Work Life

Getting The Balance

Inspired Business Growth: In my experience, too little work-life balance can actually put you out of business, especially if you are a solopreneur. It doesn’t mean you can’t work hard; there are times when you have to put in extra hours in a business – just like sometimes you have to take extra family time, or extra me time to keep sanity in check.
So how do you fit little balancing acts into a busy workday, or keep your head on straight when you are in the midst of a huge project? Well, since I’m rather desperately in need of these tips right now (in the middle of a huge project!!), I figured I would share my research with you.
Set up a “busy schedule” and stick to it
You probably have a normal daily routine, and it all gets out of whack when things get busy at work. But work can suck you in, and you can justify far too many hours in the name of growth. So set up a routine for “busy days” – perhaps you work 2-4 extra hours, and stick to that schedule, working nothing beyond it.
Schedule down time
Schedule things like “break”, “coffee”, or even “video games” into your calendar just like you would a conference call. Protect and honor your downtime with just as much care, too.
Squeeze in walks
Whether you park further away from the office or store, or you work from home, try to squeeze in short walks (I’ve started walking my kids to school regularly). Not only does it force you to reconnect with yourself, but it also gives you some exercise which will improve your concentration when you are working.
Ask for help
Sometimes so hard for an entrepreneur to do, but so necessary if you ever plan on growing your business long-term.
20 Work-Life Balance Tips for the Overworked Entrepreneur [Inspired Business Growth]