
5 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs


Successful entrepreneurs are rare because they don’t take their success for granted. They live by a set of rules and they know how to go beyond their comfort zone to create value in the market they are in. In short, they have habits that lead them towards success. They know how to replace their destructive habits with more constructive ones. In the following article we talk about some habits that every entrepreneur should seek to develop in order to find real success…

Habit #1: They Love What They Do

Entrepreneurs don’t run their businesses on money; they run them on passion. While money is important to them and they need it to grow their business, their passion drives them, not big financial gains. Their aim is to do what they love. If they create enough value in the market to get paid for it in the process, then all the better.

Nearly every entrepreneur who’s made it big started with an idea that they were really passionate about. They focused on things that they love to do, so in turn it rarely felt like working. They were able to dedicate themselves endlessly to their venture and eventually success followed.

Habit #2: They Know their Customers

Creating a real business that succeeds in the long run requires you to know your customers. It requires you to understand their needs and ensure that you give them the best solution. Entrepreneurs who regularly create profitable ventures spend a great deal of time knowing their customers.

They know exactly where the “gap” is in the market that they’re in. Focusing on those “gaps” allow for them to create products and services that sell. Ultimately, if you’re not delivering value to your target audience, your business cannot survive. And this is what successful entrepreneurs understand to the core.

Habit #3: They Pay Attention to Details

Entrepreneurs who have paved their own path knows that the Devil is in the details. They have this knack for paying real attention to details when it comes to solving problems and creating real-world solutions. This is what sets them apart from the pack and gives them their edge over the competition.

Boeing, which is one of the top leading aviation companies in the world today, has made it big because the entrepreneurial minds working behind the scenes have always paid attention to every minute detail – from the needs of the customers to plane’s engine. For instance, Boeing will regularly inspect their planes using videoscope’s to check that the plane’s engine are safe for passengers to fly in. The use of this type of tool can also cut costs by reducing inspection times go down (which leads into the next habit).

Habit #4: They Work Smarter Not Harder

It is a known fact that working hard is the key to success, be it any field. There’s nobody who will deny that. But what if your hard work is focused in the wrong direction? What if you could get ten times more returns from the same amount of hard work?

Top entrepreneurs always seem to find new and effective ways to work smarter, not harder. They know exactly how to take smart steps when it comes to making business decisions. For example, a good entrepreneur understands the value of delegation. Finding someone trustworthy to handle non-critical decisions will save them enough time that they can invest in creating better business strategies.

Habit #5: They Take Calculated Risks

Taking risks is a big part of the success in the business world, but not just any risks. An intelligent entrepreneur takes calculated risks so that they know what they are getting into. They do not play a blind game, but rather focus on taking risks that will help them get a good return on their investment without putting everything on the line.

This does not mean an entrepreneur cannot fail or will not experience loss. They obviously will, but a successful entrepreneur will use these failures to adjust their strategies even more so that they’ll be able to get better returns the next time they invest. Their failures often teach more valuable lessons than their successes.

The more you focus on developing the above habits, the stronger your entrepreneurial efforts will be. It will take some time before you start seeing success if you’re starting out, but understand that persistence is one quality that you will need in abundance to make it big. Period. 

Article contributed by Jenna Smith

Human Resource

Why Certain Companies are at the Top


When employees feel comfortable and appreciated, they will work tirelessly for their company. It will encourage them to keep pressing forward and to help the company get ahead of its competitors. A truly successful company understands that if they can’t get brand loyalty from their own employees, then they can’t expect it from consumers. Happy employees will defend the company against competitors both on and off the clock. Not because you tell them to do it, because they truly support and believe in your brand.

Comfortable Working Environment

The idea of bland cubicles has been left long ago. Employees today want to know that they aren’t just a number. That they mean more than a grey cubical under fluorescent lights. Create a comfortable working environment. Create an open office to reflect the open line of communication between you and your employees. Make sure they understand that you are there to help them with whatever comes their way. Get comfortable couches for the break room, buy lunch for the entire office at least once a week. All of these things are little changes that make a big impact. It will set you apart from your competitors and make your employees happier.

Showing Appreciation of Employees

Now that they understand you don’t see them as number or replaceable figures, find different ways to show employee appreciation. Things like free education, tuition reimbursement plans and free job training are a few ways to show that you appreciate their hard work and want to help them move forward.

Extra Incentives Produce Hard-Working Employees

Free gym memberships, lunches and game rooms have become a commonplace in many offices around the country. Why? This sort of relaxed environment lowers the stress levels of your employees and helps them have a clearer mind to focus on work. When working for a company is a privilege, not a drudgery, you know that you have set yourself apart from many of your competitors. When you treat your employees right, they’ll brag to their friends, word will spread and others will talk your company straight to the top.

Happy, loyal and successful employees are the reason that certain companies are on top. It doesn’t matter if you have the same technology and bigger players. If you don’t understand how to show appreciation to your employees, you will fail. You can pay them more than anyone else, but money will only go so far. Doing things like creating a comfortable working environment and giving extra programs and incentives are ways that will mean more than money in the long run. They’ll want to come to work each day. That’s when you know that your company is successful.

Article contributed by Jenna Smith