
Is Gamification A Fad?


For years, business owners have been implementing different methods and incentives to keep employees motivated to work hard and strive for success. While traditional rewards like Employee of the Month plaques, weekend travel opportunities, gift cards and cash certificates still hold weight when it comes to incentive initiatives, many businesses are capitalizing on modern technology for ways to keep employees inspired.

Gamification is one of the most popular technological incentives being used throughout the business world today. Consumer and employee gamification strategies combines gaming mechanics and game design techniques to engage and motivate employees and users to reach their goals, gamification cultivates healthy competition both in and outside of the office setting to ultimately achieve better results.

Benefits of Gamification In The Workplace

Not only has gamification proven to be effective when engaging employees, but it’s also an advantageous tool for motivating changes in behavior, developing skills, problem solving and more. Furthermore, when designed correctly, gamification has the ability to generate buzz about your brand, spread social proof of company improvements, and boost customer loyalty. Gamification isn’t a fad, it’s here to stay.

Prime Examples Of Gamification Success

Today, more than 50% of companies that manage an innovation process use gamification to initiate business breakthroughs like new products and services, cost reductions, efficiency improvements, new business models, new ventures and much more. Below are 5 prime examples businesses that use gamification to better the employee and customer experience.

  1. Verizon Insider uses gamification to improve customer loyalty and engagement. The nationwide cellular and wireless company employed gamification strategies in Verizon Insider, a community base where customers can access exclusive offers, participate first-hand in online and real-world events, and engage with other members of the Verizon community through written reviews, discussion panels and more. Giving customers a personal, interactive connection with the company is rewarding for users and amplifies brand recognition and customer loyalty.
  1. The Mindbloom app Proof is an excellent example of a gamification app that boosts motivation and tracks goals. Used by both small businesses and large enterprises, employee gamification techniques like Proof spark healthy competition amongst employees by prompting users to create week-long challenges and use phone or video proof to track their progress and eventual accomplishments of goals. Brands that use Proof can then offer rewards for completed challenges and even use the app to engage customers, too.
  1. Kaplan University uses gamification for educational achievement. The university uses solutions from Badgeville – a private technology company – to enrich its curriculum giving users an engagement incentive. For Kaplan, their gamification strategy incorporates challenges and badges to reward students for participating in the curriculum. After integrating gamification, the school saw grades improve, fail rates decrease, in better student behavior. Furthermore, Kaplan uses gamification to track and analyze results. This allows them to distinguish successful students from struggling students so they can utilize alternative gamification techniques to foster success across the student population.
  1. Exercise expert Jillian Michaels implements gamification to encourage, motivate, and track the success of clients. This gamification solution offers a variety of different challenges for participants to choose from, all which are designed to help users stay track with their fitness program. Participants can select specific challenges based on their lifestyle needs or personal goals and are rewarded with badges, prizes, contests, and even partner and group challenges.
  1. Thanks to gamification, the U.S. Army has adopted a whole new approach to recruitment. Though the Army is known for using games in training purposes, they’ve recently started using gamification as a strategy for promoting awareness and attracting new recruit. With tools like the “Virtual Army Experience” and others, the Army is using gamification to redefine their recruitment approach.

Author Bio

Annabelle Smyth is a freelance writer who covers everything from HR to technology and leadership skills. She enjoys learning more about how to make leaders & businesses successful.