Starting Up

Startup Street Signs: How Starting a Business is like Learning to Drive #entrepreneurfail


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There are many similarities between learning to driving a car and becoming and entrepreneur.  Getting behind the wheel vs. Learning how to start a new company: both options can provide a ticket to ultimate freedom!

Here is our list of why entrepreneurship is like driving a car:

  1. It takes a while to learn, but once you get the hang of it, you can apply your skills to other cars (ventures).
  2. You have to learn all the signs and signals really well, and know how to act upon them in real-time.
  3. Keep refueling as necessary.
  4. You’re responsible for those coming along on the ride.
  5. Distractions are lethal. ‘Nuff said.

The good news is you don’t need a license to drive on startup street. So rev up your engines, check your mirrors, and GO! Don’t forget to stick your head out of the window to feel the cool breeze once in a while.

Let us know if you agree – is learning to start a company like learning to drive a car? Did we miss any analogies? Let us know in the comments below.