The “Solutions Stars Video Conference” will be held on October 29, 2008 from 1 p.m. until about 3:30 p.m. EST and will feature a series of videos and live discussions with 30 leading small business and marketing experts. Small business owners and entrepreneurs will be able to view streaming videos and chat online about how to use the Internet to benefit their businesses. Select video participants will also be in the chat.
Video participants include best-selling author Tim Ferriss, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, and All-Top -Co Founder and top blogger Guy Kawasaki. Marketing experts Steve Hall, Darren Rowse, Chris Brogan, Wendy Piersall, Lee Odden, Toby Bloomberg, Brian Solis, Liz Strauss and others will also share their stories and advice.
Visit for updates, including our full programming schedule with five main content areas:
– Start with Listening
– Building Web Presence
– You Need a Twitter Presence
– To Blog or Not to Blog
– Rising Above the Noise
Author: Pamela Swift
BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 74
Bookkeeping Software Can Be Simple
Accounting software records the financial transactions of a business and provides financial control to achieve the profit and loss performance required. The correct choice is dependent upon the size of the business and degree of sophistication and financial control required…
Continued in BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 74 >>>
– Gogme: Cocreate Small Businesses
– Flipper Toothbrush Holder
– A Real “Thinking Cap”
– Butcher’s Boutique
– The Nubrella Hands Free Umbrella
– The Dignity Toilet
– Free Eco-Notes For Students
Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>
– Need To Improve Your Marketing? Throw A PASS!
– How To Sell A Franchise Business
– Suffering From Business Burnout? Cops Is Here To Help You
– How To Build Trust Develop Relationships With Clients And Employees That Last A Lifetime
– What You Must Know When Buying A Business
– How Virtual Assistants Amplify Your Business Marketing
– How To Start A Homebased Information Marketing Business
Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>
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Article Contributed by Ron Abbott
Every business has the ability to reap huge benefits by making small improvements in their marketing. By leveraging a few key areas you can create plentiful and consistent sales opportunities. One area that can produce significant improvement is the techniques you use to communicate your marketing message to your audience.
The most powerful force in marketing is the skill of persuasion. Your ability to communicate to your target market the benefits and solutions your product or service provides is the key to your business success.
One proven technique that will improve your persuasion skills is to throw them a PASS with your marketing message.
PASS stands for Problem – Agitation – Story – Solution. This communication technique utilizes a powerful psychological trigger: People are highly motivated to action on problems that cause them pain, stress and discomfort.
Your most qualified prospects are looking to solve a specific problem, dissatisfaction or challenge they are facing in their lives. Your job as a marketer is to focus their attention on this problem and show them that you have the best available solution. You must motivate them to take action by stimulating their emotional need to solve the problem and relieve the stress that is attached to it.
Here’s how to use the powerful PASS technique in your marketing materials.
1. Problem – Define the problem they are experiencing and address it clearly so it triggers an emotional response. Get them to take time to think about the pain or discomfort they are feeling.
2. Agitation – Make them feel the problem by pointing out the possible scenarios that could occur if they don’t take action. Feeling a sense of loss or missed opportunity often compels people to act immediately.
3. Story – Tell a relevant story of someone who shared the same problem and their method of solving it. Focus on the positive results they experienced and how they benefited by solving the problem with your product or service.
4. Solution – Offer them a solution to the problem with your product or service. Provide detailed benefits, examples and testimonials of satisfied clients and customers you’ve helped before.
Your goal is to whip them into a frenzy by using emotional triggers which point out the cause of the problem. Once sufficiently agitated, offer your solution and educate them on the benefits you provide to fix it. Paint them a picture of what their life will look like as a result of purchasing your product or service.
When you use the PASS technique, the prospect will sell themselves on the fact they need to make a purchase to remove the pain and problem. For excellent case studies of this formula in action, watch any of the hundreds of TV infomercials that are broadcast over every day. There’s a reason they utilize the PASS technique…it works!
About the Author
Find more marketing techniques from marketing coach Ron Abbott and to request your free marketing report, “Ten Critical, Must-Have Techniques To Improve Your Marketing Results” at htpp://
Running a payroll for larger organisations with full time accounting staff is easy. Full time professionals are employed or the payroll function may be outsourced to a payroll bureau. For the small business the payroll task often falls to the proprietor demanding even more time to familiarise with current payroll legislation and a not insignificant amount of administration time that could be better spent making profits than number crunching. For small business organisations with five to ten employees calculating the income tax and national insurance contributions in producing the weekly payroll can easily take an hour or more each week. An hour that could be better spent earning profits or at the very least having an extra hour of free time each week. Free time that every small business owner value at a premium since the majority of small business owners either work or think about work from dawn to dusk 7 days a week. A payroll software package to satisfy the PAYE requirements can be just one part of making that small business more efficient.
Small businesses that fail to operate a sound payroll system can produce a negative effect on the employees. The pay an employee receives is expected, often spent or spoken for on receipt and provided the amount is a competitive rate would only rarely have an effect on staff relations. However operating a Payroll system that does not provide each employee with a payslip is like telling your employee he has received a personal letter that was opened for him and discarded as not important. To the employee a payslip is very important. And so important in that every employer has a legal responsibility to provide each employee with a payslip and at the end of each year a P60 End of Year Employees Certificate. A Payroll Software package will satisfy both the legal requirement and the employee requirements. Failure to provide employees with payslips can only reduce the respect hat employee has for his employer. Every employee must receive a payslip that shows the amount of income tax and national insurance deducted from the gross pay. Every employer must also calculate the employer national insurance contribution. Employers not using a payroll software package such as available from DIY Accounting Payroll Software must design their own payslip to give to employees to satisfy legal requirements.
In the UK producing a weekly or monthly payroll can be a burdensome task to comply with the HMCE requirements. HMCE provide much expertise advice in this area both via their website and each year through the distribution of the Employers CD-Rom. To fully appreciate all the technicalities and complete all the correct documents such as the P11 Deductions Working sheet is time consuming. It does not have to be a problem. Payroll Software can automate this knowledge and functions and is available at insignificant cost. The DIY Accounting Payroll Software package is available for five to twenty employees at a cost of 15 to 25 pounds. That is a payroll software package that could save a small business over an hour a week, for twenty employees more like two hours, for less than 50p per week. All small business owners should at least consider suitable efficient payroll software.
Many payroll software packages are written using databases and can put many small business owners off using them due to both the cost and the fear of the unknown complexity of using such a payroll package. Many payroll software packages written on a database provide an excellent solution but have a tendency to be extremely politically correct and cover all potential rules and regulations and consequently become more complex to operate as they can demand at least a minimum knowledge of the payroll system. There are other PAYE solutions. The DIY Accounting Payroll Software is written on excel spreadsheets requiring no payroll experience and a minimum of entries to produce all the essential calculations of income tax and employees and employers national insurance. In addition excel copies of the time consuming P11 Deductions working sheet, P60 Employees Certificate and the P35 Annual Employers Return are all automated to save the small business valuable administration time.
A significant advantage of a payroll software system written on excel is that it can also be used with an open office spreadsheet package but not least all the entries are visible and therefore transparent. Errors and mistakes can be easily corrected simply by changing the numbers on the payroll ensuring the payroll is produced both quickly and accurately. Payroll Software is an effective tool that should receive serious consideration by all small business proprietors.
Payroll Software also has the advantage because it can be simple and fast to use of avoiding late payments to the revenue and the consequent unwanted letters and potential fines this can invoke. By having all the information required for the monthly or quarterly revenue payments late penalties can be avoided and by producing the Annual Employers return on time small business owners can submit their returns online and receive a tax free online filing bonus. The current online foiling bonus being 150 pounds and substantially more than the payroll software might have cost.
Terry Cartwright qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant and Chartered Company Secretary in 1971. A successful business career followed as Head of Finance for major companies in the UK and several consultancy appointments. In 2006 he created DIY Accounting producing Accounting Software for self employed and small companies that use simple accounts spreadsheets to automate tax returns.
Article Contributed by Stephanie Fish
Business burnout can be suffered by any business owner, whether you own and manage an online business or brick-and-morter business. Most people would agree that business burnout can occur for many different reasons but the most common reasons are (1) When a person tries to do every task on their own or (2) They don’t know their limitations and try to do everything for everyone, and actually end up neglecting themselves.
Here are 3 common ways to get control over your “business burnout”:
1) Chart- (also known as “plan”) Make a list of every task that needs to be accomplished, whether its personal, household or business related. Once you have everything written down assign a day of the week that you can solely focus on that specific task. Remember, every task should help you reach your goal. Charting your tasks and goals are very important for any size business. Here’s a little exercise that can help you chart your way to success. Get a large piece of paper and draw a bulls-eye with about 5 rings. The middle ring is your ultimate goal, from there each ring would be a step towards your goal. The most outer ring would be where you are today. Beside each task you should give yourself a date that represents the date you would like to begin and end each goal. Making sure you are giving yourself ample time to get a task completed makes you more focused and relaxed, there’s nothing worse than getting yourself upset over a task that wasn’t completed in an unrealistic time frame to begin with. Charting takes a little effort and some getting used to, but the pay off in the end will be worth it. If you are completely unable to focus on charting by yourself, then utilizing the assistance of a virtual assistant or business coach will be to your best advantage.
2) Outsource- Outsourcing isn’t just for the “big businesses” anymore! Every business can benefit from outsourcing, if its done correctly. If you look at your competition or perhaps a company that you admire, you’ll see that they have a team in place, with most projects and tasks being outsourced to another company. The owner does not do every task himself, infact his business is so large in part by having a team of specialists in place so that he/she can now focus on other aspects of the business. Outsourcing does not have to cost you a small fortune, if done correctly in the beginning. That’s why its so important to have your chart inf ront of you at all times.
3) (Be) Purposeful- Did you know purposeful means “compulsive, determined, driven”? To be successful in business every decision you make should be made on purpose and with a purpose. I find it very intreging how some people just jump into their businesses without a purpose and when they don’t see the increase in sales right away they give up. They might have a goal in mind, say for instance “I want to make $1,000 per week in sales” this is a statement, not a goal. What is it that you really want out of owning and running your own business? It can be as simple as you not wanting to work for someone else. Being a purposeful business owner takes time, a lot of thought and an inner desire to make it to the next level and stick with your business. Being purposeful in charting your business must include having a team in place. You can’t do it all yourself.
COPs isn’t just for law anymore, it’s what helps your business succeed in this world and help you fulfill your business dreams. Remember the next time you feel like throwing in the towel, hanging up a “closed” sign and shutting your business doors, that COPs is right here waiting on you.
About the Author
Stephanie Fish, owner of Buckeye V.A. offers virtual assistance in marketing, research, and consulting to business owners who are ready to take that next step in business. To learn more about outsourcing and building your business team, be sure to sign-up for our newsletter at