Article Contributed by Michele DeKinder-Smith
Launching a product is an important step in growing a business. If you’re already in the business of selling products, it’s an opportunity to expand into a new market. If your primary business is in services, offering a product is an opportunity to get beyond the “dollars for hours” trap and begin creating residual income. In either case, launching a product, or even a new service, takes time, forethought and a great deal of investment. And, while it’s exciting, it can be stressful, too.
A new study from Jane Out of the Box, an authority on women entrepreneurs, recently revealed there are five distinct types of women in business. Each of these five types has a unique approach to running a business—and as a consequence, each of them has a unique combination of characteristics and factors. This article profiles two important Jane “types” and the things they should keep in mind as they plan for (and launch) new products.
Jane Dough is an entrepreneur who enjoys running her business and makes good money. She is comfortable and determined in buying and selling, which may be why she’s five times more likely than the average female business owner to hit the million dollar mark. Jane Dough is clear in her priorities and may be intentionally and actively growing an asset-based or legacy business. It is estimated that 18% of women fall in the category of Jane Dough.
If you’re the Jane Dough type, chances are good you feel totally confident about this launch. You’re a big picture gal, and you probably believe this launch will benefit your business. But before you go ahead with it, here are some things to think about:
* Staying focused on the big picture means you may fail to truly analyze all the potential risks and benefits of your new product or service. Although you make good business decisions and are able to separate your business from your emotion, sometimes you move so fast you forget to consider all the angles.
* Have you adequately assessed your market? Do the parameters and features of price points associated with the product need to be tweaked? Are you reaching your target market with the right message? You’ve got plenty of business coming in and plenty of other plans in the works. That doesn’t mean you don’t need to yield to those caution signs. Slow down and analyze all the intricacies, colors and patterns that make up the big picture you love so much.
* What about the system around your launch? Have you taken the time to explain to your team what they need to do to make the launch a success? Having a system in place can prevent problems before they happen–and just thinking about that system can make you slow down enough to consider all the angles.
By taking the time to understand exactly how this new launch fits in—rather than staying focused on the big picture vision, and forging blindly ahead—you’ll be able to learn from possible mistakes before they happen.
Tenacity Jane is an entrepreneur with an undeniable passion for her business, and also one who tends to be struggling with cash flow. As a result, she’s working long hours, and making less money than she’d like. Nevertheless, Tenacity Jane is bound and determined to make her business a success. At 31% of women in business, Tenacity Janes are the largest single Jane type.
If you’re the Tenacity Jane type, you’re no stranger to challenge. But that doesn’t mean you should create another one for yourself. Before launching a new product or service, ask yourself some questions:
* Is adding a product or service a smart business decision, or is it just something you just really want to do? Tenacity Janes tend to love what they’re doing so much, and want it so badly, that emotions sometimes get in the way. The deep and abiding faith you have in your business and in yourself as an entrepreneur is what keeps you going–but it won’t launch a new product and keep it off the ground.
* Is the timing good for adding another output for your business? For Tenacity Jane, finances are an issue. If this product launch fails, will it put you out of business? Is this a risk you can afford to take right now, or should you put it off until your business more stable? A product launch can boost your business–but it also can suck your resources dry.
* Have you done enough research and planning? For some Tenacity Janes, their business results from a great concept but a poor plan. For others, they have a great idea but no clue how to run a business. Make sure all your ducks are in a row before you launch a product. What if your product takes off? Are you equipped to handle a huge increase in business? Remember, if things go well, you’re going to be swamped with more work. And if they don’t, you’re going to be out a lot of money. Either way, you need to be prepared.
* Are you looking at this possible product launch as just another challenge? Well, it’s not! Launching a new product is a big deal. Make sure you’re giving it enough thought, time and attention. We know you’re familiar with struggles, but launching a product has the potential to take up even more of your time, use up even more of your money and cause even more desperation. Make sure you’re ready!
Each Jane presented here–Jane Dough and Tenacity Jane–has several things to consider before launching a new product or service. Each entrepreneur must decide whether this is the right thing to do for her business–and for herself. Because in the end, isn’t that what this is all about? Asking herself the right questions and thinking about the right issues will allow every Jane, when the time comes, to move boldly forward in the future.
About the Author
Michele DeKinder-Smith is the founder of Jane out of the Box, an online resource dedicated to the women entrepreneur community. Discover more incredibly useful information for running a small business by taking the FREE Jane Types Assessment at Jane out of the Box. Offering networking and marketing opportunities, key resources and mentorship from successful women in business, Jane Out of the Box is online at
Author: Pamela Swift
Facebook just added the @mentions feature, which allows you to include other Facebook users in your status updates. If you use Twitter, the @name symbology will look very familiar to you.
While I haven’t played around with it a whole lot yet, the feature lets you mention another Facebook user, list their name like @mary, and then opens up a drop down menu of all your friends named Mary, from which you can select the actual friend you were talking about.
There is an auto-suggestion feature to help you cull through your list if you know a lot of people named Mary. Once you mention someone using the @, they get a notification and it also show up in their Wall- it’s almost like posting to their Wall without having to go to their profile.
The new feature allows you to include individual users, as I’ve mentioned, but you can also include brand names (through their Facebook pages), events and groups. When you monitor your friend’s status updates, all the links are clickable, so you can see exactly who your friends are talking about and hanging out with.
These changes have a few key implications for marketers.
First, you will gain from fostering overlapping connections within your social networks. If you (like me) tend to update mostly on Twitter, you might want to start spending some time in Facebook too, and highlighting your connections there. This will help “place” you within a social context that will build your reputation and influence.
Second, you will need to be even more careful about what you share online, as there will be greater transparency about what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with if you use the @mentions feature.
Third, you should get into Facebook and get your fan page and profile fully set up, so when people mention you and link to you, you’re putting your best profile forward.
And while you’re in there, please connect with me on Facebook!
Dr. Rachna Jain is Chief Social Marketer at The Mindshare Corporation. Rachna works with speakers, consultants, authors, and small business owners to develop and execute effective social media marketing strategies. Her proprietary persuasive social media process (sm) focuses on building influence, credibility and visibility online. This translates into greater recognition, increased website traffic, faster lead generation, a shorter sales cycle, and more opportunity for her expert clientele. She blogs regularly at The Mindshare Blog
Article Contributed by By Eric Gruber
The whole point to article marketing is to put your business on autopilot. You want to get your articles published on top websites, ezines and article directories that direct traffic to your website. You want to be able to capture prospect’s names and email addresses so you can promote to them over and over again without lifting a finger.
Now, the problem is most people have greatly increased their website traffic with articles, but they have NOTHING to show for it. No one is signing up for their newsletters. No one is buying anything. And, the prospects are lost forever.
It does NOT matter how much traffic you get from articles, if your website doesn’t convert.
Why Your Website Isn’t Converting
Most article marketers link to their homepage in the bio box. This home page has a small little newsletter sign up box in the corner that is so hard to find. There are times that you need a magnifying glass to find the newsletter opt-in box mixed up in all the clutter.
The page itself has so many links and calls-to-action that it confuses prospects that are at your site to receive a free newsletter, special report, ebook or whatever your offering is. Confused prospects become frustrated prospects who leave your site and are never to be found again. That’s why you need a focused squeeze page.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term squeeze page, it is a web page that is specifically designed to compel visitors to opt in to your list. A well-designed squeeze page can convert as many as half of the people who visit it, into opt-in email list subscribers.
How to Make Squeeze Pages Work for You
In order for the squeeze page to be able to do its work most effectively, there must be no other way for the visitor to get into your web site without opting in first to your opt in email list.
For example, check out:
Notice to get to any of the other pages in the website above, including the sales pages, you must have to opt in to an email list first.
Now, you may be thinking, but what about all the others that didn’t opt in to the list? What if they would have bought something from me?
Well, let me ask you this. If they don’t trust you enough to opt-in to your list, to give you their name and email address in exchange for a free gift, do you really think that that person is going to whip out their credit card and give you their credit card number? Of course not!
Proof That Squeeze Pages Work
Now, the current conversion rate on the Restraining Order 911 sales letter since putting up a squeeze page is 20%. Before he created a squeeze page and auto-responder system that would continually educate his list and promote his product, Ron Lasorsa’s conversion rate was around 1%. So with my help, Ron has created a 2000% increase in revenue by sending his article marketing, video marketing, social media marketing and pay-per-click advertising traffic to a squeeze page.
Don’t you think it’s time that you setup a squeeze page to send your article traffic to? If so, check out my free video on squeeze pages at:
About the Author
Article Marketing Expert Eric Gruber uses the power of articles to create online opportunities for Internet marketers, small business owners and entrepreneurs who want more publicity, prospects and profits. Now, he invites you to check out his squeeze page – and in return for your name and email address Eric will send you 3 of his favorite article writing templates. Claim your free instant article writing templates at
Confidence Beats Accuracy
I just read an interesting article today on Dan Ariely’s blog about how confidence beats accuracy. Although we’d like to think that what we know really matters, what really convinces people is spin.
In other words, you can carry off almost any idea, if you have enough confidence.
I agree with this to a point, though I think all of us should back up our confidence with true results and true expertise. What I think is telling about this, at least for the world of social media marketing, is that we must be convincing if we want to build influence.
Too often, we soft-pedal what we know, or don’t state our case directly enough. Yet people are incredibly attracted to clarity and confidence. The goal for each of us is to share what we know as clearly and confidently and directly as possible- both online and offline.
As you build your social media presence, focus on how you can state your beliefs, opinions, and results confidently and clearly. In the crowded world of online promotion, the most confident and direct messages are the ones which are going to be heard.
Gain attention by using strong headlines, and convey your knowledge in the words you use.
Highlight strong examples which further build your case. Tell stories, because these are one thing people are always interested in and pay attention to.
If you want your investment in social media to truly pay off, you need to be confident, bold, and clear.
Dr. Rachna Jain is Chief Social Marketer at The Mindshare Corporation. Rachna works with speakers, consultants, authors, and small business owners to develop and execute effective social media marketing strategies. Her proprietary persuasive social media process (sm) focuses on building influence, credibility and visibility online. This translates into greater recognition, increased website traffic, faster lead generation, a shorter sales cycle, and more opportunity for her expert clientele. She blogs regularly at The Mindshare Blog
BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 92
Free 28-pages PDF report (worth $38) – “Cool Business Ideas in 2009” – included with your subscription. Learn more here.
Position Yourself As A Leader
It’s been said that to be a successful salesperson, not only do your listening skills have to be great, but your closing skills have to be even better. However, I believe that while these skills are helpful, they are not essential. In my opinion, to be a top-performing sales professional, you must be a great leader……
Continued in BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 92 >>>
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– Trade Clothes with ThredUP
– Photovoltaic Mac Laptop
– New Planeshop
– Baths in Bedroom
Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>
– To Ask or Not To Ask, That Is The Question
– How To Manage Your Business Finances
– Multiple Marketing Streams — How Many Are You Using?
– Tips for Running A Successful Home-Based Business
– Checklist For A Healthy Business
– 7 Habits of Highly Successful Female Entrepreneurs
– How to Overcome Negative Thoughts & Finally Lay Claim To Your Ultimate Goals
Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>
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Free 28-pages PDF report (worth $38) – “Cool Business Ideas in 2009” – included with your subscription. Learn more here.