
The Official Merchant Account Providers’ List of Claims

Article Contributed by Andy Lax
In every industry, with fire in their bellies, pitchmen and women embellish claims, hoping to reel in buyers by using smoke and mirrors. Consider the cosmetics industry, for example. We incessantly hear about the latest miracle anti-aging cream, able to reduce lines and wrinkles by x percent in y time. Elasticity, firmness and skin radiance dramatically increase, and with the continued use of product, one’s face defies gravity even more than airplanes.
Too many times, sadly, the buyer reports that the given product did not live up to claims. There goes money out the window yet thousands continue to search the holy grail of cosmetics – for the right product, at times regardless of expense.
Even in my own beloved merchant account field, declarations are made to entice and galvanize merchant interest. Accuracy and honesty be damned – all in a concerted effort to close a sale. In the spirit of safeguarding consumer protection, the following lists some common merchant account claims that may truly be misleading and purposely so:
We will give you z amount of dollars if you find a better offer – Imagine calling this merchant account provider. You report, “Smith Merchant Account Associates gave me a list of fees that are lower than yours. Please forward payment.” You will then proceed to hear that Smith has hidden fees or is a fly-by-night.
There are too many merchant account providers for any company to proclaim that it has the best rates across the board. It’s better to perform your own due diligence and choose the company that you determine has the lowest fees.
I can almost guarantee that you will not get any money by one merchant account provider if you discover a better fee structure somewhere else. (How’s that for a claim?)
We accept 99% of applicants – This is highly unlikely in light of the fact that an underwriting team assesses each merchant’s application. One criterion that is used in determining whether an application is accepted is the merchant’s personal credit score. Too many business owners do not have the requisite scores to obtain an account. Other business owners may run enterprises that are on a prohibitive list, precluding them access to credit card processing capability.
Sign up with us and get the first month free – Upon closer examination, realize that your processing costs will not be free. Your monthly fee may likely be waived which may be construed as generous. Still, when you compare merchant account providers, look at the total projected costs for a year’s time to make a suitable determination.
We offer free credit card processing terminals – Any honest merchant account company should disclose the caveats associated with the “free terminal” program. When a prospective customer investigates purchasing our “free terminal,” I am quick to delineate the terms and conditions. It may be better to just purchase a terminal outright.
Our credit card rates are as low as – In the merchant account field, a merchant’s rates are dependent on the type of credit card that a customer offers. If a customer uses a check card, for example, the merchant account provider’s rates are lower than if a customer uses a standard Visa/MasterCard card. Such savings may be passed on to the merchant.
Therefore, a merchant account provider may disclose the lowest rate that the company charges. (We’ve even had to do this on our website as prospective clients need to know that we provide discounts for certain types of cards, too.) But it behooves the merchant account provider, in an ethical sense, to explain that the lowest rate is not across the board and the rates go higher for different types of cards and transactions.
Limited Time Offer – These three words have been used in every form of advertising, in every sector of business, since the Stone Age. Yes, merchant account providers may run intermittent special offers, but more times than not, such wording is just used to lure the “impulse buyer.”
Our company was voted best by … – What entity voted for you? What criteria did they use? I am not aware of any prominent organization that ranks merchant account providers. And if there was such an organization, do they really evaluate the hundreds, if not thousands, of existing providers? (I have seen several sites list the “best merchant account providers,” but my emails are not returned when I asked them to evaluate our company’s pricing.)
Use us because we’re a bank – Please note that all reputable merchant account providers work in concert with acquiring banks. Going directly with a bank may or may not prove advantageous.
If you open an account with us, we’ll give you … — Merchant account providers may provide you with any meaningless gift. I’ve seen several, for instance, that promise to register you with thousands of search engines. This is not necessary and will not help your site’s visibility. It’s just another marketing tool to make the prospective buyer think that he/she is gaining something for nothing
We get better rates from Visa/Mastercard – Merchant account providers who assert that their rates are better from the cardholding associations do so in an attempt to make merchants believe that they pass savings onto them. All providers deal with the same Interchange rate structure although some may have less “bin” or basis points that they have to apportion to their banks. The merchant account provider/acquiring bank relationship often has no bearing on the rates charged to the merchant.
Our bank is the largest one this side of the Mississippi – This can either be construed as a positive or a negative. Will the merchant receive exemplary customer support or will he/she be lost in the shuffle? How about the rates? Smaller providers may be hungrier for business, and may offer superior fees. Bigger doesn’t always mean better. (Where have I heard that before?)
Of course, there are a number of other tempting phrases that you’ll see emanating from merchant account companies’ websites. Remain vigilant, be an educated consumer, a smart shopper, and a wise soul. As my Grandma always says, “You can’t believe everything you read. (Of course, this truism does not apply to anything that I write.) She also says, “There’s no truth in advertising.” (My grandmother is very cynical, or “realistic,” as she puts it.) Let the buyer beware!

AndyLaxPhoto.jpgAndy Lax has worked in the credit card processing industry for over five years and is now an Account Manager at IntelliCollect, a merchant account provider that enables business owners to accept credit cards and electronic checks.

Home-Based Business

Why You Should Start a Home-Based Information Marketing Business Now

Article Contributed By Robert Skrob
After becoming burned-out as a business consultant who was maxed out on time, I determined that I would never significantly increase my income without taking on additional clients. This meant I had to hire more employees. Realizing that I had neither the time nor energy to make that happen, I looked to the business model many information marketers attribute to their success: Do the work once and get paid many times.
You see, info-marketers have the unique ability to sell products that create recurring income.
Unlike Traditional Businesses, Info-Marketing Business Can Run Without These Three Things:
1. Continuous manual labor
2. Constant interaction with customers
3. Employees – except possibly a virtual assistant
Here’s why.
Info-marketers put a lot of work into creating info-products such as DVDs, books, e-books, CDs, magazines, websites or teleseminars. They do a very good job at creating advertising and marketing programs to support sales. Then, they sit back and make continual profits from these products.
By creating additional similar or complimentary products and services, info-marketers are able to use their existing customer bases to generate more revenue. People who buy information products are much more likely to hire that person to perform additional services such as copywriting.
Quite simply, like other successful info-marketers, having your own published information product makes you the obvious expert. It shows the customer the complexity of the services and the special ability you have to perform them. The only possible conclusion for the buyer is that he should hire you when he needs help with his business or hobby.
What Happens When You Go From Consultant to Info-Marketer
Today, that formerly burned-out business consultant no longer exists. I am now the owner of a successful association management company that provides coaching, marketing, consulting and copywriting services to info-marketers. I am also the co-founder of the Information Marketing Society and author of Start Your Own Information Marketing Business, an easy-to-follow manual that offers steps to building a successful info-business from the ground up. The book features 12 experts in the field of info-marketing who are considered to be some of the most successful in the industry. The group’s compilation of tips is today’s go-to manual for newcomers in the industry who strive to start a successful and lucrative info-marketing business.
The book offers helpful advice such as how to diversify your info-marketing business, and how to turn info-products into money-generating tools that drive million-dollar home businesses.
The info-marketing business is so diverse there is literally something for everyone. Whatever your expertise is regardless of your age or education, if you can name a topic, there is a market for creating an information marketing business. Take action and start your own information marketing business.
Robert Skrob, President of the Information Marketing Association teaches burned-out business owners and consultants how to build 6 and 7 figure income information marketing businesses simply by creating products once and getting paid many times over. Now you can get his FREE Video revealing how 5 info-marketers easily created fast-selling products & how you can too. Get free access now at


BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 73

BIZNESS! Newsletter
Cover Story
The 3 Secrets Of Team Motivation
Do you want a highly motivated team who don’t take time off work, don’t keep looking for other jobs and make a positive contribution to your business? If the answer is “yes,” then there are three steps you need to take with each member of your team. Step 1 – Spend some quality time. I didn’t say “quantity time” I said “quality time.” One or two minutes of quality time on a regular basis are far more productive…..
Continued in BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 73 >>>
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– Fashion Provides Retail Theatre
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Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>
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Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>


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Success Attitude

Put Yourself on the Line!


Here is a strategy you can use to ensure you will achieve your goals. The secret is to put yourself on the line! In other words, putyourself in a situation where you have absolutely no choice but to achieve it.

When our brain is given a choice to do something or to put it off, we will always gravitate towards the easier path. But when we have no choice but to do something, we will always find a way!

Many successful individuals created the results they did because they simply had no choice. They put everything they had on the line.

At age 44, Leo Burnett started one of today’s largest advertising companies in the world. He started his business in the middle of the 1935 depression.

He borrowed against his life insurance policy, mortgaged his home and threw in every last dollar he had. Talk about putting yourself on the line.

He knew that he had no choice but to make it work. This ‘must’ drove him to build his tiny advertising agency into a worldwide business, grossing hundreds of millions in sales each year.

When Richard Branson (in pre Virgin Airlines days) was caught selling records meant for export in London, he was arrested and charged with fraud.

He was given a few months to pay a fine or risk being thrown in jail. Being almost broke, he knew that the only way he could make enough money to stay out of jail was to rapidly expand his business; which he did by opening more record stores.

It turned out that the need to keep himself out of jail was the urgent motivating force he needed to build the Virgin business at lightning speed!

It was this commitment that led him to go on to build the Virgin empire, which includes an airline company, and become one of Britain’s wealthiest businessmen.

Start Putting Yourself On the Line Right Now!

One way is to make a public declaration of your goals. Better still, get other people involved in the process of attaining your goals. Or make a small financial commitment so that it will hurt not to do it, and your brain will start taking you seriously.

When I tell people to do this, many chicken out and just do not dare make this level of commitment. It is clear that if you dare not commit yourself to it, then you were never serious about your success in the first place.

So, if you are really committed to achieve something significant, put yourself on the line!

Communication Skills

15 More Ways To Take The Stage And Sharpen Your Public Speaking Skills

Let’s set things straight. There is absolutely NO way you can learn how to swim or cook from just reading a book or attending a seminar unless you are a genius. Yes?
And there’s a reason why there are still a gazillion number of people who are not rich in spite of the number of books on how to get rich. Yes?
If you have realized by now, the fastest and most effective way in mastering a skill is by DOING it. As the saying goes:
“Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skills is knowing how to do it and virtue is doing it.”
But Eric, I don’t deliver presentations everyday! No worries, you can still clock stage time if you adopt this insider strategy practiced by many top leaders and speakers in our world.
And here’s the barring truth – champions never turn down stage time. So instead of harping on it, I shall share with you 15 more ways to take the stage and sharpen your public speaking skills. If you have other brilliant ideas, please share them with me under the comments section.
1. Volunteer to emcee at your company’s event or your child’s birthday party
2. Give a toast at your friend’s wedding
3. Ask a question at a conference (during the Q&A session)
4. Join a Toastmasters meeting (speak at the Table Topics segment)
5. Conduct a mini workshop for your friends on a topic that you are an expert on (say cooking)
6. Speak up at your department’s meeting
7. Volunteer to deliver a presentation on behalf of your team in school
8. Attend a business networking event – find opportunities to speak up
9. Say hello to strangers on the way to work or school
10. Volunteer to teach at a non-profit organization
11. Videotaped yourself delivering a speech and then get professional feedback
12. Search for speeches and scripts on youtube and then recreate them.
13. Do a stand up comedy gig (warning: not for the faint hearted)
14. Have a boys or girls night out and take the chance to share some of your juicy stories with them.
15. Attend a public speaking program!

EricFengPhoto.jpgEric Feng is the go-to guy if you want to learn how to impress your investors and customers through public speaking. For more tips and tactics that you can use immediately in your next presentation, visit The Public Speaking Blog.