How-To Guides

How to Protect Your Business From Crime

Thanks to the growing threat of hackers, businesses around the globe are investing more money into crime prevention than ever before.

To make sure that your business is best equipped to deal with both offline and online threats, we’ve put together a guide with five of the best approaches for protecting your company.

A Security System

Visible security systems are a proven crime deterrent. A recent study by the University of Carolina revealed that 60% of convicted burglars would think twice about targeting a home or business with a visible security system.

In another study of 422 convicted thieves, 83% of respondents revealed that they would carry out a reconnaissance mission to see if an alarm system was in place before trying to steal from a property.

Installing cameras that have a view of every entry point to your business is a great place to start. If your business isn’t in a well-lit location, consider installing motion-detector lights so that potential criminals are aware that they will be filmed.

Equipment such as the above can be expensive to repair or replace, so it’s also worth considering installing mesh camera and light guards. This will stop potential criminals from being able to damage any equipment by throwing rocks.

Invest in Cyber Security

While crime statistics can give you a good indication as to the physical risks of theft, cybercrime is an omnipresent threat that defies logic.

A recent report into cybercrime in the UK revealed that two-thirds of small businesses had suffered at the hands of online criminals.

Despite the growing online threat many business owners face, a CNBC/SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey in the US revealed that only 2% viewed cybercrime as a major threat to their business.

Hackers target businesses in a variety of different ways. Their most common goal is to retrieve the personal or credit card information of a company’s customers. More recently, hackers have turned their attention to blocking software in an attempt to retrieve ransom money.

If you want to protect your business online, here are some good starting points:

  • Install antivirus software on all of your company computers
  • Install firewalls
  • Upgrade your computer’s operating system
  • Install intrusion detection software
  • Backup all of your data regularly
  • Change passwords regularly
  • Restrict access to sensitive data
  • Hire a security expert

An Access Control System

You may not have realised, but access control systems are in place wherever you go in the US. Whether it’s a ticket barrier at a tube station or a metal detector at an airport, all systems are designed to ensure maximum safety.

In a business sense, most control systems come in the form of a pin entry design that enables access through a doorway. Keys are easy to duplicate and even easier to lose, so controls systems can enhance the security of a building.

Updates in technology have meant that fingerprint entry systems have rapidly gained popularity. Along with this technology, the systems also enable you to setup further authorization steps such as the scanning of a key card or the entry of a pin.

With such a system in place, it will be easy to determine who is entering your building 24-hours a day.

A Thorough Vetting Process

Verifying a potential employee’s employment history and carrying out reference checks will help to reduce the risk of internal theft.

Try to tag and audit expensive stock on a regular basis. This way, you’ll quickly be able to identify any discrepancies and act accordingly.

If you want to take things a step further, you could even consider securing expensive equipment, such as laptops and tablets, to a wall or office desk.

Anti-Ram Bollards

Businesses that keep cash or expensive items on their premises are at risk of suffering from a ram-raid robbery. This is where a thief crashes a vehicle into a store in an attempt to gain access to the premises.

One of the simplest solutions to stop this from happening is to install anti-ram raid bollards. It’s advisable to speak with your local council before installing them as you may need planning approval.

By following these tips, you’ll help ensure the safety of your business from potential hackers or thieves. When it comes to something as important as your company, it’s worth protecting yourself from possible threats.


By Ethan Theo

Abe WalkingBear Sanchez is an International Speaker / Trainer / Consultant on the subject of cash flow / sales enhancement and business knowledge organization and use. Founder and President of, WalkingBear has authored hundreds of business articles, has worked with numerous companies in a wide range of industries since 1982 and has spoken at many venues including the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.