How-To Guides

How to FINALLY Write Your Book!


If you’ve always wanted to be an author, you’re not alone! One recent study indicated that 80% of the population wants to write a book, but only 2% will ever actually do so! Why do so many aspiring writers fail to write their book? Most people don’t have the time or the know-how, and many simply don’t know where to begin.

Fortunately, there are numerous options available to would-be authors who want to publish their own book. You can hire a ghostwriter or work with a book-writing coach to help you get your book done. You can join a writing group, work with an accountability partner, or even enlist the help of a co-author.

If you choose to write your book on your own, here are some additional tips and tactics for finally getting your book written:

1. Begin with the end in mind.
Before you write a word, you’ve got to determine why you’re writing a book in the first place. Where will your book fit into your overall business model? Will you use your book as a lead-generator, to establish your expert status, or to promote your business? Decide what you want from your book so it can be written with your goals in mind!

2. Your title is (almost) everything.
The vast majority of book buyers purchase a book on the title alone! The importance of your book’s title cannot be overstated. Your title is crucial to the success of your book, so choose something memorable and compelling. In this case, you can judge a book by it’s cover!

3. Develop your outline.
If the thought of writing an entire book intimidates you, think of your book as several smaller articles (chapters) and chunk it down. Start by developing your outline or table of contents. Build and expand from there. You may find that you’ve already got existing materials that can be repurposed for your book. Have you done teleseminars or courses that can be converted to book content? Use what you’ve already got and you may be amazed at how quickly it comes together.

4. Get into your writing groove.
Some days the words just flow, other times you may hit a brick wall. The trick is to keep on writing. Just try to get the words down. You can always revise and edit later. Set daily or weekly writing goals. Try committing to writing one hour per day or shoot for 3,000 words per week. It’s easier to re-write than to write – so bang out that first draft quickly and edit later.

5. You’re done! Now what?
You’ve finally finished your manuscript. Now the real fun begins! How will you market, promote and distribute your book? Do you need an agent? Should you self-publish? While the publishing process could easily be a book in itself, here are a few options to consider:

Self-Publish vs. Traditional Publishing
If it’s your first book, it may be more realistic – and a lot faster – to self-publish. The Internet has opened up an enormous range of self-publishing opportunities and resources.

Agent vs. Solo
If you’re self-publishing, you really don’t need an agent. However, if you decide to pursue a mid-sized to large publisher, you will definitely want to enlist the help of a literary agent.

Finally, don’t confuse so-called “vanity” publishers with large publishing houses. Find a reputable self-publishing who has the ability to get your book distributed both online to and to the major retailers like Barnes & Noble.

LouBortonePhoto.jpgLou Bortone is an award-winning writer and video producer with over 20 years experience in marketing, branding and promotion. As an online video expert, Lou helps entrepreneurs create video for the web at In addition, Lou works as a freelance writer and professional ghostwriter, with a ghostwriting site at and a blog at

Planning & Management

Delegation vs. Abdication


Are you confused?

I was working with a member of my Business Mastery Advisory Board on some issues about her business and inconsistent attendance at her board meetings.

As we talked it became apparent to both of us that we did not know what success met to this individual.

Her conscious mind wanted more money. She associated having more money as a way of having to work less so she could spend more time with her daughter.

Her subconscious mind was telling her that the more you work the less time you will have to spend with your daughter.
So she would work really hard and build a book of business then drop out of sight for a while wonder how she got so busy. What we came to understand was that she had a hard time delegating because of some situations that occurred in her past so she felt she had to do everything herself.

As a result of this discussion we did two things that got her focused and clear. The first was to create a delegation process so she felt comfortable. Many people confuse delegation with abdication. Delegation is knowing the who, what, where, when, and why of the delegation process so there is no confusion. Abdication is delegation without follow through.

The second thing we did is help her prioritize what she needed to work on and what could be delegated. Two months after this discussion we talked and her stress level has dropped, her work load has dropped but she has more business.

The big benefit to her in being involved in the Business Mastery Advisory Board is that she had someone to hold her accountable. Through this accountability process she has made major changes in her life and business.

Online Business

Twitter Me This – Five New Twitter Tips and Tricks

Are you a Twitterholic or a Twitter newbie? Are you using Twhirl to update your Twitter tweets? Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the water or diving in head first, there’s no doubt that Twitter has become the latest darling of the social networking scene. Aside from the ability to post your own, brief, 140-character updates, Twitter offers a few fun surprises. By now you may be wondering how you can use this neat, little tool to connect and communicate with the rest of the online world. Well, here are five new ways you can use Twitter (and Twhirl) to maximize your connections and boost your business…
First, a quick heads-up on Twhirl ( Twhirl is a Twitter “client,” or desktop application, that makes Twitter even easier to use. Twhirl sits on your desktop and basically mirrors the Twitter interface, so you can post updates and monitor your friends’ posts without having to log-in to Twitter. Twhirl also gives you the option of replying to your friend’s “tweets,” or sending them a direct (private) message.
As for new ways to use Twitter, consider the following:
1. Your own personal search engine – You can use Twitter like a private search engine by asking your friends and followers to point you in the right direction.
2. Instant feedback – Twitter can also act as your own, personal focus group. Just post a quick question and use Twitter to solicit surveys, opinions or ideas.
3. Links in a blink – Use Twitter to link to your latest blog posts, sites of interest, etc. Twitter will even shorten the URL for you.
4. Continue conversations – As mentioned above, Twitter and Twhirl make it easy to communicate with your friends via their direct message and individual reply tools.
5. Instant Info – Use Twitter to sign up for updates or breaking news from your favorite websites such as (
LouBortonePhoto.jpgLou Bortone is an award-winning writer and video producer with over 20 years experience in marketing, branding and promotion. As an online video expert, Lou helps entrepreneurs create video for the web at In addition, Lou works as a freelance writer and professional ghostwriter, with a ghostwriting site at and a blog at

Success Attitude

Do You Have The Courage To Be Indiana Jones?


I’ve always loved the Indiana Jones movies. My all time favorite is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. When the lastest one came out – Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I raced to the movies with high hopes it would be great. After waiting almost 20 years since the last one, I left the movie with a smile. Watching Harrison Ford’s character brilliantly battle his way through seemingly impossible situations and triumphing over his adversaries is not only entertaining, I’m also inspired.

We see Harrison Ford appear as a bookish, mild mannered professor teaching archeology to University student and watch him transform into his Indiana Jones persona with his trademark clothing, hat and bullwhip. The hero of the story had appeared to save the day!
Here are some things Indiana Jones can teach us about courage:

1. Adapt and improvise. In each movie Indie seems to be caught in impossible situations and almost killed dozens on times. (Yes we know he’s the hero and meant to survive, or….maybe not????) Do we see him flinch in fear and resign himself to his doom? No way. His mind races for options and solutions as he improvises and adapts, signaling the invitation for his companions to join with him. His resilience and courage helps him to be victorious.

How often do you retreat and give up when things look bleak and seemingly impossible? Do you have the courage to say, “oh yeah – I don’t accept that” and invite your creative nature to kick in. Do you engage the support of others to be a part of innovative solutions?

2. Stand up and fight for what you believe in. With his trademark hat and bullwhip in hand, archeologist and adventurer Indie stands up to the German army, the Russians, and the Thuggee to defend and save the people he cares about and to protect precious artifacts from falling into the wrong hands. With a strong moral and ethical code, he is steadfast in staying true to his values and who he is despite the temptations and dangers.

How far would you go to protect and defend the people and things you value most? What would you be willing to overcome to champion yourself? What would you say no to or yes to in order to remain true to who you are?

3. Things are not always what they seem. One scene that consistently stands out in my mind that has left the most vivid impression is in my favorite – Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I’ve heard many people refer to the same scene because of it’s symbology and inspiration. Indie stands on the edge of the mountain looking across a crevice to the doorway to another mountain. He must cross to the other side to find the Holy Grail so that he can save Sean Connery’s life. He must take a leap of faith. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and puts one foot out into nothingness and a wooden plank appears beneath his feet so that he can cross to the other side safely. WOW. What a powerful metaphor!

Are you willing to take a leap of faith without knowing the outcome? Would you surrender and trust because everything inside you says, “Go for it! Do it,” even it if seems crazy?

How-To Guides

How To Improve Your Presentations

BusinessKnowHow: You’ve all heard the advice to get to know your audience, make eye contact, don’t say “um,” check your equipment, and similar public speaking techniques to make your presentations as powerful as they can be. These are great tips, and you’ll hear them over and over, but I’ve got some lesser-known suggestions for you today that will benefit you and your audience as much as more common advice.
Pointer 1: Take your medications
If your nervousness goes to your gut, by all means take your upset stomach medication. If you get tension headaches, head them off at the pass with your favorite pain reliever. Do what it takes to avoid the physical distractions that will disrupt your performance and keep you from doing your best.
Pointer 2: Start on time
Take charge of the room, take charge of your time, and make the decision to reward the people who are committed and punctual.
Pointer 3: Give the end of your sentences the same energy you give to the beginning of your sentences
This is a simple tool but an effective one. Some people’s voices trail off at the ends of sentences, making it hard to hear the last few words they’ve said. As a speaker, trailing off at the ends of sentences means that your audience might miss something important. Make sure you are emphasizing both ends of your sentences, and your audience will never miss a crucial point or valuable tip!
Three Surprising Tips to Improve Your Presentations [BusinessKnowHow]