Success Attitude

Home Based Business Stressing You Out? Three Ways to Restore Your Sanity


No one can ever say that having a home based business is boring! Between quieting barking dogs, refereeing your children’s fights, and answering the phone and the doorbell, it can sometimes be hard to get anything done — no matter how well you visualize, set goals, and plan your day.

And it can be equally easy to be too hard on ourselves, blaming ourselves for not being more organized, focused or motivated. But that just increases the pressure — it doesn’t solve anything! Sometimes it helps to just stop, put the “to-do” list away, and look instead at the big picture.

I find these three “mantras” help me get back in balance when I’m feeling stressed, overwhelmed or just plain tired:

1.    If you aren’t making mistakes, you aren’t moving fast enough. I don’t know if I’m typical, but I certainly know I’m not alone in wanting to always present a professional, polished image to the world. Whether it’s an important email message, a change to my website, or a new article, I want it to be perfect. It’s often hard to stop tweaking and improving, and just let go. And yet that’s exactly what will help me succeed faster.

Everyone makes mistakes — your clients and colleagues included — and they are likely to be much more forgiving of your mistakes than you will. Set a time limit, and when that time is up, stop tweaking and move on!

2.    It doesn’t *have* to be done today. Many of my deadlines are self-imposed — and most of the time, no one else cares! So if you don’t get your newsletter out today or even this week — trust me, your equally-busy subscribers may not even notice if it’s late.

A stressed mind doesn’t function as clearly as a relaxed one — taking off the pressure by letting a milestone slip a few days can result in a better end product. And it may be easier and take less time to complete, too.

3.    It will get done when it is supposed to get done. It’s amazing how when I finally get around to doing a task or project I’ve procrastinated about for a while, something else aligns that makes the work easier and sometimes gives a better result than if I’d done it earlier. Or an opportunity arises to get someone else to do it, or even just drop it altogether in favor of a different project that’s more exciting, fun and profitable.

I find this mantra to be especially helpful when I’ve delegated a task and it doesn’t get done on time (aka on my schedule). I make that schedule myself — and I have the power to change the schedule. A stressed VA doesn’t work any better than a stressed “you”. So relax, let her know it’s ok, and both of you will feel more energized as a result.

A caveat: if you have a client project due tomorrow, these mantras won’t be of much help – your client expects, and you should deliver, a high-quality, on-time product. But if you can apply them consistently from the beginning, you’ll find it easier to get “in the flow”, where the work gets done almost effortlessly and before you know it, you are done – early!

People & Relationships

Create a Simple Stay-in-Touch Strategy

Many business owners face the problem of putting out regular newsletter/ezine. They think in order to communicate with their subscribers and potential clients they need to write a full-on article … and so many get stuck.

If you’re struggling with this problem, don’t think of it as a newsletter; instead, think of it as a stay-in-touch strategy. There are many different options available so that you can stay in touch with your audience without having to write a 400+ word article each week.


Sales & Marketing

12 Ways To Be Highly Organized In Sales


How do you become incredibly successful in Sales? You get highly organized to the point you are obsessed with it. Being organized means you know where you are going, how you’re getting there and when you plan to do it. Are you organized?

Endless scribbles and note taking mixed in with an “I’ll update the CRM later” attitude and you’ve got a recipe for Sales disaster. The last thing you need is your Sales Team being clueless as to who they’re speaking with or why they are speaking to them.

If you’re a Sales Manager, emphasise the need to be highly organized, even paranoid of failure if it means everyone adopts the need to be organized.

Play out the worst case scenario to the team and see who starts to question or double check their approach, chances are most will but it’ll save a lot of embarrassment and wasted time with the customer.

Here are 12 ways to become highly organized 

#1 Write every little thing down – leave your mind free to concentrate directly on the customer or task in hand.

#2 Clear up your space – remove all the clutter that seems to always be plaguing your workspace (even consider it for phones, laptops etc., as they are also notoriously bad for this).

#3 Everything needs a place – habits form quickly if you stick to routine, this includes putting things in the same place time and time again.

#4 Smart with tasks – check through your written list of what you have coming up, batch things together be it on the basis of similarity of task or location etc.

#5 Plan of action – create this right before you go to bed, on waking up you’ll have a defined set of tasks and you’ll know how you need to go about them.

#6 Bring in support – don’t let your ego take control. If you happen to have a stubborn account to deal with then call in support to guide, advise and ease the task.

#7 Stick to what’s familiar – Trying to break a habit or do something that you’ve never done before is generally frustrating at the beginning (the euphoria of doing so will follow shortly though) so leave this to a slow day or during your free time.

#8 Take on problems – Try and take out the biggest problems first as soon as possible, mundane and boring tasks can be widely outsourced or taken care of during a slower part of the day.

#9 Know everything – Study your accounts, your business, products, competitors, markets, industries so you know everything.

#10 Delegation – Some of us Sales people are hot shots in specific parts of the Sales cycle, using up your time and stressing out on other stages should be minimalized (lead generation etc). Instead find people that are the hot shot of that department and work with them.

#11 Personal lists – Things like time to yourself, food that you eat and how you spend your money should be compiled into a personal list. This is all about not guessing and causing stress, instead you know what you’re doing, how, when and why.

#12 Stop negative thoughts – Sales is a hard career to be in, the emotional battering you get on a daily basis can get incredibly tiring. Instead of thinking that the product sucks, the market doesn’t exist or so on, focus on the past successes and learn from them.

If you study the most successful Sales people within your company and outside of it you’ll generally notice a common theme – they are all incredibly organized and know exactly what they are doing.

Ask them why they are doing it and they’ll never look clueless, instead they’ll have an answer that leads them to the next stage and the next stage and so on.