Success Attitude

Problems… The Ultimate The Key to Wealth And Success!

Do you have problems in your life right now?

If you are a living, breathing, human being, I would bet the answer is ‘yes’. This is because every single person on this planet has problems all the time. You are not alone!

However, do you allow your problems to stop you from achieving your goals or do you allow your problems to challenge you into becoming a stronger & wiser person? Do you allow your problems to cause you stress and unhappiness or do you allow your problems to ignite your fighting spirit?

If Only I Had No Problems

Many people who come to my courses tell me that ‘problems’ are the main cause of their unhappiness, stress and failure. They wish that by learning my strategies, they can rid their life of all their problems once and for all.

You Will Always Have Problems

I normally respond by telling them the harsh truth. They will always be problems in your life. Whenever you solve your problems, you can bet that another three more will pop up! The only time you will have no more problems is when you are lying in the graveyard… 6 feet under.

In fact, being more successful doesn’t rid you of your problems… it actually creates more! The more successful you become, the more and the bigger problems you will have to deal with. Successful people have a lot more problems that mediocre people. That is because the former tend to take more action.

For example, when my company was small and I was just a one-man trainer in Singapore, I had very few problems. Now that my company (Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group) has over a hundred staff and is operating in 7 countries, training over 90,000+ people a year, I have much bigger problems to solve.

Everyday, my management team and I are solving problems- problems in Singapore, problems in India, problems in China, problems in developing new breakthrough programs, problems in managing 100+ staff, problems with managing more programs, more business partners, and more trainers etc…

We Need Problems…They Make Us Grow Smarter and Stronger

Many of us may not like problems. We all wish that everything can go the way we expect, smoothly.
However, the truth is that we NEED problems. Problems are what challenge our minds and spirit. Problems force us to think of new ideas. Problems force us to grow as a person- to develop courage, resolve, determination and gratitude. Problems teach us the most valuable lessons and make us into better people.

If everything came easily, we tend to get complacent, weak and ungrateful. We will keep doing the same things, staying in our comfort zone and stop learning and growing.

Successful People Are Bigger Than Their Problems, Mediocre People Are Smaller Than Their Problems

What I have realizes is that successful people tend to be BIGGER than their problems whereas mediocre people tend to be SMALLER than their problems.

Imagine that you have a level-5 problem and you are a person with level-3 capabilities. To you, it would be a relatively big problem, wouldn’t it? It would cause you stress and unhappiness. However, if you grew yourself to become a level-8 person (with more knowledge and skills), the same problem will seem relatively small. If you grew yourself to become a level-12 person, it may not seem like a problem anymore.

So, the key to becoming more and more successful is NOT to AVOID PROBLEMS. The key to success is to KEEP GROWING YOURSELF to become BIGGER than your problems, and to become bigger than any problem! For example, when I first started as an inexperienced trainer, I would find rowdy and resistant people in my audience to be a huge problem. As a result of constantly learning new ways of managing my thoughts, learning new persuasion techniques and becoming more and more confident and charismatic, it is no longer a problem to me. I am able to easily handle and turn around resistant people in my audience!

When I first started my business, I found that it was a huge problem to market my products and programmes to the public. Although I had high quality programmes, it was very difficult to attract people to sign up. After 10 years of dealing with these problems, I have developed the marketing, branding and selling skills such that it is now so easy to attract thousands of people to attend my best-selling programmes.

It Is Not The Size Of Your Problems… It Is The Size Of Your Capabilities!

So, if you find that you have huge problems in your life, realize that it is not the size of the problem that is the problem…The real issue is the level of your own capabilities and mindset. It is the size of you! When you start to increase your skills, knowledge and capabilities, your problems will start to become small in comparison.

Whenever I find that a problem that causes me stress, it tells me that I need to grow myself so that I can deal with it. In other words, ‘Don’t wish for things to get better, make yourself better!’

If You Want to Be Rich… Find And Solve Bigger Problems For More People

Problems are also the source of wealth.

People often ask me the secret of creating wealth, My answer usually is, ‘find lots of problems and solve them’. They usually look at me with a blank stare. Let me explain.

When do customers pay us? Why do companies pay us (if we are working as a employee?) They pay us only because we can help them to solve their problems to reach their goals. The bigger the problems we can solve for people, the more we get paid! Your income is a result of the amount of problems you can solve.

Think of why a heart surgeon gets paid so much more money than a massage therapist, for example. A message therapist solves a small problem- helping people to relieve their aches and pains. A heart surgeon solves a much bigger problem- he/she helps save people’s life by repairing their hearts.

Why does a company CEO get paid 1,000 times more than a janitor? Once again, it is because the CEO has the ability to solve problems 1,000 times larger than what the janitor can solve. If the company is losing customers and market share, a good CEO will be able to turn the company around and solve this big problem. Can a janitor solve such a big problem? No! The janitor can only solve small problems- when someone spills something on the floor and it needs to be cleaned.

So, instead of asking, ‘how can I get rich?’, you should ask, ‘how can I help more people solve their problems? By focusing on helping more people solve their problems, wealth will come to you as a natural by-product!

When I first started in my career, I created wealth by helping students solve their problems of failing in school. I taught them strategies to make learning easy and fun and to get self-motivated to excel.

Then, I asked the question, ‘How can I help even MORE PEOPLE?’ That question inspired me to write 12 books to teach more and more people all over the world. That question inspired me to create BLOGs (like this one) to encourage more and more people around the world. That question inspired me to create a whole range of programmes- Wealth Academy, Patterns Of Excellence, I Am Gifted etc… to help people solve their problems from all walks of life and ages.

The more and more people I was able to help, the more wealthy I have become- not just financially wealthy, but spiritually wealthy as well.

So, stop avoid problems, Embrace your problems, find more problems and solve them!

Sales & Marketing

Resultse21 3 Keys to Enjoying Summer AND Growing Your Biz

Who says you can’t do it at all?

Now that summer is here, the lure of playing hokey is warring with the responsibility of getting something done in your business.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way? What if you could do it ALL — make money, grow your business AND have time to play?

Here are 3 keys to having your cake and eating it t/o:

1. Plan your time off.

Now I’m sure you already have your vacations blocked off, but what about afternoons off? Long weekends? Go ahead and plan those as well and get them on the calendar (because you know if you don’t plan your time off it’s not going to happen). Plus if you have time blocked off in your calendar then you can relax and focus during work time because you know you have your “play” dates already accounted for.

Not sure how much time off to block off? Well, there are a couple of things you can do. Do you have a big launch coming up this summer? You may not be able to take as much time off as you’d like, but schedule what you can and see what happens. Have you decided you’re going to “coast” this summer? Then definitely block off more time.

Or just ask your gut. How much time is your gut telling you to take off? That might be the easiest and more reliable way to figure it out.

2. Plan to WORK on your work days.

No screwing around here. You have your time off planned, so on the days where you’re scheduled to get things done, get things done. Because if you don’t, you’re going to be tempted to not take your time off, which means you’ve in effect “lied” to yourself, the Universe, etc. And how much time off are you really going to end up with if the message you’re sending is you’re not honoring your time off?

3. Change up your energy if you’re really feeling stuck or sluggish.

I get it. Just because the calendar says you must work doesn’t mean you’ll actually feel like working. So what do you do on those days where you find that pure willpower isn’t enough?

On those days take a break. Go for a walk. Visit a Starbucks. Blast a song on your iPod and dance around the house. Go outside and lay in the sun for 10 minutes.

The best thing you can do is move your energy around, either by exercising or a change of location or both. It doesn’t have to last long — even 10 minutes is enough. Just do SOMETHING. Chances are when you sit back down you’ll be able to focus on your work.

Above all, keep in mind why you have a business in the first place. Yes there will be times you have to put in long hours but you also need to balance that with time off. Chances are you didn’t start a business so you could work all the time but so you could work when you CHOSE to. Summer is a great time to remind yourself you have the power to arrange your work schedule to suit yourself, your family and your life.


BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 138

BIZNESS! Newsletter


Cover Story

Calorie Counting Wine Glass

The Calorie Counting Wine Glass, measures wine in easy 2 ounce increments while allowing you to see the correlated calories. This glass offers a guideline for people who enjoy drinking wine but would also like to regulate their intake, whether it is for weight loss or general health. The wine glass offers an easy measurement solution based on the typical glass of red or white wine…

Continued in BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 138 >>>


Top Stories From

– Airtime Video Chats
– Artist + Whiteboard
– Dynamic Balcony
– Paper Virtual Sketchpad
– Cross Stitch Kit For iPhone

Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>


Top Stories From

– How Successful People Start Their Days
– 3 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Sales
– Can Being in Sales Be A True Spiritual Approach to Business and Life?
– How to Build Targeted Traffic Without Google

Continue reading these top stories in the BIZNESS! Newsletter >>>



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People & Relationships

8 Ways to Become a Better Co-worker

Contributed by: Online Business Degree

You might be the most diligent and hardest working person in the office, but if your co-workers don’t know you or don’t really like you, then you’re going to have problems down the road. One tactless comment or annoying habit can ruin your work relationships and lessen your chances of moving up in a company. Even if you’re already a kind, respectful co-worker, there’s always room to grow and improve. Here are eight ways to become a better, more well-rounded co-worker.

1. Be cheerful and positive:

If you want to be a better co-worker, start with being more cheerful and positive during the day. Don’t be like most of your colleagues and walk straight to your desk, head down, not saying a word. Why not be the one to boost the office morale with your kindness and positive attitude? It’s amazing what a smile and a cheery “hello” can do to a quiet office. Try it and you’ll see how well people respond to your spunky, happy-go-lucky vibe.

2. Stop gossiping:

Gossip doesn’t belong in the workplace. Period. Nothing good will come of talking about someone else’s private affairs, and if word gets back to your boss or HR that you were engaging in gossip, then you could end up in a real mess. Respect your co-workers and don’t talk behind their backs. It’s an easy fix that will make you a better and more trustworthy co-worker.

3. Be a good listener and think before you speak:

It might seem like a no-brainer to listen when spoken to, but it’s something we can all work on. When a co-worker approaches your desk, don’t just look at your computer while they speak, stop what you’re doing, make good eye contact, and listen closely. In addition, when a co-worker says something you don’t agree with, don’t just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. Your comment could be just as offensive as the first and that won’t make you look any better. Think before you speak and you’ll be A-OK with your co-workers.

4. Be polite:

Politeness may not come naturally for you, especially at 8 a.m., but that’s no reason not to work on it. From holding the door for a co-worker to saying a simple “please” and “thank you,” politeness goes a long way. It may not earn you a salary raise or promotion, but people will notice and appreciate your good manners and that can make you more likeable overall.

5. Respect everyone’s privacy:

One thing that drives co-workers crazy is when someone butts into a conversation and pries for personal information. Nosiness can be a hard personality trait to break, but avoiding the issue will only make your likeability worse. If you want to become a better co-worker, respect your colleagues’ privacy and don’t pry for information if they don’t want to tell you. This one ties back to being polite and knowing good manners, especially during conversations.

6. Be open-minded:

Being open-minded to others’ views can be a struggle for many people, but it’s something that, when improved, can make a huge difference in your job. Whether it’s your co-workers’ ideas for a project or their religion, you should strive to be as objective and open-minded as possible. You’ll be a better team player for it and everyone can respect that.

7. Don’t abuse privileges:

If you’re lucky enough to work at a place that allows hour-long lunches, free gym memberships, or work-from-home days, make sure you’re not abusing these awesome privileges. Out of respect for your company and co-workers, keep your privilege use to a minimum and keep it under the radar. Don’t take long, unnecessary breaks or flaunt when you get to come late or leave early. Stay on par with your co-workers and use your privileges sparingly, and people will respect you and your professionalism.

8. Stop complaining:

Nobody likes a non-stop complainer. We all have ailments, relationship problems, and life crises, but that doesn’t mean you have to talk about it at work. That’s what shrinks are for. You may have a legitimate complaint that merits venting, but don’t forget that you have to work at work and a 30-minute bitchfest is a waste of valuable time. Be a better co-worker by saving your gripes for lunchtime or after work and try to get back to your positive self as quickly as possible.

Finance & Capital

All About Cash Mobs

Article Contributed by Kristen Bradley

Almost everyone has heard of flash mobs. Large groups of people gather in a public space and perform a dance routine or participate in some other form of celebration for seemingly no reason other than to attract attention. Cash mobs, however, are a slightly newer trend. Like flash mobs, they involve the gathering of a crowd in a public place. However, unlike in a flash mob, these people are there for a very specific and dedicated reason. The ultimate goal of a flash mob is to support a local business by buying items from a certain local business in order to stimulate the local economy.

History of Cash Mobs

According to Public Radio International, the man responsible for inventing this concept is named Chris Smith. Smith is an engineer from Buffalo, New York and organized the first ever event of this kind at a local wine shop in Buffalo in August of 2011. More than one hundred people showed up to the event to purchase wine and support the business. Another group from Cleveland, Ohio also claims the title of inventor for this type of event. It organized a mob in which over 40 people shopped at a local bookstore. Over the last year, the “rules” by which these events are organized have circulated in various blogs.

How the Event is Organized

Generally, the organizers of these events use blogs and social media websites to announce the event and attract potential participants. The people are instructed to show up between certain hours and make a purchase at the store that is getting promoted. Sometimes more than one business is mobbed during the event. There are usually after parties for participants who attended the cash mob so members of the community can meet one another and plan future cash mob events. Some cash mobs have a minimum suggested purchase price, but generally participants are told to spend what they can afford. It is commonly suggested that they think of gifts to purchase for loved ones, or buy themselves an item that they would not usually think of purchasing.

This type of event does several things for the business. First, it helps it make a profit from the purchases during the mob. Second, it helps establish clients who may return to make new purchases and recommend the store to their friends. Third, it gets the business media attention since oftentimes; these events are announced in local papers and online.

Cash mobs are a new and exciting way to promote local business and stimulate the local economy. One does not have to spend all that much to get involved, and the events are generally a fun experience. Those who want to learn more should explore the websites and blogs dedicated to these mob events. A good time is waiting right around the corner.

About the Author
Kristen Bradley is a principal for, leading promotions and marketing portal that allows users to find cash mobs near them while also learning about the phenomenon. Through her educational outreach, Kristen strives to help small businesses achieve financial success.