Success Attitude

Are You Having A Love/Hate Relationship With Your Self?

If you were asked these questions:

What do you love about yourself?

What makes you fabulous, wonderfull, and lovable?

What do you value most about yourself?

What would you answer?

You might automatically answer things like: your accomplishments, personal successes, things you do for others…. Many people identify more with what they do rather than who they are. Those are great answers and I invite you to look who you are in addition to identifying with what you do!

So, what would you answer?

If you have some difficulty answering, you are not alone.

Lack or low self love affects your finances, health, relationships, business, well-being, and connection to God. Without self-love you are cut off from the full flow of wealth and all forms of abundance that enriches your life.

It’s not your fault.

Suffering caused by a lack of self-love is a dis-ease humanity has cultivated for generations. You have been impacted by your family, cultural conditioning and past experiences.

If you have been on an inner journey to heal and transform yourself, you may still find yourself struggling to release those beliefs and patterns that are still running your life. And no doubt you are feeling frustrated and wonder what the heck it will take to be liberated from the grip and pain your mind creates, right?

You cannot USE your mind to CHANGE your mind.

Some patterns are so deep that it can take quite some time to completely dismantle them with God’s help. You must be willing to listen to your guidance and keep going without quitting five minutes before the miracle might happen. Your soul knows the way to bring you “home”. You gotta trust your Self and be committed to your liberation.

That’s the journey I have been on for almost three decades. I have faced and felt self- judgments, unforgiveness, feelings of unworthiness, fears, doubts,  guilt and anger I harbored towards myself for choices I made, things I did or didn’t do…. I sure was not loving me!

The truth was that pain and fears  closed my heart and cut me off from truly giving and receiving love. I was starving for meaningfull connections with others, my Self and most importantly, with God.

I am happier with myself and my life is rich and abundant.

Is love, abundance, and peace what you long for?

Is connection to the Divine what your heart is yearning for?

Love is the way…and it begins with you..inside

Do you resonate with what I have been saying?

 Ready to fall in deeper love with your Self?

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