Work Life

Manifesting a Car Crash And Other Special Moments!

Manifesting a Car Crash And Other Special Moments

A few weeks ago I was my way to an early morning client meeting.

I had successfully navigated the demands of my kids, my dog and the early morning traffic and was making good time!

I was listening to the radio and gently thinking about the two meetings later that day and my upcoming business trip.

In an instant my thoughts shifted, as they do.  I began to think about my car.  We had been trying to sell it for quite some time.  It had been advertised but there was very little interest.  Anyone that saw the car seemed to lose interest even more.  It has a few bumps and bruises on it!

As I drove down the highway, I thought, if only we didn’t have all those bumps and dents on the car.  I thought, someone would want to buy the car if it looked better.  I though, it’s those bumps and dents, I wish we didn’t have them.  Those dents were getting all my attention.

The traffic had become heavy as I neared the big junction.  I pulled into the clear left lane in order to approach the turn.  As my mind traced the parts of the car that were imperfect, a woman pulled out of her lane into mine, without looking.

I slammed on the brakes but it was too late.  I was going too fast, she was too close.  We crashed.

Guess what, another big dent on my car.

I thought, isn’t it amazing what we manifest!

And how that works in business too but only 100% of the time!

When I think about what’s not working in my business, more things seem to go wrong.  When I focus on what I haven’t yet done, I feel like I get even less finished.

But when I think about what I have achieved and what’s working, I definitely get more better results.

Yes, it’s the law of attraction.  And yes, it works.

What we focus on truly grows.

I’ve seen evidence of this for years, in every part of my life and business.

Chances are you have too, unless you’re not paying attention.

What you focus on grows.

But it’s up to you to come up with the evidence.  You see our mind finds evidence is everything according to what we believe.

When you are believing the negative story, your mind finds all the reasons to justify that world view.

When you start creating and focusing on a positive version of you and your business, you will find more than enough proof to really believe that thought.

It’s all about the story you choose to turn into reality.

I guess next time I’m out on the highway, I’ll be dreaming up the great buyer for my car and the perfect replacement that I’ll get.  Let’s see how that manifests!!!

Communication Skills

Killer First Impression and A Meaningful Conversation


Over time for many sales professionals the process of first impressions and conversations start to become a subconscious effort.

Do anything enough times and it’ll happen, but the difference here is that for a sales professional the first impression is one that opens up the doors for further conversation – and then you have to deal with that too!

First Impressions

You have 15 seconds (some will debate that it’s 8 seconds) to provide the best possible first impression to your clients. How are you planning on creating the most effective and fulfilling impression?

Take a moment to consider these questions and role play the general approach you use when meeting a new client. You’ll probably be doing fine however some key aspects of the first impression many people forget to even consider.

Forget about the 15 second first impression rule and align yourself with the idea that the first impression is going to last the duration of the meeting – could be 5 minutes or it could be 30 – either way you need to be able to create and maintain that first impression throughout the meeting.

Get Fashionable

This is not to say that you have to raid Gucci for all of their finest cashmere but instead realise that scruffy looking sales people generally do incredibly poorly when it comes to first impressions and even maintaining the relationship.

Haircuts are a must; no matter how likely you are to close the deal, every first meeting needs to portrait a positive image. Sales people generally have a “uniform” when it comes to attire so it’s best to just stick with that – pinstripes should be forgotten about right now.

Read the News

It doesn’t matter what your political opinion is about current affairs just ensure you’re up to date with everything that is happening in the world. Not only does it provide an easy conversation starter it also can help create an idea of the clients though processes and most importantly it builds bridges.

Also avoid comic newspapers where they’ll discuss the mechanics behind why a baked bean looks like a religious figure.

There are plenty of news feeders out there that let you read a synopsis of the top news for the day, alternatively you could set up a Google Alerts for keywords that involve your industry or your clients.

Basic Etiquette

‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ seems to have gone missing these days, simply by using these words you’ll start to leave an instant impression. Again simple things such as firm handshakes and removing hats indoors can be the key difference between someone that’s remembered or forgotten – another note to consider the fact that the client may not be used to this etiquette so it’ll be an instant shock when you do it.

Much like the news, books and articles/blogs can be a key ingredient for building up relationships. Not only does it show the client that you’re interested in similar pieces of writing, it also helps you become even smarter!


Looking away whilst shaking hands? Asking irrelevant questions? All signs of someone who just doesn’t give a damn – they don’t have their head in the game.

Don’t be that sales person who turns off when the client is talking, you should be giving your full undeterred attention at all times. Not only does it help you to qualify and learn about the customer it also makes the client consider you to be a good listener.

If however it’s the other way around, the client is uninterested, do yourself a favour and cut the meeting short – there’s really no need to waste time if someone is realistically never going to buy from you.

The Conversation


You’re a sales person so you need to understand why exactly are you about to go into this meeting, why are you making this call and so on. The last thing a busy client wants to get is a “catching up” phone call that only has the purpose of you trying to maintain mindshare.

I’ll tell you how to quadruple that mindshare – add value with every contact. Turn a catch up into an educational intensive course on a new law/rule/advancement that will directly affect your client. Something like this is going to stop them in their tracks and listen.

Always, before any form on contact is made, know exactly why you’re calling, what the end goal should (ideally) be and how you’re planning on doing that. Even if the conversation goes off course you’ll have the game plan to get you back into place.

What Did You Say?

If you’re listening and doing it well you’ll never have to ask for something to be repeated, obviously if there’s a load noise you may be excused to ask again, use this as personal test whenever you’re in a meeting to determine if you’re actually listening.

I can’t promote enough the need to listen and to do it well, it has a considerable effect on how you’re perceived as a professional but also it gives you the chance to arm yourself with an incredible amount of knowledge and dig deeper to further produce a solution directly to your client’s needs.

Think First

Part of being a sales professional is to address the client’s needs and to offer viable and effective solutions – however many of us can get caught out in the later/final stages of the sales cycle just to simple close the deal.

At this point it’s vital that you don’t lose your cool and start offering brash discounts and free items without first calculating or thinking what you plan to say through.

Ultimately the point of thinking first and then answering is that you’ll be able to, again, have a meaningful conversation that digs deeper into the needs of the client and gives you the characteristics of a good listener.

Starting Up

Startup Street Signs: How Starting a Business is like Learning to Drive #entrepreneurfail


New Webcomics series brought to you by #entrepreneurfail and Enjoy!

Take that exit now!

There are many similarities between learning to driving a car and becoming and entrepreneur.  Getting behind the wheel vs. Learning how to start a new company: both options can provide a ticket to ultimate freedom!

Here is our list of why entrepreneurship is like driving a car:

  1. It takes a while to learn, but once you get the hang of it, you can apply your skills to other cars (ventures).
  2. You have to learn all the signs and signals really well, and know how to act upon them in real-time.
  3. Keep refueling as necessary.
  4. You’re responsible for those coming along on the ride.
  5. Distractions are lethal. ‘Nuff said.

The good news is you don’t need a license to drive on startup street. So rev up your engines, check your mirrors, and GO! Don’t forget to stick your head out of the window to feel the cool breeze once in a while.

Let us know if you agree – is learning to start a company like learning to drive a car? Did we miss any analogies? Let us know in the comments below.

Success Attitude

10 Lessons Learned in 2013


2013 has been a good year for me. I introduced many new products, created new relationships, and had a total knee replacement. I learned much and as I reflect back I want to share the top 10 learning’s I experienced. As you plan your goals, dreams and aspirations for next year, I thought I would share some lessons early in the hope you will think differently about personal growth, wealth and health going into 2014.

10. Life planning as well as business planning is essential. Create a life plan and get really focused on what is important, what makes you happy, and what provides peace of mind. Life is an experience to be lived and not a lesson to be learned.

9.   I like learning. It does not matter what it is. I realized it is important to me to bring value to every relationship and I give away too much. Not sure I want to change this too much.

8.   People who get both knees replaced (AT THE SAME TIME) impress me, I think. I know how much work it was to recover from one knee replacement, I could not image doing two at the same time!

7.   I now see the medical industry as a customer service organization. The positive service I experienced, at the hospital was extraordinary; from the nurses to the nutritionist to the physical therapist was incredible. Made the whole stay that much more pleasant and I believe my recovery time faster.

6.   I realized the value of good friends. Several stepped up to help out when I was in the hospital. I was amazed and impressed that people would be so open and sharing with their time, talent and money. What was really cool was I did not have to ask!

5.   One of our dogs died this year. The other became very depressed. It is very clear to me they need company and create deep relationships that benefit all.

4.   I love being greeted so warmly by my dog when I come home. I will take time and allow him to greet me when I walk in the door and I will greet them with the same level of love and enthusiasm (this was on the list last year.)

3.   Honesty, integrity and common sense make me tick. I love business and personal relationships with people where I know what makes them tick. I want to know what is important to you. I can always get better at communicating my intent and cultivating valuable relationships. Some people will love you and some won’t. Some feel it is ok to criticize because they can do it anonymously and no one will know. Relationships can be difficult. Always give them the benefit of the doubt and trust that when the time is right, things will be ok.

2.    Nothing is as valuable as your health. Having experienced a number of health challenges with a new knee make me aware of how I value mobility, sleep and activity. It is amazing how my attitude got better when the body feels better. Enough sleep is essential to great health and a positive attitude.

1.    Getting back to “my why.” For years I had a strong spiritual practice. I got away from it due to family obligations, business challenges and other reason. I changed and my spiritual practices did not change as I changed. I will implement practices that keep me grounded and focused on what is important. When the “why” is clear, life gets easy.

Bonus Lesson: The same challenge will keep showing up in your life until you learn the lesson life is presenting to you.  You would have thought that I would have learned that by now!

Another bonus lesson: Be Grateful. Share your gratitude.

Customer Service

Get More Clients: A Simple Strategy for More Clients (It’s Not What You Think)


Clients are the backbone of every solo service professional’s business. If you don’t have any, or enough, clients then you’re going to struggle to grow and build a profitable business. Therefore business owners are always on the lookout for strategies, tools, resources etc. that will make the client acquiring process much easier.

But there’s one really simple strategy that many business owners don’t even think about … it’s cleaning out your office!

This past break I spent a good few hours cleaning out my office cupboards, desk and PC. You see, over the past year the papers had built up and I needed to make some more space. Not that my office was cluttered or there were paper piles everywhere (that’s a different article!), it’s just that through the day-to-day management of running two businesses, I’d let things build up.

So, I took myself off into my office for the afternoon and just simply started sorting, sifting, and trashing. I filled up with two black bags of trash … and I found some hidden gems too.

Cleaning out your office allows you to:

1. Review past client files and reconnect. If, like I do, you tend to work with clients for a specific project, or over a certain length of time (say a six-month program), then chances are you haven’t connected with them for a while, especially if your work together happened at the start of the year. In going through all of your client files, you can revisit the work you did together, and use it as an opportunity to check back in with them, see how they’re doing, and ask if there’s anything you can do to help them.

2. Go through those papers/products you’d created or bought to see if they’re still relevant.We’re entrepreneurs, right? So that means we’re always creating something new. There are many files in my cabinets where I’ve started working on an idea only to end up not taking it further; or I’ve delivered a program and have decided not to deliver it again; or I’ve bought a product or program, taken part in it at the time, and then not looked at the file again. This is a great time to go through all of those files and see what you can find. I discovered:

  • A few great templates and cheat sheets that I’d created several years ago that would be perfect for my current signature program.
  • Some wonderful golden nuggets of information from a product or program that I’d purchased that I’d simply forgotten about and are really relevant and helpful to what’s going on in my business today.

3. Refocus your business. Seeing what you’ve worked on this past year makes you ask yourself “do I want more of the same this coming year or am I ready for something different?” It’s a great way to do some business planning. What direction do you want to take your business this year? What new products or programs do you want to offer? Looking back over the past twelve months can be exactly what you need to do to plan for the coming twelve months.

4. Generate new ideas for products/programs/services. When you carry out the process above, especially points 2 and 3, you’ll find you come up with some great ideas for new offerings this year. Through doing this process myself I came up with two brand-new programs that I’ll be offering this year. And because I was excited about these programs I was able to sit down and map them both out easily. I’m not creating anything brand-new here, just simply repurposing what I already do and have, and delivering it in a new format.

My request to you:

Set aside an afternoon/evening or weekend to clear out your office files and cupboards. Also spend some time sorting out your PC files and folders too.

And let me know what this process turns up for you by sharing in the comments section below.