
Nonstop Networking #entrepreneurfail


New Webcomics series brought to you by #entrepreneurfail and Enjoy!

Running downtown to an event… Rolling to the conference center for a breakfast group. Popping in at an elite gathering… Entrepreneurs are constantly running from one corner of town to the other to try to cram in all their meetings into 24 hours.

What is the best way to grow your business, get feedback, as well as meet potential investors, partners, and customers? Network, network, network! is one of many sites that provide an array of groups to meet others with your interests, personal or professional. I’ve used it religiously, around the world, even before I was an entrepreneur. I’ve created my own groups, suggested other groups and dropped in on others!  But be forewarned, it’s easy to get sucked in! There is no shortage of exciting groups to join, so you may soon find yourself network-hopping and attending a handful of events every evening! This time-suck can be an #entrepreneurfail.

Focusing on the events where you can optimize your time, networking, and fun will lead to fostering the best relationships.

Are you a constant networker? Is it overwhelming or do you have it under control? Let us know in the comments below.

This comic and post were originally created by Kriti Vichare for #entrepreneurfail: Startup Success.