innovative ways to improve your branding? If so, be sure to check out some of our other great posts on Get Entrepreneurial today!

Starting Up

How to Start a Property Management Company

The need for property management companies is increasing every year as landlords grow tired of managing and maintaining their investment rental properties on their own. It’s time consuming for investors who only do it part time. 

As landlords realize how much work it is to manage their properties while also pursuing other business ventures or simply enjoying their personal lives, now is the perfect time to start a property management company. 

But where do you start? We have the answers you’ve been searching for! 

Get the Required Licenses

Real estate can be a complicated and extremely regulated industry. Therefore, real estate professionals are required to be licensed by the federal and state government. This requires taking classes and passing exams along with completing continued education courses. 

To become a property manager, you must have a broker’s real estate license and a property manager’s license. A broker’s license requires you to have worked in real estate, usually as a real estate agent, for a couple of years, so you’ll need previous experience. 

One these real estate licenses have been acquired, you’ll need to set up your business licenses and establish the business with the state. 

Write Your Business Plan

Your business plan is the backbone of your property management company. This determines how you plan to function, make an income, market yourself, and succeed as a business. 

When writing the business plan, determine which services you plan to provide to rental property owners. Will you be a full-service property management company or offer limited services? How much will you charge – a flat fee or percentage of the monthly rent? 

This is also the time where you spend making partnerships with other services you may need such as plumbers, electricians, home inspectors, and brick masons like Brickworks Property Restoration. These are the people you’ll call when you need maintenance or repairs done to a rental property you manage. Try to make an agreement where you receive a discount on their services due to consistent work too. 

Establish Your Brand

A business is nothing without solid branding. Your property management company is no exception. 

Choosing the right name, logo, and slogan is crucial for your company’s success. Don’t rush this process – take your time to find the right one. 

Determine what separates your property management company from others in the area. Maybe you fill vacancies in seven days or less. Or you could only work with luxury rental properties. Remember, you need to cater to both tenants and property owners! 

As you establish your brand, you’ll have to build a complete and attractive website and start your marketing campaigns to gain attention and leads from the community. 

Start Small and Scale

Starting a property management company is a growing process. Once you’ve established your business and brand, it’s time to get your first clients. Managing just three or four properties in the beginning is perfect. Slowly, you’ll gain more clients through referrals and your marketing efforts and you’ll build your portfolio. 

Remember, starting small is never a mistake. It gives you time to learn and achieve your business goals strategically and successfully. 


How to build your online brand presence

Most businesses understand the importance of branding through logos and business signs or posters, but they often forget that building a strong online brand presence is just as important. Nowadays, not being active online is a huge disadvantage for businesses. Building a strong online brand can greatly improve your marketing results and help you to reach more potential customers, but it can be difficult to get started. Here are some tips to begin creating your online brand presence in order to expand your customer base: 

Humanize Your Brand with Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to create your online brand presence. By posting engaging and informative content, you can help give a face to your business while also attracting new customers. Making your business seem more relatable can increase customer trust, but it is important to stick to the same brand voice and tone throughout your online presence (both on and off social media). Business branding adds value to your company by helping customers better recognize your business.

Assist Customers by Maintaining a Helpful Blog

In addition to maintaining your business website with up-to-date information on your product or service offerings, you should also add a blog section to your website to make it more interesting and valuable to consumers. You can discuss your products and services on your blog as well, but it should be more general and focused on earnestly helping your customers. For example, OTW Safety maintains a helpful blog to assist customers in understanding the history of their field, learning the different applications for their products, and much more. This information provides value to consumers whether they decide to ultimately purchase from OTW Safety or not, and this will likely encourage them to return in the future. Therefore, blogs can be a great way to further build your brand presence while also increasing customer retention.  

Utilize Video Marketing 

Video marketing is a very effective way to reach more customers and provide engaging content. Video advertisements are much more likely to be interacted with than static advertisements, so they can be a powerful tool for marketing and for creating your online brand. Video marketing can reinforce your social media and blog content by providing product demonstrations, interviewing experts, answering customer questions, and so on. Your company can also make shorter videos (one minute to thirty seconds) for your social media pages to add variety and interest.

Overall, there are many easy and effective ways to build your online brand presence. When combined with digital advertising campaigns, these methods can greatly expand your customer reach and conversions or leads. By utilizing social media, blog posts, and video marketing, your company can create a unified online portrayal of itself to gain customer loyalty, attract new customers, and increase sales.    

Home-Based Business

Off-page SEO You’ll Need for Your Business

Improving your site’s rank and visibility could be explored in many ways, one of which is off-page SEO. If on-page SEO lets you improve everything internally and within your site, off-page SEO is the total opposite. This means that all actions outside your site to grow and improve your rank falls under off-page SEO.

You can consult an expert if you want to know more about off-page SEO or even hire them to help you improve your website’s off-page SEO. There are many aspects you could explore in this type of SEO that might be helpful for your business in the long run.

Off-page SEO you’ll need for your business

Take a look at the following off-page SEO as you open this new door of opportunities in growing your business. 

  • Link Building

Link building is the heart of off-page SEO. It talks about building different backlinks like natural, manually-built, and self-created links and is very helpful if you have a business site. If your website has many high-value backlinks, you’ll rank better than those with fewer backlinks. Connecting to different platforms, sites, and people is one of the few ways to generate increased backlinks and traffic that your business needs. 

Link building might be difficult for business owners, and building high-value backlinks will require some time. It also needs continuous effort such as performing research and email outreach monthly to make it successful. If you want to make use of link building effectively, you can discuss and speak with an SEO expert. Outsourcing your link building is a wise option since you will not only save manpower efforts and time but you can also trust that your link building is being handled by experts in the field. 

  • Utilizing Social Media

You’d find many potential customers on social media, and it is an excellent place to get your brand active and kicking. You should create, share, and schedule content-related and relevant to your brand and customers. By doing this, your brand will earn engagement and brand awareness. 

  • Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is another way of building backlinks to your site and creating relationships within your industry. It could spark relationships between your target audience and develop your network eventually. Aside from these, you could generate traffic back to your site. 

  • Posting in Forums

Participating in forums will offer traffic back to your website through inbound links. You’d want to choose relevant topics related to your brand and incorporate keywords. Some examples of forums are Yahoo answers, Google Product Forum, and Digital Point Forums.

  • Influencer Marketing

In this technique, you’d use influencers to promote your brand. Most influencers have their high authority sites, and you could partner with them to generate natural backlinks to your site. High-authority sites are essential in ranking your site. Influencers could also help in setting up brand awareness.

  • Local SEO

Local SEO is directing your focus to local prospects around you. It could generate leads, conversions, and traffic once you get to optimize it effectively. There are many ways you could enrich your target local SEO such as creating a Google My Business Account, optimizing your voice search, creating content based on local occurrences, and improving local keywords.


Off-page SEO is as important as on-page SEO. It’s something that every business should practice if you want to reach a wider audience and rank higher. You don’t need to utilize all of the off-page SEO techniques; you could only choose the ones that your business needs and where you think you’ll benefit the most. Since you have limited time and resources, make a wise decision and employ on-time SEO techniques.