Success Attitude

Are You Ignoring the Knock of Opportunity?

bringtalent.jpgArticle Contributed by Lynda-Ross Vega
Most of us have undeveloped talents that lie hidden inside us until they’re recognized and acted upon. Each of our talents is an opportunity waiting to happen.
Perhaps our natural talents and gifts weren’t recognized or appreciated when we were young. When that happens we tend to ignore or stifle them in order to avoid criticism, or we minimize ourselves by thinking, “Well, if I can do it, everyone else must be able to as well.”
The terrific insight about these internal opportunities is that, unlike their external counterparts, they can never be lost. But they can be missed unless you make the effort to discover them and then jump in and turn them into active talents.
Opportunities such as these are like muscles you have but never exercise. They function, often poorly and without great results at first. The good news is that like unused muscles, these opportunities can be consciously exercised and strengthened. The opportunity transforms into a talent!
Many people are surprised when they discover internal opportunities they never knew they had. Others admit sheepishly that they were aware of the skill, but didn’t think that it was anything “special.”
Overlooked opportunities can rob you of your full life’s potential and keep your natural talents from shining forth. If you want to do more of what you do best you must use all of your talents to their fullest.
Turning your opportunities into talents is an important step. Take action, do something, try something, get inspired!
Here’s one way to start: Brainstorm a list of at least 7-10 things you’ve always wanted to try. Some items on your list might be painting, playing the piano, learning a new language, whatever. Don’t censor yourself or worry about looking foolish. No one else has to see your list. From that list, choose one activity and pursue it in whatever way you can for the next 30 days. Do something you loved as a child. Try out a talent that you’ve always admired in others. Try something you imagine being terrible at. Do it even if it scares you.
The goal is to find something that will give you clues as to what it is that makes you happy. Discovering a hidden talent might be the catalyst that inspires a career change or presents a new business opportunity. Others say feeding a hidden talent gave them a boost in confidence to try something new, go after something they wanted or fulfill a life-long dream.
Finding our talents also helps us uncover those characteristics were we do not shine – those that make us unhappy and leave us feeling unfulfilled. The trouble is, when you waste your natural abilities you often feel stuck doing something you hate. It’s just as important to weed those skills out.
Discovering and nurturing a new talent is an opportunity to find what you need in order to be successful in life and enjoy life more fully. When we are doing what we love, we are often performing at our best. This leads to a kind of fulfillment that allows us to live life passionately and happily.
About the Author
A partner at Vega Behavioral Consulting, Ltd., Lynda-Ross specializes in helping entrepreneurs and coaches build dynamite teams and systems that WORK. She is co-author of Vega Role Facilities Theory, a revolutionary psychological assessment system that teaches people how to unleash their deepest potentials for success. For free information on how to succeed as an entrepreneur or coach, create a thriving business and build your bottom line doing more of what you love, visit