Business Ideas

101 New Business Ideas for Retirees

101-retirees-business-ideas.jpgNew retirees are looking for a different type of small business than the general public. If they are on Social Security, they may be penalized if they make over $12,600. Some private retirement policies will also penalize you if you earn money in your retirement years.
Many retirees dream of taking extended vacations or wintering in Florida. They want their new business to work around their life. Many insist that they do not want to have employees since having employees complicates the business and necessitates payroll services, accountants, and workman’s compensation insurance that quickly eat into their profits. They want a business that they can run, possibly with the aid of their spouse, and any outside labor would be hired through an independent contractor. Some of the retirees are looking for a hobby business, making some money while enjoying their hobby and traveling around to locations and conventions for their hobby.
Business brokers try to sell mid-sized businesses costing $100,000 to $1 Million. If the business would fail, this would put a big dent into anyone’s retirement savings. Brokers wouldn’t make much money if they got a 10% commission selling a $3,000 business so they push the larger sized businesses. Likewise, franchises require large up front franchise fees and most of them are centered on businesses that have high start up costs. But retirees should look for businesses that cost under $5,000 to start and try to fund these businesses out of their own pocket. Most of the low investment businesses would fall into the service sector where you are really selling your specialized skilled labor time.
And all of these goals are really possible. The following criteria will be used for businesses in this column.

  • They are mini-businesses run by the owner and the spouse with no one on the payroll.
  • They should be able to start up the business for $3,000 to $5,000. Many of the people who start these businesses may decide to grow the business with more investment after they have proven their business can produce good cash flow to them.
  • No long term lease commitments (space or equipment)
  • They are seasonal or part-time businesses. They will not require the 60 to 80 hours a week to start them that most start-up businesses require.
  • The cash flow may be small but on an hourly basis it should be worth the owner’s time. Some may provide a real benefit in tax savings by utilizing portions of you house or apartment, allow you to travel to hobby conventions as a business expense or renting property you own to the business.

I will try in future columns to provide you with some new ideas for your business start-up that meet these criteria.

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This new weekly column, 101 New Business Ideas for Retirees, is compiled specially for readers by Stan Spector.
StanSpectorPhoto.jpgStan Spector is the author of “Baby Boomers’ Official Guide to Retirement Income – Over 100 Part-time or Seasonal Businesses for the New Retiree”. The book’s website can be found at

How-To Guides

How To Make Your Website Work For You

make-website-work.jpg It’s virtually impossible to own a business today and not have a website – but what makes a great website? For today’s Entrepreneur University we connected with Tim Knox. Tim is the founder and president of four successful technology companies and serves as an investor, mentor and advisor to many companies in his home town of Huntsville, Alabama. Here are Tim’s suggestions for how to build a great website:
Building an effective business website is a simple matter of definition.
Before the first graphic is drawn or the first line of code is written, you must define the website’s budget, purpose, target audience, design, navigation, and content. And when that’s all said and done you must define the marketing that will bring visitors to your site.
The 8 Things You Must Know To Build A Great Website []

Customer Service

Main Customer Focus

Entrepreneur: It’s both a problem and a blessing: You have one or two very large accounts that make up the bulk of your business. According to what you may have been told, such a concentration is very risky; you should never put all your eggs in one basket.
Or should you?
Most experts would advise you to get more accounts, reducing your concentration of business. But your major accounts will likely grow at a faster pace than your new ones. The concentration will remain–and thus you will remain vulnerable.
There’s nothing wrong with trying to grow other business. But I’d like to suggest a different approach. Instead of reducing your business concentration, consider providing services outside your core business or activity. In doing so, you’ll add value to your account.
With that in mind, ask yourself: Do I know all the key players involved in my main account? If not, get to know all the departments and personnel involved in the account.
Why Your Customer Count May Not Matter [Entrepreneur]

Business Ideas

Selling an Unknown

Business Advice Pro: Entrepreneurs spend days, weeks, months in order to come up with new products which, very often, might not even sell. But what if you could see its selling power before you create the product?
This would mean you don’t spend the time nor money to create products or services that won’t sell. In a very broad view, it might look like I’m suggesting you to become a scam artist, but just think about it. You are not selling air. You are actually selling a product which you don’t have yet. But if you see the product would actually sell, you make it happen, you create the product.
When selling something that does not exist, you test the waters. You see if people have any interest towards it. If you get a lot of people to sign up for free, you already have a knowledge that this product actually has the power to sell. And if that’s so, you will start working on it, if needed 24/7 for two weeks in a row. You now know it is going to sell like crazy (if you won’t make any fatal mistakes during the actual selling process that is). You already have a certain number of people who are interested in buying your product. You know it because they have subscribed via your free subscription form. Just to be notified when the product gets ready.
Selling something that doesn’t exist (yet) [Business Advice Pro]



Small Business Trends: The HitTail widget shows the keywords that searchers are using to arrive at this site, updated in real time. It demonstrates part of what the HitTail service does.
Using the HitTail service, you can (1) track the keywords that people are using to come to your site or blog, (2) extract the keywords that matter most into a handy list, and (3) use those keywords in future articles or blog posts that you write.
The idea behind HitTail is to increase the organic (non-paid) search traffic to your site, by revealing the keywords that visitors are using to find your site so that you can build on those to attract even more traffic.
HitTail Helps You Build Web Traffic Without Advertising [Small Business Trends]