
3 Ways to Stay Motivated When Working From Home

Working from home has its benefits, but there is no denying that staying motivated and in a hard working mindset can be tough when you are able to work from the comfort of your own house. Whether you work in real estate or do remote work for a medical clinic like ThriveMD, finding the motivation to stay productive, finish projects, and meet deadlines without working in the confines of a traditional office can be tough. Now that working remotely or in hybrid roles is fairly normalized in the workplace, here are a few ways to stay motivated while working from home.

Dress for Success

While this might sound simple, one of the best ways to motivate yourself to work is by dressing like you’re heading into the office. If you have a hard time putting yourself in the mindset to do work and find yourself wanting to lounge around in bed or on the couch while you are supposed to be doing office work, staying in your pajamas or comfiest sweatpants all day surely will not help. Getting dressed in the morning before heading into your home office can make all the difference when it comes to putting yourself in the right mindset to stay motivated and productive throughout a long day of work.

Limit Distractions

When you aren’t working in a traditional office and under in-person supervision from coworkers or managers, it can be easy to allow yourself to get distracted. Limit the chances of this happening by working in a room with no TV or access to other distractions in your household. Additionally, many people find it helpful to delete social media apps from their phones during the work hours, in order to limit your chances of getting distracted and caught up in scrolling through these apps for too long.

Check in With Others

Often, a lack of motivation comes as a result of working on your own and not having the opportunity to connect with coworkers who are working on similar projects. Fix this by taking the time to check in with 1-2 coworkers each week. Whether this is done in person by grabbing coffee or lunch or virtually by hopping on a Zoom call during the work day, seeing what other people are working on and tracking their progress on projects similar to those you are working on can help you stay motivated to actually work.

How-To Guides

How to Unleash Your Full Creativity

As a creative person, you likely feel a wonderful compulsion to create and appreciate art. However, there are likely times in your life when you feel like the creative juices just aren’t flowing. It’s easy to explain away these periods as a simple case of writers’ or artists’ block. However, as often as not, the real reason is more practical add less mysterious. Here are a few practical solutions to help you through creative slow periods.

Eliminate Pain and Discomfort

When dealing with chronic pain, you may hardly notice the constant ache much of the time. Artists can sometimes set aside their discomfort to embrace the creative process. However, persistent, grating pain may be distracting you more than you realize.

Chronic pain, especially foot pain like heel spurs, makes it hard to stand and move around as you create art. You may well find that addressing the discomfort also takes away your creative block.

If you’re worried about the treatment and surgery required to eliminate your discomfort, you’ll be happy to know it’s often a lot easier than you expect. For instance, the heel spur surgery recovery period isn’t long at all since the surgery is minimally-invasive.

Most artists spend the majority of their creative time in their studios. This makes sense, of course, since this is where your tools are and where you can make a mess without concern.

However, being cooped up inside all the time isn’t conducive to the artistic mind. Get outside, feel the sunshine, look closely at the nature around you, and feel your connection with nature fuel your connection with your artistic side. It’s incredible how a simple walk can bring out your creativity and inspire you.

Do Something New

It’s perfectly natural for artists to specialize in a particular style, medium, and subject matter. However, if you feel like your creativity isn’t flowing like it could be, consider mixing things up.

Do you typically work with paint, doing highly detailed work? Try doing some fast, rough sketches in charcoal. Are you a tattoo artist who works in ink, either on paper or skin? Try some watercolor painting to experience a new way of blending colors and creating spaces. Whatever it is you typically do to express yourself, push yourself to do something completely different.

Take Advantage of the Creativity in You

Creativity is a gift, but it can sometimes feel challenging to make the most of it. By making sure you’ve gotten rid of chronic pain and mixing things up in your art, and by going outside, you can unleash greater creativity.


Realistic Challenges When Working From Home

Working from home has its benefits, but there are also challenges that come with it as well. This is especially true if you work in something complex like the medical industry, such as The Institute of Natural Health. But by being aware of these challenges, you can work to get around them and better prepare yourself.


If you’re someone who is easily distracted, working from home might prove to be a challenge for you. Your office might have a few distractions in it, but at home, you’ve got to deal with things like the mail being delivered, housework that needs to be done, the television is only a few steps away, kids, noisy neighbors, and more. 

There are ways to deal with these, such as noise-canceling headphones and setting yourself up in a room that prevents as many distractions as possible, but it’s still a very real obstacle to overcome.

Collaboration and Communication

Depending on your specific job, you might need to collaborate and communicate with another team of workers, regardless of if they’re at the office or also working from home. Communicating with your team can be a task in itself when you need to hop on video calls with multiple people and wait for them to respond to your messages throughout the day, but you will learn to cope with it.

Logging Off

While some people might have trouble staying focused and getting their work done while working remote, others might have the opposite problem: they just can’t seem to log off at the end of the day. Quitting time comes and you want to finish up what you’re working on so you continue working, only for dinner time to roll around and you’re still cooped up at your desk while the rest of the family talks about their day.

Make a mental note to shut down when it’s time.


Working remotely can get lonely after a while, especially if you are typically used to working in an office full of other employees. You’ve got to get used to being by yourself for long stretches of time, whether that means playing music while you work or listening to a podcast. If you have a pet that can rest next to you without being a distraction, that is another great way to bridge the connection gap.

The Pros

While there are certainly plenty of challenges that you may encounter while working remotely, there are just as many benefits. Having more freedom, no commute, and better hours are only a few of the perks of working remotely, so don’t be afraid to try it out.

Business Ideas

What are Hong Kong stocks, and how to buy them 

As an investor, you may be interested in expanding your portfolio beyond domestic stocks and foreign markets. ZH is a perfect place to start, as it has a well-developed stock market with many investment opportunities. We will discuss what Hong Kong stocks are and how to buy them, and we will also provide some tips on investing in Hong Kong’s stock market.

What are Hong Kong stocks, and what do they represent?

Hong Kong stocks, also known as H-shares, are shares of Chinese companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. These stocks offer foreign investors exposure to the Chinese economy, increasing in recent years. Many of the largest and most well-known Chinese companies are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, including China Mobile, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and China Construction Bank.

How to buy stocks in Hong Kong

If you’re interested in buying Hong Kong stocks, there are a few things you need to know. You’ll need to open a brokerage account with a firm offering the Hong Kong Stock Exchange access. Next, you’ll need to deposit money into your account, and this can usually be done by wire transfer or by check.

Once you have money in your account, you can start buying stocks. You can do this online or over the phone. When you place an order, you need to specify the stock symbol, the number of shares you want to buy, and the price you’re willing to buy the shares.

It’s important to remember that when you buy stocks in Hong Kong, you’re subject to different rules and regulations than when you buy stocks abroad, for example in the United States.

What to look for when buying stocks in Hong Kong

When considering which stocks to buy in Hong Kong, it’s essential to do your research. You should look at a company’s financial statements and read analyst reports to understand the company and its prospects better. It’s also good to diversify your portfolio by investing in different sectors and industries, and this will help mitigate risk and provide you with exposure to various economic conditions.

Tips for investing in Hong Kong’s stock market

Pay attention to global economic trends- The global economy can significantly impact the performance of Hong Kong’s stock market. Keep an eye on developments worldwide and be prepared to adjust your portfolio accordingly.

Diversify your portfolio- As we mentioned earlier, it’s good to diversify your portfolio by investing in different sectors and industries. It will help you mitigate risk and profit from various economic conditions.

Monitor your stocks closely- The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is known for volatile trading, which means that stock costs can move up or down quickly. It’s essential to monitor your stocks closely to take advantage of market fluctuations.

The benefits of investing in Hong Kong stocks

There are many benefits to investing in Hong Kong stocks. First, you can gain exposure to the Hong Kong and mainland Chinese economy, both of which have been growing rapidly in recent decades. Second, you can invest in some of the most well-known Chinese companies. Finally, by diversifying your portfolio, you can mitigate risk and profit from various economic conditions that may impact Asia to a far lesser degree.

How to research individual companies before investing

If you’re interested in buying stocks in Hong Kong, you need to do your research on the individual stock you’re planning on buying. First, look at a company’s financial statements and read analyst reports to understand the company and its prospects better. Second, pay attention to global economic trends and be prepared to adjust your portfolio accordingly. Finally, keep an eye on your stocks to take advantage of market fluctuations.

The risks associated with stock market investment

All investments come with risk, and the stock market is no different. When you invest in stocks, you’re taking on the risk of loss. There are ways to mitigate this risk. For example, by diversifying your portfolio, you can reduce any investment’s impact on your overall portfolio.

Another way to mitigate risk is to pay attention to global economic trends. By monitoring the world economy, you can be prepared to make adjustments to your portfolio as needed.

Finally, remember that the stock market is volatile, which means that stock prices can go up or down quickly. It’s essential to monitor your stocks closely and be prepared to buy or sell as market conditions change.

Read more about Hong Kong stocks here, such as the different types available.

People & Relationships

Three Ways to Show Appreciation for Your Employees

Customer reception is vital for business. It’s what keeps the workplace active and able to make changes. Companies can determine how customers feel about certain products and services by using perceptual mapping and other marketing techniques, but how can you show your employees how you feel about them? While customers are extremely important, so are the employees that keep the business running, so it’s good to show them that they are appreciated for everything they do. But how can you do so?

Start the Feeding Frenzy

If there’s one thing that will win people over, it’s food. Everybody eats, and everybody has their own personal preferences, but occasionally buying lunch for the team will work wonders around the office. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who would deny a free lunch. In fact, they’d likely be thrilled by your offer. You don’t have to do this every day, or even every week, but simply surprising your employees every once in a while will make them feel like you really care about them enough to do things you don’t have to—even if it’s as simple as getting them a sandwich.

Happy Birthday!

Birthdays come around every year, and remembering to acknowledge them can truly go a long way in terms of showing appreciation for your employees. It can be difficult to do something extravagant with a larger company and many workers, but by at least recognizing birthdays during meetings or giving out small goodies, you’ll let them know how you feel. If your company is smaller, you could give individuals a cake or even buy them lunch of their choice. You don’t have to throw them a surprise party or anything, nor would they expect you to, but by just going the extra mile your employees will feel much happier for it.

Plan Outings

A great way to show your employees that you appreciate them and all the work they’ve done is by planning team outings. By gathering everybody up once a year for a day of out-of-office excursions, you can promote teambuilding give everyone a chance to have fun. This could be just about anything: a trip to a brewery, a day at a theme park, an insanely nice dinner followed by the aquarium, or just about anything else you can think of. The team will have a blast, strengthen their relationships, and come back to work with a new breath of life.

Your Appreciation is Appreciated

These are just a few ways you can show your employees just how much you appreciate them, but by just physically telling them that you appreciate their work for the company, you can easily boost their morale for the day. It’s kind, it’s effortless, and it’s free. Not only that, but they will appreciate your appreciation.