Finance & Capital

Buying Behavior in Marketing to Avoid Cash Flow Issues

Entrepreneurs tend to begin their business off of savings they worked to increase over a lifetime in a regular job. Sometimes things like bank loans, personal loans, and real payday loans are available to fund the business and the necessary marketing strategies one needs. At the beginning of any business things like merchant loans will not be available, so if personal or bank loans are also out of the running then you are left with real payday loan options. The following are some considerations you should make when it comes to marketing that could help you increase your business funds quickly and help pay back any payday loan or other loan you may have taken out.

In marketing there is something called buying behavior. A consumer has a certain type of behavior, as does a business. Most people who succeed in marketing will examine ways to entice a consumer to purchase the product. There are two ways to look at buying behavior.

You have B2C which is business to consumer buying behavior and then you have B2B or business to business. Under business to consumer you have a product you want the consumer to be aware of and buy from you. You should have a niche idea when it comes to marketing such as seeking out a target audience that is overlooked by other companies or a product that is not in existence yet i.e. an innovation.

The consumer needs to know that they need that product and it is your job to make sure that happens by offering a product they are currently interested in. You see this with mobile phone apps. There are literally hundreds of apps out there and some are drafted by entrepreneurs who are now finding their business a success.

In business to business the buying behavior can differ slightly because most businesses are looking to resell your products; therefore, they are looking for a deal that will help them make a profit. You have to be careful of making enough on the deal to make your costs worth it to, so while some stages are similar to business to consumer buying behavior there are also differences.

By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.