
Free Report: Cool Business Ideas in 2009

Despite the global economic gloom, we continue to see smart entrepreneurs and businesses introduce innovative new business ideas to the market around the world. If you want to be in the know, this free report by our sister website is for you.
This newly published 28-pages PDF ebook (worth $38), Cool Business Ideas in 2009, is an analysis of innovative and never-seen-before business ideas we’ve seen worldwide in 2009.
As competition for consumers’ downsized wallet intensifies in these tough times, it is increasingly important to deliver superior value and whet consumers’ natural appetite for all things new and latest. So if you have a brilliant business concept in your head, do not hesitate to make it happen in today’s business marketplace. For those of you who don’t, fret not. Look within this free 29-page report brought to you by for inspiration on the coolest new business ideas you wish you’d thought of. Some of the case studies included in this free report: Everyday Solutions, Small Niches and Big Riches, Wireless Wonders, Rethinking Tourism, and more.
This report is exclusive available for free download for readers. Click here to find out how to get your free report.
We also have past reports for your free download at, including New Business Ideas Report 2007 and 2006’s Best Business Ideas. Click here to learn more.
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BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 91

BIZNESS! Newsletter
Free 28-pages PDF report (worth $38) – “Cool Business Ideas in 2009” – included with your subscription. Learn more here.
Cover Story
Green Mattress
Organic mattresses combine natural latex with cotton or bamboo covers and cotton or wool padding — all of it produced without chemicals. They are resistant to allergens like dust mites, mold and mildew. They are able to contour to the body like memory foam, have natural ventilating attributes, which help maintain a comfortable body temperature, and is to biodegradable…..
Continued in BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 91 >>>
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– Informed Consent is Key to Protecting Good Will
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– What Every Small Business Owner Should Know About Background Checks
Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>


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Free 28-pages PDF report (worth $38) – “Cool Business Ideas in 2009” – included with your subscription. Learn more here.


Become Your Own Boss For Less Than $10K

As 81 million American baby boomers begin to move into their retirement years, they are redefining what retirement means. For many, it doesn’t mean they’ve stopped working, but rather that they are exercising more choice over how they work. According to a 2009 survey, some 75 percent of people who chose to engage in some form of work found the work satisfying, and in four out of five cases, they were able to find white collar jobs for what are known as “encore careers.”
Picking the perfect second act for your career can involve trying a field that’s always interested you, helping out with a cause that you believe in, or getting a chance to run your own business.
If it’s running your own business that appeals to you, chances are you don’t want to sink a large chunk of your retirement savings into a new venture at this point. Therefore, the key is getting started with minimal investment up front. This is very possible these days, depending on how you set up your business, and what type of business you choose to go into.
Getting Started with a Shoestring Budget
To start a business with relatively little up front capital, the key is to minimize fixed costs. Variable costs–expenses of the pay-as-you-go variety–are preferable because they allow you to ramp up or scale back investment depending on how the business is going.
Here are some key tools for keeping fixed costs to a minimum:
E-commerce Solutions. Who needs a business location when you have the Internet? The ultimate low-overhead storefront, the Internet gives you access to a world of potential customers. Utilizing e-commerce solutions is much cheaper than having a physical place of business where you receive customers. For example, it allows you to avoid the many expenses of having a retail outlet, such as rent, utilities, staffing, and insurance.
Outsourcing Back Office Infrastructure. Rather than building a complete organization from scratch, try to outsource anything that isn’t central to the unique value proposition of your business. For example, functions such as customer support, credit card processing and human resources are only needed occasionally or periodically. Therefore, it makes more sense to utilize outsourced call center services for telemarketing or customer support or HR outsourcing for human resource activities than to try to staff it internally.
Use Online, Social Media Strategies to Promote Your Business. Developing a full scale online social media strategy can seem overwhelming at first. But you can implement simple things by hiring interns to do the leg work such as starting a blog or using Twitter, and tracking different programs making adjustments along the way.
Low-Cost Entrepreneurial Business Ideas
If the above are some techniques for structuring a business with minimum up front investment, what are some lines of business which lend themselves to getting started with minimal capital?
One rule of thumb is that services generally require less investment than manufacturers or retailers, though with e-commerce some re-sellers can operate cheaply if they have tight supply lines and add value in the process. Focusing on services, the following are some examples of businesses that might be right for the current environment, and can be started on a shoestring.
Business consulting. If many retiring boomers are going to be starting their own businesses, why not use your business experience to help show them how to do it?
Green consulting. People are striving to become more energy-efficient, for economic and environmental reasons. If you have expertise in this area, consulting with businesses and homeowners on how to reduce their consumption is a natural.
Public relations. If you have media and promotional experience, you could be in demand with the new wave of entrepreneurs starting their own businesses. In particular, bringing knowledge of modern promotional techniques such as social media strategies could be valuable to these new businesses.
Employment counseling. Between a weak economy and an aging population, there are many people facing a career crossroads these days. Helping them find the right niche can be a good way to make use of any personnel experience you have.
• Online Lead Generation. Sales Lead Generation is growing by leaps and bounds as far as start up industries are concerned. This is a very special industry that affords flexibility and freedom that is unparalleled. And, there is even a significant demand for highly specialized lead generation consultants to help companies generate qualified sales leads in this market.
Running your own business may not have been your parents’ idea of retirement, but things are very different today. If you have the entrepreneurial itch, starting a venture might just give you the satisfaction and extra income to make your “golden years” more than just an expression.

How-To Guides

How to Fit 24.5 Hours Into A Day

Article Contributed by Patrick Jobin from Storagepipe Solutions
Sometimes, when you’re juggling many tasks at once, it can seem like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. If only there was some way that you could make a bit more time for yourself.
Imagine that you’re working on an important project, and the ideas are just flowing out effortlessly. Then suddenly, you stop to take a quick phone call. Well, although the call may have been short, it completely threw you off your train of thought and it will take a while to get your momentum back.
In a typical day, you may encounter dozens of such small interruptions. Although it may not seem like a big deal when you’re in the moment, these little “time vampires” quickly add up to hurt your productivity and (more importantly) suck the life from your valuable time.
In order to get more work done in less time, you need to eliminate all minor interruptions from your day.
High-powered executives are acutely aware of this. That’s why they have personal assistants, receptionists and other gatekeepers to prevent interruptions. This allows them to focus all of their energy on only the most critical business tasks.
In fact, many time management experts estimate that it can take up to 30 minutes to recover from a single interruption.
In other words, if you can eliminate just one interruption from your daily work, you can get an extra 30 minutes of personal time without negatively affecting your productivity.
And with this in mind, I’d like to propose a challenge:
Here’s Your Mission
Over the next week, I want you to keep a diary of all the workflow interruptions that happen in your work life. Then, pick just one common daily interruption and take measures to ensure that it will never happen again. Some easy ways of doing this include:
+ Putting a do-not-disturb sign on your cubicle or office door
+ Ignoring calls for 1 hour every day, then returning the voicemails
+ Blocking Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Digg from your web browser’s security settings
+ Bringing a large water bottle to your desk instead of heading off to the water cooler for a cup
+ Using a fully-automated online backup solution instead of switching backup tapes at the end of the day
If you can eliminate just one interruption per day, you will have more free time and be more productive.
Effective time management is especially important for entrepreneurs who need to maximize the profitability of every second spent on their business. Having more free time opens up more opportunities to expand the business.
Try this challenge out for a week, then post your comments below and let us know how this has affected your life, and what you’re doing with the extra 30 minutes that you’ve just added to your day.
About The Author:
Storagepipe Solutions is a leading provider of online backup and e-mail archiving solutions that helps businesses save time and money by automating their backup and business continuity process.

People & Relationships

Informed Consent is the Key to Protecting Consumer Good Will

Article Contributed by Heather Dorso from TRUSTe
Web sites are increasingly asking consumers to allow access to their address books to send invitations to their friends on the consumer’s behalf. A common technique to increase the site subscriptions, and benefits for the user by bringing their friends into the service.
A recent article in the New York Times highlights the complexities of implementing an address book import feature. Done well, such a mechanism provides clear notice to consumers to ensure that they understand what will happen to the addresses in their address book, so the consumer has a meaningful opportunity to consent. Implemented poorly, it can leave consumers distressed and even mortified to find their personal and professional contacts getting messages demanding to know why they aren’t on the latest social networking site.
In TRUSTe’s experience of certifying the online privacy practices of thousands of web sites, the use of address book contacts import features is rising. Here are some general “best practices” recommendations for helping web sites make their “Contacts import” features live up to consumer expectations.
1. Ability to Skip using the Import Contacts feature
If you invite consumers to let you import their email address books, make sure they can opt out or skip that step. Make the Skip option equally prominent compared to the Submit button, so the consumer is provided a clear choice around using the feature.
2. Messages Sent on Behalf of the Consumer
If you send messages to the consumer’s contacts, place “on behalf of” in the From line. This will alert recipients that the message is not actually from the consumer’s e-mail address. Offer consumers a preview of the message to be sent that includes header and body text.
3. Use of the Contact Information Supplied
Notify consumers at the Point of Collection and in your Privacy Statement about how you will use the imported contact information. Explicitly state whether you will be sending a one-time invite or a reminder email in addition to the original invite.TRUSTe also recommends stating that the imported contact information will not be used for other purposes beyond sending the requested invite or reminder messages.
4. Requesting Login Information for Other Accounts
When asking consumers to supply login information they use for other services such as an email account to import their address book, provide clear and conspicuous notice about how your site will use this information. This will help avoid surprising users who think they are choosing the same login information to register with your own site.
5. Additional Checks if Providing Incentives to Import Contact Information
If you are providing an incentive, such as a contest entry or rewards points, for consumers to import contacts, additional CAN SPAM requirements may apply. Be sure to provide an opt-out from receiving additional email messages. Additionally, some recipients ask for a global opt-out mechanism if they want to receive no further such e-mailed invites through the web site’s servers, regardless of who subsequently imports the recipient’s address as part of their Contacts. A site should make sure they have a way to block further such invites to e-mail recipients upon request, even if resulting from actions by the user’s contacts.
The guidelines above should help ensure that consumers get an opportunity to provide informed consent. Address book import can be a powerful feature to help a site expand its reach and can make use of the site much more convenient for the user, provided the feature is implemented carefully and respects the consumer’s consent.
About TRUSTe
TRUSTe Privacy Seals help consumers click with confidence by guiding them to trustworthy Web sites. More than 2,400 Web sites rely on TRUSTe industry best practices to help them make the right decisions about privacy and protecting confidential user information. Half of the top fifty Web sites are certified including Yahoo, AOL, Microsoft, Disney, eBay, Intuit, and Facebook. Independent research shows that when a TRUSTe web seal is present, visitors are more likely to share personal information, register at higher rates and spend more money. To learn more about internet privacy services for SMBs, visit