Work Life

7 Reasons Why You Might Not Be In The Flow


1. Forgiveness Healing Work. 99.99 % of the time the person or situation we are the most upset with is US. Getting angry at ourselves or others is a common way we hold onto the past and drag it around. Forgiveness doesn’t mean excusing or forgetting what happened, it means coming to acceptance and peace with the past and our humanness so we can move forward. Being unforgiving blocks flow because it blocks love. Love magnetizes abundance and good flowing to us. Read my article on How Forgiving Are You?

2. Unconscious limiting beliefs. How you feel about yourself consciously and unconsciously is the energy operating at all times in what you are manifesting. The stronger the emotional charge, the faster we manifest either what we desire or what is undesired. And before we attract what we desire, we first attract its’ opposite. Read my post: The Law of Opposites.

Affirmations and declarations can be effective in working with the conscious mind but they don’t effectively create the shifts on the subconscious because our egos get in the way. Working with modalities that bypass the conscious mind such as Theta healing and hypnosis (there are many to choose) have helped many to transform and release beliefs, resolve the past, and open the flow of abundance.

3. Ego vs. Soul. Who are you listening to – your head or your heart? Are your choices and actions motivated by fear or are they Divinely inspired? Do you follow your intuition and instincts or do you override them? If you’ve grown up being taught to ignore your inner wisdom, cultivating a relationship with your soul will help you to make choices that align with heart.
We are spiritual beings in a physical form. When you align with your spirit to use your ego as a tool rather than identify with your mind as “who you are” and the expert to guide your choices and actions, your life experiences will take on a deeper meaning and fulfillment.

4. Clear the energy zappers. Where is your energy going? We put up with, accept, take on and are dragged down by people’s behavior, situations, unmet needs, crossed boundaries, in-completions, problems and even our own behavior. Examples: anything you are avoiding, anything is need of repair or replacement, unreturned phone calls correspondence, bills, debts, clutter, unspoken words (stuffing feelings), and boundaries. Some things take time to clear and can be handled is smaller steps. Energy zappers create clutter and block flow.

5. Fear. Anxiety, worry, fear.. is generated by the ego and reinforced by the messages we receive in our day to day life. Spiritual practices, walks, in nature, meditation, loving, healthy relationships, feed and nurture us body, mind and spirit. When you’re focused in fear, your attention is on the future. Coming back to the present, practicing sincere daily gratitude, being loving and generous with others, cultivating faith and trust, and conscious breathing are ways to shift from fear to a more centered, empowered space.

6. Resisting the healing and growth experience. Stop fighting against where you are. Stop judging where you are to be a bad or wrong place and asking, “How do I get rid of this feeling or situation I don’t like?” You are where you are! And there is a purpose to what you are experiencing even if you don’t like it. The more you fight your feelings and situations the more energy you give them to hang around. “What you resist, persists.” Instead, consider what the feeling or situation might be trying to tell you or teach you.

And, we become impatient when things don’t happen fast enough or the way we want especially when we are feeling fear and urgency. In addition to the Law of Attraction and other governing principles, another powerfull law is the Law of Divine Order and Timing. You timing for something to happen and the Universe’s timing may not be aligned. That’s where faith and trust comes in AND following your intuition.

Learning how to live in harmony with these universal principles and how to leverage your knowledge of the laws so you can align in thought, belief and behavior in respect of these laws, is both empowering and remarkably effective. (This is one of the steps we teach in Aligning with Destiny program)

7. Your Relationship with Money. Do you see money as a big monster who disappears and makes you suffer or a loving friend who wants you to have we everything you desire? Do you feel anger and blame towards the power money seems to have in your life and in the lives of others? Your attitude, beliefs and relationship with money affects how it shows up in your life. Check out Morgana Rae’s workbook and CD’s for insights and strategies to become a money magnet.

My final point: If you have been consistently investing time, energy, and money in growing yourself and you business, and you are feeling frustrated with your life, what’s missing that might help you break through?

We can get so close to our own stuff that we are unable to see what’s going on and help ourselves get through certain things especially if it means feeling pain or discomfort. One of the biggest reasons people don’t get the assistance they need is because they say, “I can’t afford it.” That message comes from your ego!

If you are continuing to get most of the same results, you can’t afford not to get the help you need. And I understand how prickly the money topic is for people today.

Every successful entrepreneur I know works with a team of people including coaches, mentors, accountability buddies, and mastermind groups. If you aspire to play a bigger game, you gotta stretch out of your comfort and surround yourself with the people and resources you need to succeed. Life is a journey of courage!

The bottom line is how badly you want something and whether you are really willing to do whatever it takes including making financial investments in yourself to have a more prosperous future.

These are incredible times to step into the next and highest version of who we are meant to be.

Are you in or out?

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