Success Attitude

Using Treasure Mapping To Attract Your Vision


In the past I’ve created collages – visual pictures that can represent any idea, desire – anything. Now the most popular names are vision boards and treasure maps. In anticipation of creating my vision for 2008 I went over to Staples and picked up a large package of poster boards and bought glue. I sat for several hours with magazines and started cutting pictures, colors, words and phrases that really resonated with me. I even went online in search of some specific pictures and created words and phrases in Word so I could make my vision as complete as I could imagine.

My intention was to create a map of 2008 looking backward as if the year had already occurred. The result would be a celebration of the year that was my best year EVER!

Last Saturday I sat at my table with everything spread out and began bringing life to my treasure map. It was amazing to begin bringing what was in my heart onto the poster board and watching the picture take shape. My dreams and desires to have greater prosperity and inner peace, dramatically decreasing my debt, opening to receive more love in all areas of my life, committing to a healthier lifestyle and reducing weight, deepening my faith and trust with Source – all came alive as the picture took form. Five hours later it was complete.

I know I was Divinely guided in the Creation of the map because of how I felt as the picture came together.

To make the map even more powerfull and personal, I put my picture on the faces of others, added poems, special mementos, wrote in wordswith colored markers, and included international money to represent taking my business to a bigger global market.

The treasure map is incredible.

I have it hanging on my wall at the top of the stairs to my office a few feet away from my desk. Each time I look up (which is pretty often) I see the treasure map beckoning me. It inspires and motivates me.

In the creation of the treasure map I made a decision to receive the “good stuff”. I gave myself permission to say YES to my dreams and desires so that I could celebrate the accomplishment and receiving of what I want. (I wrote about letting yourself have outrageous success and personal happiness a few months ago. It was one of my most popular posts. Go read it)

AND I did one more that my dear friend Anita Pathik Law recommended. I wrote a Thank You Letter to Source (God, Higher Power, The Divine..) for all the miracles, blessings, gifts, challenges, and opportunities that I received in 2008. I spelled out what I was gratefull for in detail. I was surprised at the rush of emotion that came up as I wrote it. As I read the letter, dated 12/31/08, to Anita I was sobbing with joy and gratitude.

The creation of the Treasure Map and Thank You Letter was a humbling experience.

Click here to see my map

If you are inspired to do this for yourself, leaving me a comment would be appreciated!

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2 replies on “Using Treasure Mapping To Attract Your Vision”

I love the idea of calling this a treasure map. It was great to read your perspective of looking at the year as if it was already complete.
A group of friends & I did a vision board project last year, prior to doing a book study on The Dream Giver (by Bruce Wilkinson). It was very interesting to contemplate our visions, dreams, interests, and wishes for our lives. It turned out to be a bit vulnerable to do this in a group, but I think it strengthened our relationships and friendships also – we know we have each other’s support.
Sharing this vision board or treasure map with others, especially spouses, turned out to be a bit scary or intimidating for some. They didn’t want to be laughed at or put down when their dreams and goals were revealed.
This is an especially good project to put random thoughts into a tangible piece (the posterboard). It helps you to really see your goals. And, seeing is believing.
Have a great day!

Dear Kim
It’s amazing how projects like these can not only serve us individually as well as in a group process. I can appreciate the vulnerability and feeling that this project evokes by inviting folks to get real!
Posting my own map on my blog with this article was a bit comfortable and I had a momentary hesitation about people’s possible judgments before hitting the save button. For me it was a great creative experience and each day I look up to see the map and I am inspired to keep dreaming.
The idea of creating one with random thoughts is great. Thanks for sharing!
May you have a fabulous 2008!
PS. Invite you subscribe to my blog.

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