Success Attitude

How to Find Inspiration When Your Business Seems Stuck


Article Contributed by Natalie Smith

Both entrepreneurs and experienced businesspeople alike will encounter times when business seems stagnant. Despite making all the right business decisions and the right moves, you arrive at a time when you can hardly find the inspiration to change things or the motivation to continue. To help you get through difficult times when your business seems stuck, this article will help you look in the right places for the strength you need to innovate, find solutions, and make difficult yet necessary decisions.


When your business seems stuck, hit the books. Although traditional degrees are undoubtedly worthwhile, modern businesspeople recognize that the evolving world requires a lifetime commitment to learning. You can find many ways to increase your knowledge. For example, book reading can enhance your imagination and creativity while introducing you to new ideas, new subjects, and new perspectives.
Look at learning as an investment in yourself. Set aside a monthly budget to pay for business books and journals, seminars and workshops, and online educational materials. When you integrate learning with your life, you develop the skills and ingenuity needed to reignite your business.

Writing can also help you learn. Write down new ideas every day and try your hand at crafting stories, poems, and letters. The stimulation your mind gets from writing can unlock passions that have long lain dormant. Other ways to develop creativity include playing games, learning a foreign language, developing a new skill, or taking an improv class. Even when you gain skills and knowledge that seem unrelated to your business, your renewed inspiration will breathe new life into every aspect of your daily routine.


What you need to get your business out of a rut is sometimes right before your very eyes: your brand. Branding is the key here, so play with new ideas that can freshen and invigorate your brand. A new image for your brand will create a recognizable identity that can jar your creativity and lift your malaise. Try using storytelling to give your brand a living history through compelling content. When you do this, create a buyer persona as your lead character and show how that person has come to realize the power and possibilities of your brand.

As you tweak your brand, give it a human touch. Focus on your customers and let them tell your story from their own perspective. With permission, you can post their success stories on your website, so others can learn the benefits of doing business with your company. As you develop stories for your brand, you will likely gain inspiration that can lift your business to the next level.


Changing the way you do things can give you a new perspective that can bring new life to your business. Try to think outside the box and brainstorm new ways to operate, as well as new things to do. For example, you can find intriguing ways to thank your customers that will forever embed your brand in their mind.

Pay attention to all the things you do, and then shake things up. If you habitually eat at the same restaurant or drive to work the same way, try doing things differently. Take the bus or take the backroads to get a change of scenery and sensation. Try packing your lunch or going out to a restaurant that serves a type of food you have never tried. Change your behavior by acting in unconventional ways or taking bold actions in public, such as walking backward or with your eyes closed. You can even try dressing differently or rearranging your office. When you stimulate your mind and body in new ways, you will find that you get fresh ideas that can jumpstart your business.


Your routine probably puts you in contact with the same core group of people, so take some initiative to connect with new and different people who can stimulate your mind and help you get a fresh perspective on your business and life. Surround yourself with intelligent, successful people with admirable qualities, and learn from their habits, experiences, and success stories.

If you have trouble meeting new people of sufficient caliber, ask a friend, co-worker, or associate to introduce you to people in their personal networks. Look forward to meeting people from different cultures, backgrounds, and schools of thought. Such people can infuse your life and business with energy.


If you burn out or don’t feel well, you will probably not get the inspiration you need. Stress, the silent killer, can affect your life, especially during periods when your business seems dead in the water. Rather than giving way to negative thoughts and anxiety, relax. Pay attention to your personal health habits, such as diet and exercise. If necessary, try some drastic measures to restore your peace of mind.

You can, for example, pull the plug on your Internet connections and turn off your phones, so you don’t have to deal with email, social media, text messages, and phone calls. You should also consider spending some time outdoors, enjoying nature. Some people find they can blow off steam by taking part in sports, yoga, family activities or hobbies. Regardless of how you do it, get some quiet time that can give you a chance to reconnect with your inner self.


When your business seems stuck, your mind often shares the same state. Although you should never stop improving yourself or your business, you should also not pressure yourself. Instead, find ways to boost your creativity, broaden your scope, and develop a constructive mindset. When you take those actions, you will have the optimism and the energy needed to get your business and life back on track.

About the Author

Natalie Smith, a freelance writer from Seattle, ardently follows topics related to entrepreneurship, small businesses, social media, and customer service. For more information, reach her @Natalie Smith