Success Attitude

5 Tips to Finding Success



5 Tips to Finding Success

Make a to-do list. And then crush that shit.

If you’re like me, administrative tasks seem menial and mundane. But an organization can’t run without the completion of these tasks (and more importantly, efficient completion). So make a list of priorities and start checking things off. You know that old adage “don’t put off to tomorrow what could be done today”? That is most true for successful businesspeople.

Do not to seek success; seek to break down the walls that you’ve built around yourself that keep you from success.

This, for all my fellow literature lovers, is a take off of one of my favorite Rumi quotes, which goes like this: “Your job is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Seeking success is like putting the cart before the horse. You need to put energy into creating an environment that will be an incubator for success. This starts with you personally and should radiate into every facet of the company.

Don’t stop seeking opportunities.

If you’re not feeling challenged at work, then what the hell are you doing? Complacency is something for which successful people never settle. Let’s say that you’re the best at your job. What else can you add to your plate? I’m not even relegating this to developing a professional skill; volunteer to organize a social for the office, take a leadership role on your intramural kickball team or simply offer to spearhead a new process.

Emulate successful people.

You’ve heard that successful people go to bed early, wake up early, carry a notebook for jotting down great ideas, make a to-do list every day, communicate effectively—and the list goes on and on. Strive to emulate the practices of successful people in your life that you admire instead of holding on to seemingly abstract ideas of success. It doesn’t always have to be about reading Steve Jobs’ memoir. Look to a professional you admire—a teacher, a boss, a family member or a mentor—and ask them about their good and bad habits. Emulate the good ones and stay aware of the bad. If you’re present, you can probably avoid some pitfalls they’ve already endured.

Stop reading advice columns written by people you don’t know about being successful.

Seriously, you gotta get out there and find out what works and what doesn’t for yourself. Start by getting out of the office and into the world, which will inspire you in ways you never thought possible. Whether you’re a business owner, an executive, or an entry-level associate, make your professional goal to be an idea machine. When you see something that you love or detest, ask yourself why. This is how you develop your values, which is imperative for any successful person.

About the Author:

Amber Ludeman is CEO of social marketing firm matchstick social headquartered in Charleston, SC. matchstick specializes in the social branding of small-to-medium-sized businesses.

How-To Guides

How to Manage Cash Flow (Infographic)

Cash flow management is an ongoing challenge for many entrepreneurs and business owners. It is crucial to keep a close eye on accounts payable and accounts receivable to ensure there are no financial gaps in receiving payments and using those incoming funds to pay important expenses.

Below is an infographic from Citizens Bank that outlines what to pay special attention to when analyzing accounts payable and receivable. You can even use specific accounting software to help track payment dates and financial projections. Then, you can truly understand if you’ll need additional funds to assist you with your business goals, whether it’s a small business loan or line of credit to help with equipment or everyday needs. Is there a strategy that works well for you? Let us know in the comments.

Business Cash Flow Infographic

Consider small business loans from Citizens Bank.

Work Life

Why Do You Need a Vacation?

Why Do You Need a Vacation

When so much is dependent on you, and when you are juggling multiple balls in the air at once and not only that, but you are totally convinced that the big deal will come through at any moment, why do you need a vacation? A vacation, time off when it’s near impossible even to have a cup of coffee with a friend? And you’ve been doing just fine (you think), going without even a short holiday since you started your company or business.

This is a dilemma many small business owners and entrepreneurs have. They are convinced that their business will fall apart, customers will migrate to the competition, and all new deals will evaporate if they head out to enjoy a vacation.

Good friend and mega-entrepreneur, Bill, 2nd generation CEO of a successful family company, was quite beside himself about taking a vacation. Juggling multiple balls at once, totally convinced that the next big deal will come through at any moment, near impossible to snatch a cup of coffee with old friends; you know this guy….

Finally he told me he was taking two weeks and doing a tour in a newly restored private antique railcar with a friend. This very custom rail car would hook up to several different scheduled passenger trains around the country! And this was in the dark days before cellphones and the internet, so it was going to be a real break from company routine.

So what prompted Bill to change his mind about taking a vacation? Think about this, it could change your mind also: Bill’s doctor said to him, if you take a 2 week vacation, when you return you might be two weeks behind with your work, but you will be able to catch up; and in the overall scheme of things what really is two weeks behind? If you drop dead, you’ll never have the opportunity to catch up, put things right, or do new deals for the company! You will be behind forever!

Bill took his rail car tour, and had the most amazing time inviting people on board for segments of the trip, getting reacquainted with old friends and meeting new friends (with the time to listen to others), expanding his horizons and perspectives (embracing new dimensions) by what he saw along the way and people he talked to. When he returned he said he had new clarity, more energy, and he felt the benefits of the time away were far greater than the aggravation caused by being behind two weeks; and best of all, he was still alive!

Ask yourself the following key questions, and if your answer is “a long time ago”, take a vacation!

1.When was the last time I had an all night conversation (with anyone) about the meaning of life?

2 When was the last time I built ‘castles in the air’ (for no reason)?

3 When was the last time I had a 3 hour lunch, for the food & the experience, not for doing business?

4 When was the last time I read an actual book, in bed, until noon? No electronic devices in sight….

5 When was the last time I did nothing, and enjoyed it?

There are many helpful and fun messages you can leave on your email auto-reply, your store front, or your social footprint, to keep customers, clients, and even employees gainfully engaged, while you take time to vacation; and in fact you’ll find many people are more receptive to make deals when you return in your newly relaxed, de-stressed state of well being!

It’s not a coincidence how often that deal you have been waiting for will happen precisely when you get back to your office; and don’t you wonder sometimes if it would have happened if you had not gone on vacation?

This was first seen on Entrepreneurs Questions: Why Do You Need a Vacation

Sales & Marketing

5 Reasons Your Business Needs Your Story

5 Reasons Your Business Needs Your Story

You may have heard it said ‘Stories Sell’.  It’s true.  We really connect to a good story and it’s a proven marketing and sales tactic.

You know this instinctively, you only buy something when you really ‘believe’ it.  And you can take any example from your own life.  Think about the last purchase you made; what was the pitch?  What did you believe when you bought it?  I can guarantee you, it was a great story.

However, I’m not writing about new ‘tactics’ here.  I want to write about something much more authentic and personal than the latest proven business building gimmick.

And what’s this got to do with your business?  Well you can be the very best in the world at what you do but if you can’t sell your services, you simply don’t have a business.

Here are the 5 reasons your business needs YOUR story and these are also the 5 ways you can build your business authentically and easily.

  1. Your Story is evidence of your expertise.  What you have experienced; including your personal life events, research, education and approach, is the best evidence of why you are perfectly placed to provide your service to others.
  2. Your Story creates powerful connect. When we hear your authentic story we are reminded of our own related experiences and instinctively understand that you get it!
  3. Your Story is inspiring. Your potential clients are struggling to achieve something.  You have grown beyond that struggle so by telling that story you are inspiring others.
  4. Your Story is the key to attracting clients.  Your story differentiates you from others in your market.  People always remember the story and be attracted by it. You show up as human, approachable, knowledgeable and most importantly, relevant.  Clients find you when you start telling your story.
  5. Your Story makes you money.    Add up all of what’s said before…more connection, more expertise, more inspiration, more clients – yes, it means you will make more money and have a thriving business.  Now what business owner  would say no to that!

You need a great story.  And you don’t have to make it up.  You have a great story.  Don’t doubt it.  You story is who you are, it’s how you create your reality, it’s how you show up.

Start showing up powerfully with your authentic, compelling story – your business will thank you for it!

Success Attitude

3 Strategies for Your Positive Business Independence

3 Strategies for Your Positive Business Independence

The annual U.S. celebration of the Declaration of Independence’s signing is this week. While many just eat hot dogs and watch fireworks, let’s Work Positive and discover 3 strategies from the Founding Fathers’ experience that we can use to achieve our own positive business independence.


The U.S. Founding Fathers viewed “taxation without representation” as the negative mental model cast by a negative British government.

What negative mental models receive your thoughts’ focus? It could be anything from the way you determine your attitude each morning by watching TV “news” to a scarcity mentality from which you grab and rake everything you can wrap your arms around.

Who are the negative people that get your attention? From an employee or coworker, vendor to regional manager, they suck your positive time and energy even after you go home. It costs too much to do business with some people.

Is your business positively growing this way?

The first strategy is to determine today to develop a more positive mental model independent of your status quo. Feed your attitude something more positively nutritional for breakfast. Grow an abundance mentality by thinking about all you do have instead of what you don’t.

Determine to give your attention to positive mental and social energies so your business will positively grow independent of current negativity.



The second strategy is to declare your positive determination to transform your attention.

The Founding Fathers of the U.S. signed a document that clearly stated what they believed to be true as the positive recasting of their attention and why. It’s known as the Declaration of Independence.

Our positive thoughts and relationships to which we give attention organize and crystallize when we declare in writing what we believe to be true. The most powerful fuel for focus is your pen.

Write down what you positively declare your independence from today. Write about more than just what you’re against. Notice the U.S. Declaration of Independence primarily focuses on positive truths that to the signers are self-evident. Keep your word count tight and positive as you declare your positively transforming mental model and social relationships.


You’ve determined to do business more positively by transforming the thoughts and people who receive your attention. You’ve declared your determined beliefs.

Now it’s time to act—the third strategy.

The British response to the U.S. intention for a more positive focus of attention was “Bring it on.” While the U.S. may have preferred acquiescence, war ensued.

Every action has a consequence. In business as in life, you are 100% responsible for your actions and their consequences. You start your journey to Work Positive with the first two steps when you determine to positively realign your thoughts and relationships and then declare them. There are many more steps down that path. Sustaining the positive change means you perpetually act in the 5 core practices of a Work Positive lifestyle.

The Revolutionary War came at a great cost to both the Americans and the British. Yet it was necessary for global growth to occur.

What one action will you take today to positively grow your business?

Create your own celebration as you implement these 3 strategies for your positive business independence.

About the Author

Dr. Joey Faucette is the #1 Amazon best-selling author of Work Positive in a Negative World (Entrepreneur Press), coach, and speaker who helps business professionals increase sales with greater productivity so they get out of the office earlier. Discover more at