Success Attitude

Creating a “Rough Day” Strategy


We all have those days that challenge us to stay centered, optimistic, productive and connected to ourselves. Perhaps the day seems to be going well and something happens that puts a damper on the entire day! Our attitudes can be affected by people and situations that cause us to have a “good or bad day.”

To help shift things into perspective, I encourage my clients to create a “rough day or rough moment” strategy.

Developing your strategy – what are the specific elements to consider?

Who and what are your attitude shifters? Make a list.

1. Connecting with people who lift your spirits. Getting together with specific friends, colleagues, family?

2. What brings you joy, peace, and makes you smile? Reading a great book, having a massage, watching a movie, watching Ellen DeGeneres, going out to lunch or dinner with friends…

3. What practices help you to decompress? Meditation, reading something inspirational, taking a walk in nature, soothing music, playing with your children or pet…?

4. Creating something? Writing, doing something artistic, building something

5. Being in service to another? Being generous with your time, energy,money….to help someone else?
The next time you find yourself having a one of those days or moments, I encourage you to feel whatever you’re feeling. Stay mindful of making your feelings more than they need to be so that you are not censoring yourself and stuffing them. Vent and release whatever you need to express without having it become the place “you

Next, tap into your rough day strategy. Using this tool invites you to expand your viewpoint by first shifting your attitude. From a wider lens of perception, decisions can be made to either feel good or bad based on how we choose to view the situation; problems can shift to opportunities and solutions, stress can be transformed into renewed energy…get the picture?

PS. Remember that you will receive benefit from a valuable tool ONLY if you use it!

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